perm filename GIVEN[AM,DBL] blob sn#177113 filedate 1975-09-12 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00018 00002	.DEVICE XGP
C00020 00004	.EVERY FOOTING(7{DATE}, Knowledge for Math Theory Formation, page   GIVEN  .  {PAGE})
C00027 00007	5Parts of each archetypical BEING* (one whose name is the name of a BEING part)
C00029 00009	5 Parts of Object BEINGs *
C00033 00011	5Parts of Relation BEINGs*
C00035 00013	5Parts of Static Meta BEINGs*
C00038 00015	5Parts of Active Meta BEINGs*
C00041 00017	5↓_Awkward Beings: Those which don't fit in_↓*
C00043 00018	3↓_SECTION 2:  THE ACTUAL INFO._↓* for each part of each BEING
C00044 00019	3ANY BEING*    Knowledge which is not environmental, yet is common to all.
C00047 00020	3ARCHETYPE*   BEINGs whose names are also part names. Strategies for part completion.
C00051 00022	2CHANGES*		Is this rele. to producing the desired change in the world?
C00053 00023	2FINAL*		What situations is this β rele. to bringing about?
C00055 00024	2PAST*		Where is this used frequently, to advantage?
C00058 00025	2IDEN* {not}{quick}  	  {fast} tests to see if this β is {not} currently referred to
C00060 00026	2ALTER GROUPING*
C00062 00027	2GENERALIZATIONS*	What is this a special case of? How to make this more general.
C00065 00028	2SPECIALIZATIONS*	Special cases of this? What new properties exist only there?
C00068 00029	2BOUNDARY*		What marks the limits of this concept? Why exactly there?
C00072 00030	2DOMAIN/RANGE*  Set of (what one can apply it to, what kind of thing one gets)
C00076 00031	2ORDERING*(Complete)	What order should the parts be concentrated on (default)
C00079 00032	2WORTH* A vector of statistics which are monitored for user, environment, other β.
C00082 00033	2INTEREST*	What special factors make β's interesting?
C00085 00034	2JUSTIFICATION*  Why should one believe this? Formal/intu reasons. Efforts.
C00087 00035	2OPERATIONS*		Associated with β. What can one do to it, what happens then?
C00090 00036	2ACT GROUPING*
C00092 00037	2CHANGE subgrouping of parts*
C00093 00038	2BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS*{not}  Ops which patch {mews}up not-bdy-entities {bdy-entities}
C00095 00039	2FILLIN*  How to initially fill it in, when and how to augment what is there already.
C00097 00040	2STRUCTURE*		Whether, When, How to retructure (or split) this part.
C00099 00041	2ALGORITHMS*		How to compute (for a relation, some 4doable* entity).
C00102 00042	2INTERPRET* subgrouping of parts
C00103 00043	2CHECK*		How to examine and test out what is already there.
C00105 00044	2REPRESENTATION*		How should entities of this type be represented internally?
C00108 00045	2VIEWS* How to view any β as a type of α. (e.g., a relation viewed as an object)
C00110 00046	2INFO GROUPING*
C00111 00047	2DEFINITION*		Several alternative formal definitions of this concept.
C00114 00048	2INTU*	Analogic interp., ties to simpler objects, to reality. Opaque.
C00117 00049	2TIES* 	Alterns. Parents/offspring. Analogies. Associated thms, conjecs, axioms, specific β's.
C00120 00050	2EXAMPLES* {not} {bdy}	Includes trivial, typical, and advanced cases of each type.
C00125 00051	2CONTENTS*     What is the value stored here, the actual contents of this entity.
C00127 00052	3OBJECT*  Static holders of information.
C00129 00053	2ORDERED PAIR*
C00135 00054	2VARIABLE*
C00140 00055	2PROPOSITIONAL CONSTANT*  Basic concept of simple true and false values.
C00143 00056	2STRUCTURE*
C00147 00057	2HIST*
C00150 00058	2LIST*
C00158 00059	2OSET*   An ordered set a list with no repetitions of elements.
C00164 00060	2BAG*
C00171 00061	2SET*
C00180 00062	2ASSERTION*
C00182 00063	2AXIOM*
C00183 00064	3ACTIVE*  Active Knowledge BEINGs operations, relations, and properites.
C00191 00065	2OPERATION*    A way to transform members from one concept into another.
C00199 00066	2COMPOSITION*    Apply an operation to the result of a previous operation.
C00206 00067	2INSERTION*    Add new elements to a structure.
C00210 00068	2DELETION*  Removal of an element from a structure.
C00214 00069	2CONVERT-STRUC*    View the type x structure as a type y structure.
C00217 00070	2SUBSTITUTE*      Replace one occurrence of x by y in S.
C00224 00071	2ASSIGN*
C00227 00072	2MAPSTRUC* Replace each member of a structure by the result of applying an Active to it.
C00232 00073	2REVERSE ORDERED PAIR*   
C00236 00074	2RULE OF INFERENCE*      Combine true statements into new, true ones.
C00243 00075	2DISJUNCTION*
C00247 00076	2CONJUNCTION*
C00251 00077	2NEGATION*   This is a crucial process, which must be very knowledgable.
C00255 00078	2IMPLICATION*
C00261 00079	2UNITE*	Join two structures together.
C00265 00080	2UNION*   Join two sets together.
C00268 00081	2CROSS-PRODUCT*   Join two sets together into a set of ordered pairs.
C00273 00082	2COMMON-PARTS*   Find each x which is substruc. of 2 given strucs.
C00277 00083	2INTERSECTION*    Find the common part of two given sets.
C00280 00084	2SETDIFFERENCE*
C00284 00085	2PUT-IN-ORDER*   Arrange elements into some desired sequence.
C00289 00086	2RELATION*    A conection between an ordered pair of BEINGs.
C00296 00088	2EQUALITY*
C00300 00089	2MEMBERSHIP*   What structure(s) does a certain object belong to?
C00304 00090	2CONTAINMENT*  What int/existing struct(s) is the given one a substruc of?
C00311 00091	2EQUIVALENCE*
C00324 00092	2SCOPE*       Binding variables analysis of bound vs. free.
C00333 00094	2UNIVERSAL QUANTIFICATION*   For all "var" in "set", "statement" holds.
C00336 00095	2EXISTENTIAL QUANTIFICATION*   There exists...
C00339 00096	2UNIVERSALLY NEGATIVE QUANTIFICATION*   Never...       For no...
C00341 00097	2EXISTENTIALLY NEGATIVE QUANTIFICATION*    Not for all...  For some x, not...
C00343 00098	2NEITHER NEVER NOR ALWAYS*    For some, but not for all...
C00345 00099	2PROPERTY*  A predicate, a condition which an entity might satisfy or not.
C00351 00100	2ORDERED*   Are a structure's elements in proper precedence sequence?
C00358 00101	2CLOSURE*   Generate a substructure from a core, using an operation.
C00366 00102	2EXTREME*   Within a given example of a β, what are the subconcepts specifying its extremities.
C00374 00103	2ACTIVE.OPERATIONS*  Properties, e.g. inverse, compose, repeat, function,...
C00378 00104	3STATIC META BEINGs*  Higher-level constructions.
C00385 00105	2STATEMENT*   An expression of some thought.
C00389 00106	2CONJECTURE*
C00401 00109	2THEOREM*
C00407 00110	2PROOF*
C00419 00112	2CONTRADICTION*    Notice that this might be tied into the environment (belief)
C00424 00113	2BUG*    The only other type of known error, except for Contradiction.
C00428 00114	2ANALOGY*
C00434 00115	2MESSAGE*    A structured communication (BEING↔BEING or user↔BEING)
C00438 00116	2ASSUMPTION*
C00448 00118	2FOUNDATION*   
C00452 00119	2BASIS*   
C00455 00120	2FORMAL SYSTEM*
C00456 00121	3ACTIVE META BEINGs* Actions which affect BEINGS
C00459 00122	2FIND*    Search for a member of a space satisfying some desired criteria.
C00466 00123	2SELECT*   Choose one thing from among an explicit collection.
C00473 00124	2GUESS*  Creatively produce a new conjecture, perhaps answering a given query
C00478 00125	2ELLIPSIS*   And so on ... extrapolate infer from examples.
C00485 00126	2ANALOGIZE*  Creatively produce a new analogy.
C00492 00127	2CONSERVATION*  Inertia frame problem invariance compressability.
C00497 00128	2EXAMINE*  prior to attemping pf. or disproof which is more likely?
C00498 00129	2TEST*    Settle a claim.   Prove or disprove a conjecture.
C00502 00130	2ASSUME*
C00504 00131	2DEFINE*   Actually, this is an elaboration of DEFINITION.FILLIN.
C00508 00132	2PROVE*    Formally establish a statement as a valid true fact.
C00514 00133	2LOGICALLY DEDUCE*  Natural deduction.
C00519 00134	2PROVE DIRECTLY*
C00524 00135	2CASES*    Wealky partition the possible situations and prove separately for each class.
C00533 00136	2BACKWARD CHAINING*    Produce a direct proof, but by working backward from the goal.
C00537 00137	2PROVE INDIRECTLY*  Assume the conjec. is false, and derive a contradiction.
C00541 00138	2PROVE ∀'s*   Establishing universal conjectures, statements of generality.
C00554 00140	2PROVE EXISTENCE*    Establishing existential conjectures, statements of existence.
C00559 00141	2CONSTRUCTIVELY PROVE EXISTENCE*   Build up an example to prove one exists.
C00565 00142	2NONCONSTRUCTIVELY DEDUCE EXISTENCE*  Prove that some such entity, though unknown, 4must* exist.
C00570 00143	2DISPROVE*    Establish definitively that conjecture x is false, invalid.
C00574 00144	2CONSTRUCTIVELY DISPROVE*    Directly establish the falsity.
C00575 00145	2INDIRECTLY DISPROVE*   Generally nonconstructive.
C00576 00146	2DEBUG*    Correct, eliminate a bug.
C00580 00147	2COMMUNICATE*    Create, translate, and analyze messages.
C00583 00148	2COMMUNIC. with USER"¬
C00584 00149	2TRANSLATE  English into Beings*
C00585 00150	2TRANSLATE  Beings into English*
C00586 00151	2USER*   Model of the human user.
C00587 00152	2COMMUNIC. with other BEINGs*
C00588 00153	2RELATION META BEINGs* Active meta-Beings which are relations more than operations.
C00591 00154	2ISOMORPHISM*  Equivalence of a pair of mathematical theories .
C00594 00155	2CATEGORICITY*  Uniqueness of any set of axioms for a math theory with a given basis.
C00598 00156	3ENVIRONMENT*   Model of system functions.
C00599 00157	2BELIEF*
C00600 00158	2INTERESTINGNESS*  7Notice this differs from the archetypical part-name Interest.*
C00601 00159	2CONTROL*
C00603 ENDMK

.FONT 1 "BDR25"
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.FONT 4  "BDI25"
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.TURN ON "↑↓_π{"
.TURN ON "⊗" FOR "%"
.TURN ON "@" FOR "%"



⊗4A  System  which  can  develop  mathematical  concepts  intuitively⊗*

⊗5Doug  Lenat⊗*

Assisted by   Avra  Cohn

C. Green,  Adviser

Stanford University
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

This collection of initial knowledge accompanies the THIRD SKETCH of the system

⊗4↓_Not for distribution_↓⊗*

.EVERY FOOTING(⊗7{DATE}, Knowledge for Math Theory Formation, page   GIVEN  .  {PAGE})

.AT "⊗2" A "*" ⊂   BEGIN
.TURN ON "{∞→"   
⊗7         A* ∞.→ {PAGE}
.TURN OFF "{∞→"   
.END ⊃

.AT "⊗3" A "*" ⊂   BEGIN
.TURN ON "{∞→"   
⊗5A* ∞.→ {PAGE}
.TURN OFF "{∞→"   
.END ⊃

  ⊗5and parts present for each family.⊗*

All the parts, with no comments after them

 IDEN {not}{quick}


		CHANGE subgrouping of parts
		INTERPRET subgrouping of parts

 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

 CHANGES		Is this rele. to producing the desired change in the world?
 FINAL  		What situations is this β rele. to bringing about?
 PAST			Where is this used frequently, to advantage?
 IDEN {not}{quick}	{fast} tests to see if this β is {not} currently referred to

 GENERALIZATIONS	What is this a special case of? How to make this more general.
 SPECIALIZATIONS	Special cases of this? What new properties exist only there?
 BOUNDARY		What marks the limits of this concept? Why exactly there?
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not} Set of (what one can{'t} apply it to, what kind of thing one {never} gets)
 ORDERING(Complete)	What order should the parts be concentrated on (default)
 WORTH	Aesthetic, efficency, complexity, ubiquity, certainty, analogic utility, survival basis
 INTEREST		What special factors make this type of BEING interesting?
 JUSTIFICATION   Why believe this? For/intu. For thms and conjecs. What has been tried?
 OPERATIONS		Associated with β. What can one do to it, what happens then?

CHANGE subgrouping of parts
 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}  Ops rele. to patching {messing}up not-bdy-entities {bdy-entities}
 FILLIN  How to initially fill it in, when and how to augment what is there already.
 STRUCTURE 		Whether, When, How to retructure (or split) this part.
 ALGORITHMS		How to compute this function. Related to Repr.
INTERPRET subgrouping of parts
 CHECK   		How to examine and test out what is already there.
 REPRESENTATION		How should entities of this type be represented internally?
 VIEWS	How to view as an operator, function, relation, property, corres., set of tuples.

 DEFINITION		Several alternative formal definitions of this concept.
 INTU		Analogic interp., ties to simpler objects, to reality. Opaque.
 TIES   	Alterns. Parents/offspring. Analogies. Associated thms, conjecs, axioms, specific β's.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}	Includes trivial, typical, and advanced cases of each type.
 CONTENTS       What is the value stored here, the actual contents of this entity.
⊗5Parts of each archetypical BEING⊗* (one whose name is the name of a BEING part)

 IDEN {not}{quick}



Primitive Containers ⊗*
 Ordered pair
 Propositional constants

 Hist			A list which also recalls all past insertions and deletions.
 List			As in LISP, built out of ordered pairs.
 Oset			A list with all repetitions of elements disallowed.
 Bag			A structure with no order, but repetitions are distinct.
 Set			No order, and no distinct repetitions allowed.

 Axioms			True facts which neither have nor need any formal justif.
⊗5 Parts of Object BEINGs ⊗*

 IDEN {not}{quick}


		INTERPRET subgrouping of parts

 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

⊗5Archetypical BEINGs associated with Object BEINGs⊗*

Each BEING, indeed each part of each BEING, may point to a special archetypical BEING.
Write B.q.p for part p of the archetypical BEING associated with part q of BEING B.
To save space, to reduce the number of BEINGs which appear in this document, such
information would appear as a new line, labelled p, following the description of
part q of BEING B. For example, just below the description of the Contents of a Set
is a line labelled FILLIN, which explains how to fill in the Contents of a Set.

⊗5Operation⊗*		Transform a given argument into a new entity.

 Convert-Struc		Transform a structure from one type to another.
 Mapstruc		Replace each member of struc by result of applying given op.
 Reverse Ordered Pair
 Rule of Inference


	universal:  For all
	existential: There exists
	universally negative: Never
	existentially negative: Not always
	neither never nor always: For some but not for all


	Active.Operations		Properties of Active BEINGs.

⊗7NOTE: In actuality, "Relation", "Property", "Operation" are not ACTIVE in any real
sense; they are static meta-entities. For outlining purposes, however, we retain them here.⊗*
⊗5Parts of Relation BEINGs⊗*

 IDEN {not}{quick}


		CHANGE subgrouping of parts
		INTERPRET subgrouping of parts

 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}


  Statement of Generality
  Statement of Existence


⊗5Justifiable⊗* but probably unjustified

⊗5Fully justified⊗*

  Mathematical Theory
  Formal System
⊗5Parts of Static Meta BEINGs⊗*

 IDEN {not}{quick}


		CHANGE subgrouping of parts
		INTERPRET subgrouping of parts

 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}


⊗5Inference⊗*			Problems to find
 Find				search a space for a suitable element
 Select				choose the best element from given alternatives
 Guess				formulate a new conjecture
 Ellipsis			infer from examples; and so on; ...
 Conservation			including invariance
 Examine			prior to attemping pf. or disproof; which is more likely?

⊗5Test⊗*			Problems to prove
   Logically deduce
	Prove directly
		Backward chaining
	Prove indirectly
	Prove statements of generality
		Mathematical Induction
	Prove statements of existence
		Constructively prove existence
		Nonconstructively prove existence
	Constructively disprove
	Indirectly disprove

 With the user
	Translation of English
	Translation into English
	User model
 With other BEINGs

⊗5Relation Meta BEINGs⊗*	Active Meta-β's which are more relations than ops.
⊗5Parts of Active Meta BEINGs⊗*

 IDEN {not}{quick}


		CHANGE subgrouping of parts
		INTERPRET subgrouping of parts

 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}


⊗7These are probably not going to be BEINGs, but if they are, then here are...⊗*

⊗5Parts of Environmental model BEINGs⊗*

 IDEN {not}{quick}



 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

⊗5↓_Awkward Beings: Those which don't fit in_↓⊗*

These concepts should probably be made into β's or parts-names:
	Approximate, Estimate
	Level of Detail; Abstraction
	The flow of time: ordering of events
	Probability: analogy to geno- and pheno- types in biology (appearance vs internal)
			one type is Mathematical probability: expected frequency of a
				certain outcome of a repeatable event
			one type is Credibility of a single fact whose truth is not yet known
			one type is empirical: the observed frequency of a certain outcome
		Statistics: We rely on the belief that a sample is in fact representative,
				that third type approaches first type approximately.
				Mean, median, mode, standard deviation, distributions.
		The intuition must include rules for adding mutually excluseive probs,
			for multiplying independent probs
		To invert: given P(x) and some details about x, fill in the other details.
			Any alg for this must yield a consistent x, efficiently.
		Uncertainty (Heisenberg) in the world leads to breakdown of absolute prediction.
			Randomness. Entropy, dissipation of energy.
⊗3↓_SECTION 2:  THE ACTUAL INFO._↓⊗* for each part of each BEING


⊗3ANY BEING⊗*    Knowledge which is not environmental, yet is common to all.

 IDEN {not}{quick}   Quick +: mentioned by name. Exact match to definition.
	Standard +: Compare current desire to the resons created, when, intu, etc.
	Standard -: Examine β's close to this one to ensure that this is ⊗4precisely⊗* what is needed.

 ORDERING(Complete)   {(If a new definition entry has just been created, and it is
	not tied to any particular intuition, then the factor in favor of working on
	the intuition part next is .95),
		(if there are no examples, look for them, .6),
		(if a similar new β has just been created, try to find a tie to this one, .6),
		(try to find specific specializations (.3), generalizations (.2),
	routine ties (.2), and sophisticated ties (.3)),
		(boundary elucidation, .1)
		(ties: if no ana. and no work ever was done on getting anas., then do so, .6)}


 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

⊗3ARCHETYPE⊗*   BEINGs whose names are also part names. Strategies for part completion.

⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗* How to know when some part β must be dealt with.
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗* How to deal with the β-part of any BEING α.
 FILLIN   Often, if α is a modified A, then α.β is a similarly-modified version of A.β.
	If α is similar to A, with difference D between them, then often α.β will be
	similar to A.β, with difference 0 or D or ≤D or (rarely) D'.

⊗5INFO GROUPING⊗*    Information about part β, available to all.
 DEFINITION   Each part name references a body of straegies for dealing with parts of that type.
 TIES  Up: BEING in general.


⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*  How to recognize when the relevant task is to determine rele.
 CHANGES  {(rele. part  goes: unknown to known, .80, .04, intu: piece = rele. part)}
 FINAL 	{(the rele. gp. is Recog), .99, .03, intu: puz. piece wanted is in Recog packet)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*  How to deal with the RECOG group of parts of a BEING named β.
 FILLIN   If one subpart is sparsely enough used, then delete it.
	Look at similar β's, try to explicate crucial difference in recognition.
	If there is some crucial diff. that always exists wrt. this one, enter in CHANGES/FINAL.
	If only vague correlations, enter them in in PAST component.
 STRUCTURE  Never split. Might restructure if heavily used and very many entries.
	Arrange the subparts in decreasing order of (the freq. of usage) * (cost to use)
 CHECK    Ensure that this β is really distinct from all the rest.

 INTU  Several puzzle pieces are needed; β is a packet of pieces; RECOG says when to try them all.
 TIES  Up: Archtype BEING.  Down: Changes, Final, Past, Iden BEINGs.

⊗2CHANGES⊗*		Is this rele. to producing the desired change in the world?

⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*  How to recognize when the relevant part to work on is Changes.
 FINAL 	{(the rele. part is Changes), .99, .03, intu: puzzle piece turns out to be Changes)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*  How to deal with the CHANGES part of a BEING named β.
 FILLIN  The first few times β is succ. used, carefully monitor ⊗4all⊗* changes. 
	Comb through, each time β is reused, updating probs. for each listed change.
	Elim. any entry if its prob. is low and it can't be justified quickly.
	Watch especially for Changes mentioned in BEINGs listed in Ties part of β.
 STRUCTURE  Partition based on types of changes, on prob., and/or on centrality to β.
 CHECK   Each change should be rare overall compared to its prob. 
	No prob. should be < 5%. 
	Any change with prob. < 30% should be justifiable (intui. and/or formal).
 REPRESENTATION  (change in world, centrality, probability, justification)*

 DEFINITION  The change component reflects a difference in the world which β is rele. to.
 TIES  Up: Recog. grouping.

⊗2FINAL⊗*		What situations is this β rele. to bringing about?

⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*  How to recognize when the relevant part to work on is Final.
 FINAL 	{(the rele. part is Final), .99, .03, intu: puzzle piece turns out to be Final)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*  How to deal with the FINAL part of a BEING named β.
 FILLIN  The first few times β is succ. used, carefully monitor ⊗4all⊗* products.
	Comb through, each time β is reused, updating probs. for each listed statement.
	Elim. any entry if its prob. is low and it can't be justified quickly.
	Watch especially for Final products mentioned in BEINGs listed in β.Ties.
 STRUCTURE  Partition based on types of products, on prob., and/or on centrality to β.
 CHECK   Each final outcome should be rare overall compared to its prob. 
	No prob. should be < 5%. 
	Any entry with prob. < 30% should be justifiable (intui. and/or formal).
 REPRESENTATION  (future feature or byproduct, centrality, probability, justification)*

 DEFINITION  The Final product component reflects a feature true in the near future,rele. to β.
 TIES  Up: Recog. grouping.

⊗2PAST⊗*		Where is this used frequently, to advantage?

⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*  How to recognize when the relevant part to work on is Past.
 FINAL 	{(the rele. part is Past), .99, .03, intu: puzzle piece turns out to be Past)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*  How to deal with the PAST part of a BEING named β.
 FILLIN  The first few times β is succ. used [fails], 
	extract all int. features of initial sit.
	For each, give it a positive weight and put it into the PAST list iff β succeeds;
		a negative weight iff β fails; if mixed results, keep the factor but
		give it a near-zero weight -- if it recurs mixed, eliminate it eventually.
	When reused, update probs. Remove freak entries. 
	Watch especially for features mentioned in Past part of BEINGs listed in β.Ties.
 STRUCTURE  Partition based on types of features, on prob., and/or on centrality to β.
 CHECK   Each situation feature should be rare overall compared to its prob. 
	No prob. should be < 4%. 
	Any entry with prob. < 20% should be justifiable (intui. and/or formal).
 REPRESENTATION  (current feature of world, centrality, probability, justification)*

 DEFINITION  This component makes predictions based on past trends; inference of β's uses.
 INTU  If it worked once, it'll work again in a similar situation. Treatment as black box.
 TIES  Up: Recog. grouping. 

⊗2IDEN⊗* {not}{quick}  	  {fast} tests to see if this β is {not} currently referred to

⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*  How to recognize when the relevant part to work on is Iden.
 FINAL 	{(the rele. part is Iden), .99, .03, intu: puzzle piece turns out to be Iden)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*  How to deal with the IDEN part of a BEING named β.
 FILLIN  Initially, with low priority, ask the user how he means to refer to β.
	Find ana. β, map over its name. Find sim. β, summarize diff., apply to name.
	Whenever β is found relevant, ensure that it and its variations are included.
	Imp. to distinguish phrases for β from those for all the BEINGs in β.Ties.
	For -: check similarly-referred-to β's, find diffs. in referencing, make explicit.
 STRUCTURE  Partition based on syn, variat.,freq. of referral, user-name, centrality.
 CHECK   Each phrase should be rare overall compared to its prob. 
	No prob. should be < 20%. 
	Any entry with prob. < 50% should be justifiable (intui. and/or formal).
 REPRESENTATION  (phrase or word, centrality, probability, justification)*

 DEFINITION   Phrase is English referral to β, esp. by User.
 TIES  Up: Recog. grouping. 


⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*  How to recognize when β must alter itself or discuss altering.
 CHANGES  {(β overall changed, .80, .70, intu: piece = rele. part)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*  How to deal with the ALTER group of parts of a BEING named β.
 STRUCTURE  Might restructure if heavily used and very many entries. Split if high int.

 INTU  World sit. is a jigsaw puzzle. These parts are tools to reshape the pieces to fit.
 TIES  Up: Arch. β. Down: Genl., Spec., Bdy., Dom/Ran, Ordr., Worth, Justif., Ops.

⊗2GENERALIZATIONS⊗*	What is this a special case of? How to make this more general.

⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*  How to know when to generalize β, and how to do it.
 CHANGES {(β satisfies ←P(x) instead of ←P(a), .80, closeness of $P to defn. and intu
	parts of β, intu: for change: β.intu itself; for prob: resonance/impedance matching)}
 FINAL  {(Two given concepts are now united in one more general one, .40, .50,
	intu: the supersets of the two concepts are equal, containing their union)}
 PAST  {(the class of entities β encompasses is too small to be int., .95, .90, NIL)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*  How to deal with the Generalizations part of a BEING β.
 FILLIN  If β is a specialized form of some α, recast the change from β's point of view.
	(Defn, widen, pick any subpart and replace it by a generalization, medium, NIL)
		special case: replace a constant by a variable
	(Defn, widen, entirely remove one constraint among subparts, medium/low, NIL)
	Interesting: when the new boundary (e.g., d/r) is more interesting itself.
 STRUCTURE   Split off interesting genl.s as new BEINGs, keep other ones here. 
 CHECK    Everything in β.example should fit inside each genl. 
	∀genl., some bdy. ex. in β.ex. should no longer be on its boundary.
 REPRESENTATION  (part, change, (how)* , worth, (ptr. to result)* )*

 DEFINITION  A concept x is a genl. of y if x contains all y's plus some other things.
 INTU  β delimits a set of entities. A generalization delimits a proper superset.
	Weaken the concept so as to be able to have it encompass more.
 TIES   Up: Alter grouping.   Opposite: Specializations.  Affects: Boundary

⊗2SPECIALIZATIONS⊗*	Special cases of this? What new properties exist only there?

⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*  How to know when to specialize β, and how to do it.
 CHANGES {(β satisfies ←P(a) instead of ←P(x), .60, closeness of $P to defn. and intu
	parts of β, intu: for change: β.intu itself; for prob: resonance/impedance matching)}
 FINAL  {(∃ int. new BEING  related to β  about which new props. may be true, .80, .90,
	intu: when throwing stuff out of the β "set", choose to leave an int. core)}
 PAST  {(the class of entities β encompasses is too large to be int., .95, .90, NIL)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*  How to deal with the Specializations part of a BEING β.
 FILLIN  If β is a generalized form of some α, recast the change from β's point of view.
	(Defn, narrow, pick any subpart and replace it by int. spec. or ex., medium, NIL)
		special case: replace a variable some well-chosen constant
	(Defn, narrow, add a new constraint among subparts, medi5m/low, NIL)
	If β falls into the category of A∨B∨C∨..., find out which case this one is.
 STRUCTURE   Split off interesting spec.s as new BEINGs, keep other ones here. 
 CHECK  ∀genl., something in β.ex (esp. bdy. ex.) should no longer fit inside it.
	∀genl., some non-bdy. ex. in β.ex. should now be on its boundary.
 REPRESENTATION  (part, change, (how, worth, (ptr. to result)* )* )*

 DEFINITION  A concept x is a spec. of y if x contains some but (usually) not all y's.
	An interesting situation arizes when additional constraints are applied but
	the concept surpisingly does not narrow at all.
 INTU  β delimits a set of entities. A specialization delimits a proper subset.
	Strengthen the concept so it will have more power, though encompass less.
 TIES   Up: Alter grouping.   Opposite: Specializations.  Affects: Boundary

⊗2BOUNDARY⊗*		What marks the limits of this concept? Why exactly there?

⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*  When is the Boundary part the relevant one?
 CHANGES {(β's satisfaction of P switches not quite ↔ just barely, .85, .40, intu:
	shifting the boundary of β slightly)}
 FINAL  {(β can now (not) satisfy P by calling Genl(Spec), .80, .50, intu: shift set bdy.),
	(access to the extreme case of β, .80, .55, intu: locate the bdy; op)}
 PAST  {(the class of entities β encompasses is not quite right to be int, .95, .90, NIL)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*  How to deal with the Boundary part of a BEING β.
 FILLIN  Perturb each part briefly, notice whether defn/intu still satisfied. If not,
	add: (part, perturbation, {(defn, subpart violated), (intu, opaque)}). If the
	defn/intu ⊗4are⊗* still satisfied, this might be a new theorem.
	Always look into the fixup if the extended part now includes some new int. things.
	Empirically: what do the limits seem to be? THis might lead to conjecture about the bdy.
	Intuitively: what do the limits seem to be? THis might lead to conjecture about the bdy.
	Formally: can we prove that the boundary is x? contains x? is in x?
	Try to reconcile all these opinions by paying them against each other:
		For example, if a formal result is unintuitive, find an example empirically.
		Especially: if all but one of these views agree, try to find the problem there.
	In doing all this, collect hints, algorithms, etc. for finding the boundary
	of a BEING like the given one. These may go into its Boundary.Algorithms part.
 STRUCTURE   ∃ Very diff. thms about diff. subclasses, many int., then split that way.
 CHECK  Each change component should be a relatively minor change in itself overall.
        All together, the bdy. should utilize every scrap of the defn.
 REPRESENTATION  (part, change, (violation: part, how, temporary/permanent, fixup)* )*

 DEFINITION  Circumstances in which slight perturbations shift entities in/out of β.
 INTU  β delimits a set of entities. The Boundary demarcates that set's boundary.
 TIES   Up: Alter grouping. 

⊗2DOMAIN/RANGE⊗*  Set of (what one can apply it to, what kind of thing one gets)

⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*  When is the Dom/Ran part the relevant one?
 CHANGES {(Way of viewing what this reln. can be applied to and what kinds of things
	are produced, .70, .50, intu: the dimensionality of the d+r stays constant)}
 FINAL  {(β can be applied to a/ β can yield b, .80, .20, intu: any way to do it.)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*  How to deal with the Domain/Range part of a BEING β.
 FILLIN  Initially include (full domain, full range, ptrs. to thms. in β.Ties).
	The definition and boundary parts should provide the crossproduct C ⊃ β.
	If C = (⊗5X⊗* a b  c d ...), choose some dividing point; the head is dom, the tail is ran.
	If highly motivated, the ordering of C may be violated (explosive!!).
	Once the dom/ran are fixed, decide how (active,set) each is itself to be viewed.
	Another way: vary the variables in the defn. until each's bdy. is determined.
	Also: if there are many nice examples, guess the domain and range from them.
	If the Active is of vast int, or if this same d or r recurs often, name d and r.

 STRUCTURE   If some entry in CONTENTS of β is more int. than β, let it be a new BEING.
 CHECK  Examine these ex. eles. of each subdomain, viewed as a set: int, bdy, trivial.
	β should apply to each; actually compute the value and store in β.ex.
	∀subrange, can each ele. actually be reached? 
	If too large, try bdy. exs., ensure you can get to disting. eles. of subrange.
	If there is no BEING for what you can trim the range to, consider making it one.
	For each sdom, find its image in the srange. For each srange, find its preimage in the sdom.
 REPRESENTATION  (subdom. descr., image descr., (ptr. to special property)* )*

 DEFINITION  Viewing the reln. as over A x B, A is the domain and B the range of β.
 INTU  View as activity. Can pick any ele. of Domain to work on, will produce ele. in Ran.
	The simpler the ⊗4kind⊗* of dom., the more struc. the range must have.
 TIES   Up: Alter grouping.    Assoc: Boundary

⊗2ORDERING⊗*(Complete)	What order should the parts be concentrated on (default)

 CHANGES  {(rele. part to deal with next, .95, .80, intu: itself)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 FILLIN  Initially, leave blank and let default take over.
	If you notice that repeatedly part x is dealt with, fails, then y is
	considered, it succeeds, then x succeeds:  then include (x,y...). If there
	is a contradiction, include special situation factors to distinguish them.
 STRUCTURE   Keep in sorted in one of the many orderings.  Split only when sit.
	factors are very big and time-consuming, but partition nicely into sit. classes.
 CHECK  Use topl. sorting. If no linear ordering exists, ensure that contra. entries
	can never be satisfied by the same sit. (disjoint satisfaction sets).
 REPRESENTATION  (part-name, numerical function)*
	The function can apply to parts of the BEING itself, usually the part named
	by part-name. It returns a rough estimate of how valuzable it would be to work
	on part-name as the next part of this BEING which is COMPLETED.
	Notice this implicitly specifies an ordering on all the parts of this BEING.

 DEFINITION  When several parts must be dealt with, which ones are illegal to try next.
 INTU  Link to next step; linked list; treasure hunt.  Anti-links: anything next except...
 TIES  Up: Alter grouping.

⊗2WORTH⊗* A vector of statistics which are monitored for user, environment, other β.

 FINAL  {(β should die now, .30, .10, intu: simply one of the measures)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 FILLIN   A specific algorithm must be provided here for each component, both for
	initially filling it in and for updating it. The initialization of a part
	may be from info. present then (which led to its birth), or simply a default value.
	Updating functions may be opaque. Perhaps the environment should handle this.
	In general: the ⊗4diff.⊗* betw. this and another int. β may be int. in itself.
		Look around at the worth componenets of similar and ana. BEINGs.
	The diff. betw. β and sim. B. is evaluated and is the diff. in their values, for some component.
	Average such estimates over all available similar BEINGs (weight according to similarity).
	The aesthetic worth is probably some exponential function of interest and economy.
	Analogic utility: how detailed is the intu? how rich and varied and powerful?
 STRUCTURE  If the Worth of any one part of any β is >> the β, then make a new β for it.
 CHECK    An efficient, opaque algorithm exists here for each component.
 REPRESENTATION (aesthetic worth, overall interest, time efficency, space tied up,
	complexity, ubiquity, percentage of success, type of justification,
	analogic usefulness, basis for survival/death)   ←←notice, no asterisk
	Perhaps also: how valuable are its analogues? its consequences? its uses?
	How efficient is its representation? 
	Combine the results of Worth evaluations on all the parts, into some average.

 DEFINITION  Several measures of the performance and character of β.
 INTU     <the same as the defn, actually>
 TIES  Up: Alter grouping.

⊗2INTEREST⊗*	What special factors make β's interesting?

 FINAL  {(β's interest rating is current, .80, .98, intu: receinving the latest data)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 WORTH   Extremely high.

 FILLIN   A specific algorithm must be provided here. The reasoning justifying the
	creation shoould provide some entries here; check for duplication with more
	general BEINGs' INTEREST parts. If some entry here is a "compiled" form
	of a more general interest-factor, that should be noted. Try to do such
	preporcessing on each seemingly relevant general interest factor.
	If this β is like α(x,y) when x=y, then the interest is extreme: 
		high if the intuition says it is meaningful/useful, low otherwise.
	Updating function may be opaque. Perhaps the environment should handle this.
 STRUCTURE	Never split. May reorder to speed up average usage time.
 CHECK    An efficient, opaque algorithm exists here. The later results must agree
	with the predictions of the Interest part.
 REPRESENTATION  (feature, interest weight, origin of this entry and justification)*

 DEFINITION  Features specialized to β's which indicate how interesting instances are.
 INTU   See intuition for interest in general. Also: compiling more general rules.
 TIES  Up: Alter grouping.  Side: Worth (interest component)

⊗2JUSTIFICATION⊗*  Why should one believe this? Formal/intu reasons. Efforts.

 FINAL  {(Explicit understanding of how well supported β is, .99, .90, intu: examine)
	(Explicit knowledge whether x has yet been tried to esablish β, .90, .99, examine)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 FILLIN  Whenever anything is tried, record it and evaluate how formal/certain it is.
	Initially, some justif. must have been present to nudge BEING creation.
	Intu: If a formal proof is found, translate its parts into intus.
	Formal: Consider the formal defns. of the entities used in intu. proof. If
	a step is small but not quite trivial, use some blind deductive mechanism.
 STRUCTURE  Separate absolutely certain, formal demonstrations from others.
 CHECK   Whatever type of reason it is must do the checking.  The intu. justif. must
	be satisfying as a justif. and as intu.  The formal justif. must be valid.
 REPRESENTATION  (reason, reliability)*    Reason can include what has been tried so far.

 DEFINITION   Reasons in support of β.
 INTU   Pillars physically supporting β. Some are much weaker than others, some could take whole wt.
 TIES  Up: Alter grouping.

⊗2OPERATIONS⊗*		Associated with β. What can one do to it, what happens then?

 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*   How to deal with the Operations part of BEING β.
 FILLIN  To determine applicable op., ask relns' and active meta-BEINGs' Dom/Ran parts.
	Make sure that the entity is viewed as an object when you do this asking.
	If the entity is a whole category of things, see how int. the restricted
	op. is (restricted just to this category, this subset of its old domain).
	Once op. is known, use general Fillin parts of Changes, Final, Past, Iden BEINGs.
	Symbolicly run the op. to try to determine the effects in the case of β.
	Often, esp. if the above-derived set is too huge, consider what related and
	interesting entity one would like to get out of this, then find an op. which does it.
	What can't quite be done to this whole class? Why not? What subclass can it be done to?
		Can you change this op. or β slightly so op. ⊗4does⊗* apply to all of β?
	What does the op map int. subcalsses of this into? 
	What are the preimages of int. subclasses of the range? Are ⊗4they⊗* int?
 STRUCTURE   Interesting to consider β the entire domain of the op.? 
	Add entry to dom/ran; if int. enough, that arch. BEING will do splitting.
 CHECK   The operators should all be applicable to each example of β.
 REPRESENTATION  (op, Recog. grouping for when this op. should be applied to β)

 DEFINITION  Viewed as a static entity, what operations contain β in some subdomain?
 INTU  Apply operation to β itself.
 TIES  Up: Alter grouping.


⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*  How to recognize when β must deal with some other BEING α.
 CHANGES  {(α overall changed, .40, .30, intu: piece = rele. part)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*  How to deal with the ACT group of β, which must deal with α.
 STRUCTURE  Might restructure if heavily used and very many entries. Virtually never split.

 INTU  World is a jigsaw puzzle. These parts deal with tools which reshape the pieces to fit.
 TIES  Up: Arch. β.   Down: Interpret subgrouping, Change subgrouping of parts

⊗2CHANGE subgrouping of parts⊗*

⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*  How to recognize when β must act on some other BEING α.
 CHANGES  {(α overall changed, .80, .70, intu: piece = rele. part)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*  How to deal with the ACT group of β, which must deal with α.

 INTU  World is a jigsaw puzzle. These parts reshape tools which reshape the pieces to fit.
 TIES  Up: Arch. β. Side: Interpret subgp.  Down: Bdy.ops., Fillin, Struc., Algor.

⊗2BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS⊗*{not}  Ops which patch {mess}up not-bdy-entities {bdy-entities}

⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*  How to recognize when β must act on some other BEING α.
 CHANGES  {(truth of "α inside β", .90, .50, intu: op = rele. tool)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*  How to deal with the ACT group of β, which must deal with α.
 FILLIN  Create boundary examples first. For each one, examine the part which
	changes as the example crosses the boundary. Record what operations can do it.
	Consolidate operators.
 STRUCTURE  Never split. May reorder in order of decreasing frequency of usage.
 CHECK  Check on examples. Esp: bdy. ex. should change in↔out via a bdy. op.
 REPRESENTATION   (part, desired change, rele. op., interface)*

 DEFINITION  Operations whose dom. includes α, which map α deliberately into/out of β.
 INTU  World=puzzle. This part points to the proper tools to reshape the pieces to fit.
 TIES  Up: Change subgrouping, Act grouping. 

⊗2FILLIN⊗*  How to initially fill it in, when and how to augment what is there already.

⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*  When is the rele. part the Fillin part of an archetypical BEING?
 CHANGES {(content of part β of some new BEING being filled in, .70, .60, indirect)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*  Deal with the FILLIN part of β, which is name of part itself.
 FILLIN   Think hypothetically: When a BEING is going to be created, what info. of
	type β will exist ⊗4then⊗*, but not later, but will be useful later? Put in
	a command to save such info. initially. If ever α wishes it had saved some
	more β info, modify β's FILLIN part so that next time a β ⊗4will⊗* save this.
 CHECK   Make sure that the commands are all doable, that each one is used periodically.
 REPRESENTATION  (situation, command to be followed)*

 DEFINITION  Commands which control what β-type information is kept inside other BEINGs.
 TIES  Up: Act grouping, Change subgrouping.

⊗2STRUCTURE⊗*		Whether, When, How to retructure (or split) this part.

⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*  When is the rele. part the Struc. part of an archetypical BEING?
 CHANGES {(structure of part β of some new BEING being filled in, .70, .60, indirect)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*  Deal with the Struc. part of β, which is name of part itself.
 FILLIN   Think hypothetically: Can some variable partition a β-type part into many
	meaningful subcategories? If so, record the sit. to watch for. Do the higher
	up tied BEINGs to β allow splitting? restructuring? Unless some good reason
	is actually known, maybe we should leave this blank and let them handle it.
	If the same output from a responding part cannot service all kinds of
	questioners, then that part should be split, with a suitable repr. for each type.
 CHECK   Make sure that the β-type parts are not frequently splitting.
 REPRESENTATION  (kind of restructuring, (sit. where it is called for)* )*

 DEFINITION  Commands which control when the β-type info. in some BEING should be restruc.
 INTU  When merit threshhold crossed, change the representation of some useful info.
 TIES  Up: Act grouping, Change subgrouping.

⊗2ALGORITHMS⊗*		How to compute (for a relation, some ⊗4doable⊗* entity).

⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*  When is the rele. part the Algor. part of a BEING?
 FINAL  {(particular image of particular dom. ele. is known, .90, .90, intu: activity=β)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*  Deal with the Algor. part of β.
 FILLIN  Assemble from the algorithms and defns of each subpart of β.Defn. (inefficient)
	Optimize the above out of context as much as possible. Compile (opaque).
	Try and rephrase theorems about β so that the algs. can be simplified.
	A new repr. may save new info. which can permit great speedups.
 STRUCTURE  Never split or reorder; can insert a new branch; complete reorg. means new alg.
 CHECK  Random examinations of applicability and correct results.  Esp. bdy. exs.
 REPRESENTATION  (sequence of steps or compiled name, effic.)*

 DEFINITION  Commands which actually apply the Active β, which get some part of it.
	For each element e in the domain of β, this part tells how to compute β(e),
	which means how to find {f ε Range(β) | (e,f)εβ}. 
	The alg. may be recursive, may be nondeterministic, may not be guaranteed to halt.
 INTU  Instructions for performing some activity.	Recipe.
	Arrows which take you from starting situation to a new, changed situation.
 TIES  Up: Act grouping, Change subgrouping.   Side: Repr.
⊗2INTERPRET⊗* subgrouping of parts

⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*  How to recognize when β must examine some other BEING α.
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*  How to deal with the Interpret gp of Act gp of β, which must deal with α.

 INTU  World is a jigsaw puzzle. These parts examine tools which reshape the pieces to fit.
 TIES  Up: Act gping.  Side: Change subgping. Down: Check, Repr., Views parts.

⊗2CHECK⊗*		How to examine and test out what is already there.

 CHANGES  (empirical belief in β, .30, .90, intu: coincidences are rare)
 PAST  (if x→y is known, y is less intu. than x, then check y instead of x,.50,.60,)
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 FILLIN    Is there some independent way to get (some of) the same results as this?
	The sit. is typically "initially" or "periodically".
 ALGORITHMS   Check a less likely corollary; check it outside the range of intuition
 CHECK   If check indicates ERROR, then doublecheck how the test was derived before failing.
 REPRESENTATION  (sit, command to be followed)*

 INTU  If two routes should both lead to same result, take both and compare results.
 TIES  Up: Interpret subgp., Act group

⊗2REPRESENTATION⊗*		How should entities of this type be represented internally?

 FINAL {(how β is represented internally), .99, .95, intu: direct)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 FILLIN  Default: examine tied BEINGs' representations for suitability.
	Especially, this must be efficiently compatible with those which it interacts with.
	Clever algorithm to decide on a good new representation: ...
		take into account what kinds of things must be saved,
		what types of duties it must perform, what questions it must answer,
		what parts of the initially chosen repr. are dont-cares (can manip. them),
		what theorems or known properties of this concept allow computational shortcuts.
 STRUCTURE   If much of the struc. is wasted (in the sense that all of it is needed
	for some entry or other, but no single entry uses more than a small % of it)
	then split into subclasses, where each has a much simpler repr.
	   <This might need much more elaboration, new ideas here, etc.>
 CHECK   All imp. info. to be saved has a place to be saved specified in the repr.
 REPRESENTATION  Description in formal type 3 language, which employs standard
	symbols (,[]{}*+) and additional limited ones :<>change, part, sit, prob, %,...

 DEFINITION  The internal format, the prototypical syntax, of β.
 INTU  Etiquette; uniformity; agreement in advance to simplify interface.
 TIES  Up: Interpret subgp., Act group

⊗2VIEWS⊗* How to view any β as a type of α. (e.g., a relation viewed as an object)

 CHANGES {(what kinds of things β is suited for, .60, .70, intu: indirect)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*  How to deal with the Views part of β.
 FILLIN  Default: examine tied BEINGs' views for suitability.
	Can ⊗4always⊗* view as an object; often as a relation as well: ask them.
	Also ask other BEINGs if they can view this entity differently.
 STRUCTURE   If two views have very different interesting thms, slight grounds for split.
 CHECK   ∀view, some ex. is well-represented in that view.  ∀ex, some view is suited.
 REPRESENTATION  (view, tie to other BEING, (other view, transformation details)* )*

 DEFINITION  Equivalent formulations of the same concept β.
 INTU  The way you look at something affects how easily a given task can be done to it.
 TIES  Up: Interpret subgp., Act group.  Side: Representation


⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*  How to recognize when to simply grab onto some ∃ info.
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*  How to deal with the RECOG group of parts of a BEING named β.

 DEFINITION  Static facts, organized for easy access by others.
 INTU  Static facts, organized for easy access.
 TIES  Up: Archtype BEING.  Down: Defn, Intu, Ties, Exs, Contents.

⊗2DEFINITION⊗*		Several alternative formal definitions of this concept.

⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*   When is the Definition the rele. thing to deal with?
 FINAL  {(aware exactly of constraints on β, .90, .90, intu: consultation)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*   How to deal with the definition part of a BEING.
 FILLIN    Initially supplied by user or by STRUCTURE part of a BEING who is tied upward.
	Typically, conjoin some additional constraint (or remove one) from another β's defn.
	If x is used frequently or is interesting, a definition becomes a necessity.
 CHECK   ∃ at least one entity satisfying the definition.(put it in ex. part)
	The "truth" or belief in a definition, its justif, is by absolute assumption,
		hence neither can nor should be "checked" in any way except intuition.
	Eliminate redundant constraints from the defn: independence: those remaining imply the others.
	There must be no circularity, no recursions that do not progressively get simpler.
	The justification for a recursive definition of an infinite entity includes the
		assumption of the principle of choice; if this is not in foundation, insert it.
 REPRESENTATION  (descr. in formally usable terms, (part, most rele. entry there)* )*
		⊗7Note: possibly, all the Axioms which appear in the definition parts should really be put in the Ties part.⊗*

⊗5INFO GROUPING⊗*   Static facts about the definition parts of BEINGs.
 INTU	The ultimate authority; the rules of the game.  View β as a set; defn. is then
	the specification of its characteristic function; testing for satisfaction is
	then like using the Membership function.
	This part can contain things to substitute for the concept, things which tell
 	you recursively whether or not something is in this concept, special terms for variants.
 TIES  Up: Info group

⊗2INTU⊗*	Analogic interp., ties to simpler objects, to reality. Opaque.

⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*   When is the Intuition the rele. thing to deal with?
 FINAL  {(aware quickly of some facet of β in action, .80, .70, intu: apply)}
 PAST  {(contradiction, .30, .30, intu: let intus. explain the problem)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ACT GROUPING⊗*   How to deal with the intuition part of a BEING.
 FILLIN    Assemble the translations of the subparts of the Definition into intuitions
	of compatible formats. The combination-words in defn. become top-level fns.
	Important: must fill in how each intu. is tied to its corr. definition.
	If the definition temporally succeeds the intuition, then ask the intu. for
	alternative views, for rippling waves of more and more distant images;
	simultaneously, obtain several alternative intuitions directly from the new defn.;
	keep up until activator is too low or until some nontrivial ∩.
	Then keep only the intuitive tie-in and perhaps a few of the direct intuitions.
 CHECK   Each example makes sense intuitively. Lower priority: each part makes sense.
 REPRESENTATION  (name, how to call it, use, reliability, ptr. to most rele. defn, how tied)* 

⊗5INFO GROUPING⊗*   Static facts about the intuition parts of BEINGs.
 DEFINITION  Opaque functions which can simulate an actual real microworld, incl. β.
 INTU	The ultimate authority; the rules of the game.
 TIES  Up: Info group

⊗2TIES⊗* 	Alterns. Parents/offspring. Analogies. Associated thms, conjecs, axioms, specific β's.

 IDEN {not}{quick}   also encompasses assimilation

 FILLIN  The ties are filled in as they become known; only small work initially.
	In general, use intuition to ripple out to other intuitions; use anas.
	The up ties are known at conception. 
	The down ties are those down ties of the upward BEINGs which still hold. 
	Analogies with β as one component should be sought.
	Seek thms. and conjectures about β, also involving other BEINGs perhaps.
	Examples suggest conjecs, conjecs lead to thms, pat-matching leads to alt.
	Expand the set which was found in ths way, by looking at ⊗4their⊗* ties, spec, genl.
	There may be a v. effic. repr. of β in terms of some other BEING + some difference.
 STRUCTURE  Any with high interest are split off as new BEINGs freely. 
	If the tying relnship. is nonspecific, the new β is os type Analogy;
	if the tie is a specific relation R, but the arguments are general, a new Conjecture;
	if the tie R is specific and the arguments are, too, then create a new example
		of a pair in the <tie> relation, i.e., a new entry in R.EXAMPLES.
 CHECK   Is this consistent, esp. with intution. Technically, must be, too, with defn.
 REPRESENTATION  (relnship./difference,  (name, optional details)* )*  , where
	the known relationships are up, down, side, analogies + the work done to
	find analogies, thms, conjecs, relevant axioms, alternatives.

 DEFINITION  Other BEINGs which are related to β in an interesting way.
 INTU   Neighbors, relatives.
 TIES  Up: Info group. Side: Ana., Thm., Conjec., Exs., Family-structure.

⊗2EXAMPLES⊗* {not} {bdy}	Includes trivial, typical, and advanced cases of each type.

 IDEN {not}{quick}

 FILLIN    Specialize β (in various ways) until only one entity is specified.
	Any kind: instantiate specializations, and/or defn, and/or intu.
		Inefficient: scan related specific entities until an ex. is found
			also: look for op. F: α→β; then use f(α.Examples).
		Consider ana. β's examples, map them back. Examine similar β's exs.
	Special: To get an example that satisfies P, bear P in mind at each spec. choice point.
		Try setting various parameters s.t. they are equal to each other.
	Simplest: plug in simple distinguished concepts into defn/intu. until singleton.
		Consider the trivial case, the empty or minimal extreme, the base step of a recursive defn.
	Big: Plug sophisticated, big, varied  examples of each variable concept into defn/intu.
		If recursive, try to invert it so as to be able to build up harder and harder exs.
			Done: only use it to find a few actual examples.
			Save the inverted procedure for later usage, though.
		Pick some decent example, find a chain of simpler and simpler examples
		leading backward, then turn around and extrapolate off the hard end.
	Prototypical: so representative that they will be useful in the future for
		testing a conjecture for empirical plausibility. 
		Potentially: formally prove that any tie to this ex. is a valid tie.
	Boundary: keep an eye out for two similar examples, one in and the other out.
			(these can come from work on this part and/or from similar B's exs.)
		When such a pair is found, begin transforming them into each other,
		and zero in on the most similar pair of in/out entities. Examine carefully.
	Afterwards: if ¬∃ exs. before, ∃ exs. now, ∃ op O on β with no O.Exs, then
		place into O.Exs. this suggestion:  can plug eles. of β.Exs into O.
 STRUCTURE   Split off any indiv. or class of high-int. examples, keep the rest here.
 CHECK   Each ex. should satisfy the defn. and intu parts.
	If any type of new procedure (e.g., inverted recursive defn) has been created,
	which supposedly generates β's, try to conjecture about the uniqueness of the
	members of the sequence produced, the totality of their covering of all possible β's, etc.
 REPRESENTATION  (name, type, (part present, value, change from β)*, origin, complexity,
	distance from the boundary of β)*
	Data about examples should be stored under part headings (easy to make them BEINGs).
	The types of type are: +, + boundary, -, - boundary.
	The types of origin are: by specializing defn, by intu, to satisfy property.

 DEFINITION  Specific entities which are (not)(barely) instances of β's.
 INTU  Zero in on specific representatives, individuals.
 TIES  Up: Info group.   Side: Specializations.

⊗2CONTENTS⊗*     What is the value stored here, the actual contents of this entity.

 FINAL  {(β was actually used, .60, .40, intu: apply)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}   actually evaluate

 FILLIN  Specified by the Fillin part of β, if it has one. Else construct from defn.
	Also here should go a tag as to what kind of handle this has (nonconstruc ∃,
		construc. ∃, reasonable algorithm, pointer to satisfying concrete entity).
 CHECK   Should satisfy defn., encompass all examples, satisfy intu.
 REPRESENTATION  This is specified by the repr. part of β, augmented by a handle-quality tag.

 DEFINITION  The actual specific entity which is defined and constrained in the other parts.
 INTU  The value of a variable named β; the actual information at the end of a search.
 TIES  Up: Info group.

⊗3OBJECT⊗*  Static holders of information.

 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(defn, addl. contraints on subparts, v. good, structure),
	(intu, fundamentality, good, axiom)}
 BOUNDARY   {(operations, include EVALUATE, (intu, no longer static)),
	(justification, needs to be filled in, (justif, no longer absolutely basic))}
 WORTH (.5, .4, .6, .6, .5, .7, .8, (1.0 formal, .8 intu), .7, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  {(repr. is s.t. operations can be done to it efficiently, .8, efficiency),
	(its subparts are related in some way other than just by ε this object, .9, int)}
 OPERATIONS     Access


 DEFINITION   Static holder of information. 
 INTU   A receptacle for objects, a container.
 TIES   Up: Specific-Knowledge-BEINGs  BEING
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}    Bdy: Relation.  -Bdy: Communicate


 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS  {(representation, length, (nested, v. good, list))}
 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(representation, order, (remove, good, pair or doubleton set))}
 BOUNDARY {(repr, constraints on each component to encode a structure, (intu, pairness)),
	(arg, both components are equal to x, blah,, same informational content as {x})}
 OPERATIONS  {(Reverse: switch the ordering of the elements), 
	(replace first (second) ele. by this given value),
	(access first (second) element of the ordered pair)}

 REPRESENTATION  (first element, second element) i.e., (element)2 in order

 DEFINITION  Two pieces of information plus the notion of one preceding the other.
	Alternate: an element of the cross-product of two given sets.
	Alternate: encoded into a set as (a,b) = {a,{a, b}}.
	Alt: a set s = {a,b} = (CLASS a b) and a variable named Front↓S whose value
		is either a or b. PEQUAL thus means Set-equal, plus the equality of the Front variables.
	An ordered pair is a list P satisfying these constraints:
		CAR(P) = "PAIR"
	CADR of the list structure is called the first element of P, FIRST(P).
	CADDR of the list structure is called the last element of P, LAST(P).

	There is no recursive definition of an ordered pair.
	Two pairs are equal, PEQUAL, iff FIRST of each are equal, and LAST of each are equal.
	Considering both first components as type x structures, the equality test
	on the two first components is the x-type-equal test. Sim. for last elements.
	For example, if the pairs have a bag as first ele. and a set as last ele., then

	To insert e as the first element of a pair S, call INFIRST(e, S).
	To insert e as the last element of a pair S, call INLAST(e, S).
	To merely access the first element of a pair S, call FIRST(S).
	To merely access the last element of a pair S, call LAST(S).
	To test whether two pairs S,R are equal, call PEQUAL(S, R).
	(For readability, below, PEQUAL is abbreviated ==, its negation is ≠≠.)
	To indicate that FIRST and LAST are functions, we might say:
	∀x,y,∀pair P.  ELEMENT(x, FIRST(P)) ∧ ELEMENT(y, FIRST(P)) → x=y.
	For this reason, we shall write FIRST(P)=x, when we really mean ={x}.

	These four relations satisfy the following conditions:
	∀e.∀pair P.  e = FIRST(INFIRST(e, P))
	∀e.∀pair P.  e = LAST(INLAST(e, P))
	∀e.∀pair P.  FIRST(P) = FIRST(INLAST(e,P))
	∀e.∀pair P.  LAST(P) = LAST(INFIRST(E,P))
	∀pair P.  P == INFIRST(FIRST(P), P)
	∀pair P.  P == INLAST(LAST(P), P)
	∀e,f.∀pair P.  INLAST(e, INFIRST(f, P)) == INFIRST(f, INLAST(e, P))
	∀pairs P,Q.  P == INLAST(LAST(P), INFIRST(FIRST(P), Q))
	∀pairs P,Q.  P==Q ↔ (FIRST(P)=FIRST(Q)  ∧  LAST(P)=LAST(Q)) 
 INTU  Envelope holding some info and also another envelope which holds some info.
	(a,b) can be viewed as a vector from (0,0) to (a,b) in the plane, its length
	and its direction known; intuitively understand vector operations (+,x,.)
 TIES    Up: List, Cross-Product.    Down: Doubleton
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}


 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS     Pointer, object, entity
 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(second componenet, restrict what class of things in which it may
	legally point)}
 BOUNDARY   {(value is irrelevant, named object only),
	(name is irrelevant or unknown, same as nonexistence),
	(value is unknown, points to default value, e.g. "NOBIND"),
	(name is same as value, variable is indistinguishable from what it points to)}
 WORTH (.5, .4, .6, .5, .5, .6, .6, (1.0 formal, .7 intu), .6, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST     A single statement, containing a variable, can represent ∞ of similar statements.
	Say only the ⊗4kind⊗* of value of an entity is known (say it is of type K), but we
		don't know its specific identity; then one may pick any new name, say n,
		assume that n is of type K (e.g., nεK), and assume that n is one name for our entity.
 OPERATIONS     Access the value, assign, quantify; 
	use this variable's name in place of the kind of thing its value is.

 REPRESENTATION   (name, value)
 VIEWS   (as an ordered pair (name, value))
	(as a pointer labelled <name> pointing to <value>)
	(as one pair in an operation called VALUE-OF, with VALUE-OF(name)=value)
	(as an operation named <name> with no argument, whose result is value)
	(as a predicate named <name> over the space of possible values, with the constraint
	that only one is T at any time.)
	(as a constant, where for any given usage (typically a statment) it always means <val>)

 DEFINITION   Named holder of information. Each occurrence indicates the same info,
	unless an intervening form has re-assigned this variable somehow.
	Two variables are assumed to be equal if their names coincide.
	Two variables can be proven to be equal by showing that their values coincide;
		in this case, we write name↓1 = name↓2; "=" means variable-equality.
	Different names do not necessarily imply that the variables have different values.
		(Two variables with the same value may have different names).
 INTU   A named receptacle for an entity.  A container with a label and a contents.
	An arrow with a label and a target; or: with a named start and a target.
	The name of a person and his physical body. One person may have several "names"
		he recognizes (depending on the caller and the situation), and many of
		these he shares with other people (eg, "hey, you!").
 TIES   Up: Object
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy} 
 CONTENTS   One might view the contents of a variable named N to be the value V.
⊗2PROPOSITIONAL CONSTANT⊗*  Basic concept of simple true and false values.

 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS     Theorem, Conjecture, Propositional-valued variable
 BOUNDARY   (identity is unknown, propositional-valued variable or conjecture)
	(structure is complex even though value is known, theorem)
 WORTH (.5, .1, .7, .1, .1, .6, .5, (1.0 formal, .8 intu), .3, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST     A statement (a variable with a big name whose value is a propositional constant)
,	is uninteresting if it is vacuous, trivially true or false, its value is obvious.

 REPRESENTATION   the atom T or F, or a form which evaluates to same.
 VIEWS   (as the absolute extremes of belief)
	(as the set which all predicates call their range)
	(as the set into which (dis)prove causes the belief in a conjecture to point)

 DEFINITION   A primitive piece of information, a stae of the truth of an entity.
 INTU   The ultimate (positive or negative) belief value; reliable or reliably false.
	Related to the always and the never quantifications.
	Truth and falsity are determined semantically, based on whether or not the given
	statement holds in (the current model of, interpretation for) the real world.
 TIES   Up: Object, Variable, Belief, Proof/Counterexample
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}     T (true), F (false)
 CONTENTS   The contents are really indistinguishable from the name.

 FINAL  {(info. present is organized together, .70, .95, intu: do the puzzle)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(defn, addl. constraints, (recall each change in order, poor, hist)
	(recall current state after all changes, v. good, bag),
	(recall curr. state and order of insertions into structure, v. good, list),
	(never accept already-present member, v. good, set))}
 BOUNDARY   {(operations, any removals, (defn and intu, no longer same( (worth, lower))}
 WORTH (.5, .4, .6, .6, .5, .7, .8, (1.0 formal, .8 intu), .7, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  {(repr. is s.t. operations can be done to it efficiently, .9, efficiency),
	((quan)x in struc, P(x) holds, sqrt(interest of this property*int. of quan.))}
 OPERATIONS {(INSERT: accept a new member for this structure,),
	(DELETE: consider a request to remove a member, Past: the memb. must be net present),
	(ACCESS: how to get some member of the structure (perhaps some special member)),
	(SUBSTRUCTURE:  how to tell if one structure is technically a substructure of another),
	(MEMBERSHIP:answer whether a specific element is net present or not),
	(EQUALITY: answer whether two given structures are equal),
	(CONVERT: Take a structure which is of type x and view it as if it were of this type)}


 DEFINITION   Static organizer and holder of related information.
		CHECK: Any entity with component parts and constraints upon them.
		FILLIN: Look for intu. ties betw. all the operations, then postulate them.
 INTU   The pieces of info. are like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.  Or:
	A blob whose nucleons oscillate in legal modes.
		FILLIN: Any intu. constructs which seem to just satisfy the defn.
 TIES   Up: Object
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}   
	FILLIN: apply Convert-struc. to exs. of other types of structures than the given one.
		In such situations, perhaps it is good to keep a ptr. to what each cam from.
		Also: to get an int. example, try conjoining (some of) the Interest
		parts' (of up↑*(B)) suggestions as addl. constraints onto the defn.
 CONTENTS    Members in the structure; possibly also accepted requests for deletions.


 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS   {(defn, addl. constraints,
	(recall (unordered) non-negatd acceptances, v. good, bag),
	(recall non-negated acceptances in order of their insertion, v. good, list),
	(never accept already-present member and disregard order, v. good, set))}
 BOUNDARY   {(operations, any removals, (defn and intu, no longer same( (worth, lower))}
 WORTH (.3, .2, .3, .7, .7, .1, .8, (1.0 formal, .6 intu), .1, (1.0 basis))
 OPERATIONS {(answer a request if a given element was ever inserted/deleted before
	a second given element was inserted/deleted)}

 REPRESENTATION  ((insert/delete, name of member)* in order)

 DEFINITION  Recall in order every acceptable request made to insert or delete ele. of struc.
	Recursively: A Hist H is NIL or an ordered pair (e, J), where J is a Hist and
	e is itself an ordered pair (op, d), where d is an object and op is either
	the word H-INSERT or the word H-DELETE. A turing-machine-like algorithm is
	provided for scurrying back and forth, cancelling out requests to add and
	to delete a given element; this is used to see if that ele. is still "net in"
	the Hist or not. If it is, then a DELETE request can be entered. An INSERT
	request can ⊗4always⊗* be entered. No record is kept of unsucc. requests.
 INTU   The pieces of info. are like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
 TIES   Up: Structure.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}   
		FILLIN: In order, record each transaction.


 CHANGES  {(structure goes unordered→ordered, .60, .60, intu: arrange (intu struc))}
 IDEN {not}{quick}	tuple, vector, ordered bag

 GENERALIZATIONS   (ops, addl. ability, (recall all accepted transactions, poor, hist))
 SPECIALIZATIONS   {(defn, addl. constraints,
	(no order is recalled, v. good, bag),
	(no order and also never accept already-present member, v. good, set)),
       (length, restricted, (to a pair, v. good, ordered pair))}
 BOUNDARY   {(operations, any addn/remov., (defn and intu, no longer same( (worth, lower)),
	(specific extremes of any list: first element of a list, last element)}
 WORTH (.6, .7, .7, .6, .5, .8, .8, (1.0 formal, .8 intu), .8, (1.0 basis))
 OPERATIONS {(Member: answer a request if a given element is present),
	(equality test: the cars are equal and the cdrs are equal),
	(sublist: test whether x is a sublist of y)
	(CAR:access the last element which was inserted)}
	(CDR:access what the list would be if the last inserted element were removed))}
	(not invariant: delete an element from a list which contains it)
	(not invariant: change the order of the elements of a list)
	(not invariant: insert any element into any list)
	Prove: prove true for bags, then prove that ordering is preserved.

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}  {(order part of defn, satisfied, LIST, feed order),
	(order part of defn, satisfied, SORT, provide general rule for deciding precedance)}
 REPRESENTATION  ((name of member)* in order)    Pragmaticly: a LISP List structure.

 DEFINITION  Recall in order every accepted element which was never deleted.
	Only the ⊗4relative⊗* order is recalled, not any absolute ordering value.

	Recursively: A list L is either NIL or an ordered pair (e, S), where
	e is an object and S is a list. e is called the front element or CAR of L.
	S is called the remainder or CDR of L. If S=NIL, then e is called the
	last element of L. If S≠NIL, then the last element of L is defined to be
	the last element of S. S is a tail of L, as is each tail of S.  The
	elements of L include precisely e and all the elements of S. NIL has no eles.

	Recursively: NIL is a list. So is the result of CONS(e,L) where L is a list.
	The elements of CONS(e,L) are e and all elements of L. NIL has no elements.
	There are no other entities called lists or elements of lists.
	Two lists are equal (EQUAL, =)  iff either they are both NIL or else
	their CARs are both equal, and their CDRs are both EQUAL. The equality of the
	CARs is generally performed using EQUAL, but if they are to be viewed as
	some other type x of structure, then one could agree to use the x-equality test.

	To insert an element e into a list S, replace S by CONS(e, S).
	To delete the first element of a list S, replace S by CDR(S).
	To test whether x is an element of S, call MEMBER(x, S).
	To test whether two lists S,R are equal, call EQUAL(S, R).
	To test whether list R is a sublist of list S, call SUBLIST(R,S).
	To merely access the first element of a list, call CAR(S).
	To hypothetically examine what the list would be like without its CAR, call CDR(S).
	To hyp. examine what list would be with new front ele. e, call CONS(e,S).
	∀x.∀y. MEMBER(x,y)={T}∨ MEMBER(X,Y)={F}. So we abbreviate {T} as T below, etc.
 	Another view: T abbreviates {T}, F abbreviates any of PHI,{F},{T,F}.
	For example, we say:   ∀x.∀y. MEMBER(x,y) = T or MEMBER(x,y) = F.

	These relations satisfy the following conditions:
	∀e.∀list S.  MEMBER(e, CONS(e, S)) = T
	∀e.∀list S.  e = CAR(CONS(e,S))
	∀e.∀list S.  MEMBER(e, S) ↔ (e=CAR(S) or MEMBER(e,CDR(S)))
	∀e.  MEMBER(e, NIL) = F.
	∀list e.  MEMBER(e,e) = F.
	∀list S≠NIL.  S = CONS(CAR(S), CDR(S))
	∀list S≠NIL.  S ≠ CDR(S)
	∀list S.∀e.   S ≠ CONS(e, S)
	∀lists S,R.   SUBLIST(R,S) ↔  R=NIL or (S≠NIL ∧ 
		((CAR(R) = CAR(S)  ∧  SUBLIST(CDR(R),CDR(S))) or SUBLIST(R,CDR(S))))
	∀lists S,R. S=R ↔ (CAR(S)=CAR(R)  ∧  CDR(S)=CDR(R))
	From the above two it might be hard to prove that "=" is just sublist both ways.
	Although Interlisp sets Car and Cdr of NIL to NIL, the system won't know that.
 INTU  Stack of trays, queue of waiting people, string of characters, tower of blocks.
 TIES   Up: Structure.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}   
		FILLIN: Insert elements in order, starting with the last one first,
			into NIL, by calling CONS of new element and current list.
			To fill from front to rear, use NCONC1 of list and new ele.

⊗2OSET⊗*   An ordered set; a list with no repetitions of elements.

 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS    List, Ordered Pair
 WORTH (.2, .3, .6, .5, .4, .1, .4, (1.0 formal, .5 intu), .5, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  (some property exists tying the elements together besides membership, .9)
 OPERATIONS {(membership: answer whether a given element is present or not),
	(=: are two given osets equal: membership question always gives same ans.),
	(CAR: access the front member of the oset),
	(suboset: test whether x is a suboset of y),
	(make an element present (until its next deletion)),
	(make an element not present (until the next insertion))}
	Prove: Prove it true for sets, then show that ordering is preserved.

 REPRESENTATION  ((name of member)* in order, no repetitions)

 DEFINITION  Recall every element which has not been deleted since it was inserted,
	in the order in which it was last successfully inserted (change in oset).
	An oset S is a list whose CAR is "OSET".
	CADR of the list structure is called an element of S.
	When the CADR is deleted from S, the result W is called a tail of S.
	Any tail of W is also called a tail of S.
	Any element of W is also called an element of S.
	The OSET constraint is that no two elements may be equal. Also, two
	OSETs are not equal unless their elements and their order coincide exactly.

	Recursively: the list (OSET) is an oset, called the empty oset OPHI.
	If S is an oset, then so is (OSET-INSERT e S), and e is called an element of S.
	There are no other entities called osets; there are no other elements of S.
	Two osets are equal, OSET-EQUAL, iff either they are both OPHI or else
	CAR of each is equal and CDR of each is equal.  CAR of an oset is its first
	element, CDR is what is left when that is deleted.

	To insert an element e at the front of an oset S, call OSET-INSERT(e, S).
	To delete the front element e from anosetg S, replace S by CDR( S).
	To access the front element e of an oset S, call CAR(S).
	To access all but the front element e of an oset S, call CDR(S).
	To test whether x is an element of S, call OSET-MEMBER(e, S).
	To test whether oset R is a suboset of oset S, call SUBOSET(R, S).
	To test whether two osets S,R are equal, call OSET-EQUAL(S, R).
	∀x.∀y.∃1zε{T, F}. OSET-MEMBER(x,y)={z}. So we abbreviate {T} as T below, etc.
	Above, ∃1 is an abbreviation for saying that only {T} and {F} are possible values.

	These relations satisfy the following conditions:
	OSET-MEMBER is identical to LIST-MEMBER
	if x is a member of S, then OSET-INSERT(x,S) = S; else it equals CONS(x,S).
	OSET-EQUAL is identical to LIST-EQUAL (=)
	CAR and CDR are the same as the list functions CAR, CDR.
	SUBOSET is identical to SUBLIST
	OPHI is the list (OSET) and satisfies all the analogous properties as the list NIL.

	Thus the only difference between lists and osets is that trying to CONS
	on an already-present element is not allowed (has no effect on the oset).
 INTU  Hard to imagine; rarely used in programs or in mathematics.
	Provide intu. for each oset operation: member, insert, delete, equality, suboset.
 TIES   Up: Structure.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}   
 CONTENTS   elements, no repetitions


 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS  {(ops, addl. ability, (recall all accepted transactions, poor, hist),
	(recall order of insertion of present elements, good, list)
	(number of deletions must at least equal no. of insertions before removal, good, bag)}
 BOUNDARY   {(operations, any addn)remov., (defn and intu, no longer same( (worth, lower))}
 WORTH (.8, .8, .7, .5, .4, .99, .9, (1.0 formal, .8 intu), .8, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  (some property exists tying the elements together besides membership, .9)
 OPERATIONS {(membership: answer awhether a given element is present or not),
	(=: are two given bags equal: membership question always gives same ans.),
	(some-member: access a member of the bag),
	(subbag: test whether x is a subbag of y),
	(make an element present (until its next deletion)),
	(make an element not present (until the next insertion))}
	(invariant: order it (convert to a list), change order, reconvert to a bag)
	(not invariant: delete an element form a bag which contains it)
	(not invariant: insert any element into any bag)

 REPRESENTATION  ((name of member)*  not in any particular order)

 DEFINITION  Recall every element which has not been deleted since it was inserted.
	A bag S is a list whose CAR is "BAG".
	CADR of the list structure is called an element of S.
	When the CADR is deleted from S, the result W is called a tail of S.
	Any tail of W is also called a tail of S.
	Any element of W is also called an element of S.
	The BAG constraint is that two elements may be equal, but order of insertion is never rele.

	Recursively: the list (BAG) is a bag, called the empty bag BNIL.
	If S is a bag, then so is (BAG-INSERT e S), and e is called an element of S.
	There are no other entities called bags; there are no other elements of S.
	Two bags are equal, BAG-EQUAL, iff either they are both BNIL or else
	one contains e as an element and the results of BAG-DELETing e from each
	structure are two new bags which are BAG-EQUAL.

	To insert an element e into a bag S, call BAG-INSERT(e, S).
	To delete an element e from a bag S, call BAG-DELETE(e, S).
	To access some element e of a bag S, call SOME-BAG-MEMBER(S).
	To test whether x is an element of S, call BAG-MEMBER(e, S).
	To test whether bag R is a subbag of bag S, call SUBBAG(R, S).
	To test whether two bags S,R are equal, call BAG-EQUAL(S, R).
	(For readability, below, BAG-EQUAL is abbreviated ==, its negation is ≠≠.)
	∀x.∀y.∃1zε{T, F}.  BAG-MEMBER(x,y)={z}. So we abbreviate {T} as T below, etc.
	For example, we could say:   ∀x.∀y. BAG-MEMBER(x,y) = T or BAG-MEMBER(x,y) = F.

	These six relations satisfy the following conditions:
	∀e.∀bag S.  BAG-MEMBER(e, BAG-INSERT(e, S)) = T
	∀e.∀bag S.  S == BAG-DELETE(e, BAG-INSERT(e, S))
	∀e.∀f≠e.∀bag S.  BAG-MEMBER(e, BAG-INSERT(f, S)) = BAG-MEMBER(e, S)
	∀e.∀f≠e.∀bag S.  BAG-MEMBER(e, BAG-DELETE(f, S)) = BAG-MEMBER(e, S)
	∀e.∀bag S.  S ≠≠ BAG-INSERT(e, S)
	∀e. BAG-MEMBER(e, BNIL) = F
	∀e.∀bag S. BAG-MEMBER(e, S) →  S≠≠BAG-DELETE(e, S)
	∀non-BNIL bags S,R.   S==R ↔ (∀e. BAG-MEMBER(e, S) = BAG-MEMBER(e, R)  and 
					BAG-DELETE(e, S) == BAG-DELETE(e, R))
	∀bag S.  SUBBAG(BNIL,S) = T
	∀bags R,S.  SUBBAG(R,S) = (R=BNIL  or  ∀e.(BAG-MEMBER(e, R) →
 INTU  Physical bag or container, pieces of info. are stuffed inside/ pulled out with
	no inspecition or interaction among them (including no check for multiple entries)
	Provide intu. for each bag operation: member, insert, delete, equality.
 TIES   Up: Structure.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}   
 CONTENTS   elements, including repetitions
		STRUCTURE: Consider keeping the elements ordered s.t. ops. are more effic.


 IDEN {not}{quick}	class,collection, those...

 GENERALIZATIONS  {(ops, addl. ability, (recall all accepted transactions, poor, hist),
	(recall order of insertion of present elements, good, list)
	(number of deletions must at least equal no. of insertions before removal, good, bag)}
	FILLIN: (defn, impose constraints (that each element must satisfy,,),
		(that the collection of elements as a whole must satisfy(∃ele s.t.),,))
 BOUNDARY   {(operations, any addn/remov., (defn and intu, no longer same( (worth, lower)),
	(contents, S ε S, (defn, no termination of recursion, (intu, zilch))),
	(contents, S = {x | x≠S}, (defn, no termination, (formal thms, paradox)))}
 WORTH (.8, .8, .7, .5, .4, .99, .9, (1.0 formal, .8 intu), .8, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  (some property exists tying the elements together besides membership, .9)
 OPERATIONS {(membership: is x present or not?),
	(some-member: access a member of the set),
	(subset: test whether x is a subset of y),
	(=: are two given sets equal: membership question always gives same ans.),
	(insert: make x present as an element (until its next deletion)),
	(delete: make an element x not present (until the next insertion))}
	(not invariant: delete an element from a set which contains it)
	(invariant: change the order of the elements of a list)
	(invariant: insert any element into anyset which already contains it)

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not} {(contents, altered, (delete any element or insert a new one))}
 REPRESENTATION  ((name of member)*  not in any particular order)
 VIEWS    {(predicate over a universal set),
	(operator, given some elements, make them into a set),
	(bag or list where deletion means delete repeatedly until ele. is no longer a member)}

 DEFINITION  Recall every element which has not been deleted since it was inserted.
	A set is completely determined and specified by its members.
	A member can be anything that already exists before starting to create the set;
		after the set is created, elements which exist then can be inserted,
		but the identity of the set produced then may change.

	A set S is a list whose CAR is "CLASS".
	CADR of the list structure is called an element of S.
	When the CADR is deleted from S, the result W is called a tail of S.
	Any tail of W is also called a tail of S.
	Any element of W is also called an element of S.
	The SET constraint is that no two elements may be equal.

	Recursively: the list (CLASS) is a set, called the empty set PHI.
	If S is a set, then so is (SET-INSERT e S), and e is called an element of S.
	There are no other entities called sets; there are no other elements of S.
	Two sets are equal, SET-EQUAL, iff either they are both PHI or else
	one contains e as an element and the results of SET-DELETing e from each
	structure are two new sets which are SET-EQUAL.

	To insert an element e into a set S, call SET-INSERT(e, S).
	To delete an element e from a set S, call SET-DELETE(e, S).
	To test whether x is an element of S, call ELEMENT(e, S).
	To access some element of a set, call SOME-MEMBER(S).
	To test whether two sets S,R are equal, call SET-EQUAL(S, R).
	To test whether S is a subset of R, call SUBSET(S, R).
	(For readability, below, SET-EQUAL is abbreviated ==, its negation is ≠≠.)
	∀x.∀y.∃1zε{T, F}.  ELEMENT(x,y)={z}. So we abbreviate {T} as T below, etc.
	For example, we could say:   ∀x.∀y. ELEMENT(x,y) = T or ELEMENT(x,y) = F.

	These relations satisfy the following conditions:
	∀e.∀set S.  ELEMENT(e, SET-INSERT(e, S)) = T
	∀set S.  ELEMENT(SOME-MEMBER(S), S)  = (S≠≠PHI)
	∀e.∀set S.  ELEMENT(e, SET-DELETE(e, S)) = F
	∀e.∀f≠e.∀set S.  ELEMENT(e, SET-INSERT(f, S)) = ELEMENT(e, S)
	∀e.∀f≠e.∀set S.  ELEMENT(e, SET-DELETE(f, S)) = ELEMENT(e, S)
	∀e. ELEMENT(e, PHI) = F
	∀e.∀set S. ELEMENT(e, S) →  S==SET-INSERT(e, S)
	∀e.∀set S. ELEMENT(e, S) →  S≠≠SET-DELETE(e, S)
	∀sets S,R.   S==R ↔ (∀e. ELEMENT(e, S) = ELEMENT(e, R)
	∀set S. SUBSET(S,S) = T
	∀sets R,S.  SUBSET(R, S) = ∀e.(ELEMENT(e, R) → ELEMENT(e, S))
	From the above, it follows e.g. that ∀set S, SUBSET(PHI, S)=T.
 INTU  List where eles. are people's names, hence same ele. name means same object.
	Insertion involves first ensuring that it is not already a member.
	Also: those pieces satisfying a certain proposition (no notion of order).
	Also: Tagging elements from a universal set, with merely a yes/no tag.
	Similarly: as a property: ask everybody yes/no question; the "set" is just those who say yes.
	Similarly: as a pointer structure (a network of arrows)
	Also: a square with points inside it. Also: a rectangle in the plane.
	Intu. for ELEMENT, SET-INSERT, SET-DELETE should be tied to these preceding intus.
 TIES   Up: Structure.  Ana: proof/truth/non-emptiness   ←← perhaps discover this
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}   
 CONTENTS   elements
		FILLIN: If building up, start from PHI. Add eles. in any order.
		STRUCTURE: Consider actually keeping the elements ordered, and/or
			duplicated, in such a way that the ops. are more effic.

 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(justif, form, (complex but certain, good, theorem),
	(not certain, fair, conjecture),
	(known to be false, fair, counterexample),
	(certain but assumed unjustifiable, good, axiom))}
 WORTH (.6, .6, .9, .5, .6, .7, .6, (1.0 formal, .7 intu), .5, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  {(unintuitive, .9, psychology), (intutive, .5, satisfying)}
 OPERATIONS {(substitute and see if it applies to this situation)}

 REPRESENTATION    predicate calculus representation is probably suitable here.

 DEFINITION   A statement of some existing relationship between some entities.
 INTU   Declaration of a relationship between pieces.
 TIES   Up: Object
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}   


 IDEN {not}{quick}



 DEFINITION   A true but non-justifiable statement.
 INTU   Declaration of a relationship between pieces so basic it cannot be analyzed.
 TIES   Up: Assertion
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}   
	FILLIN: Only with the explicit approval of the user. This is dangerous.

⊗3ACTIVE⊗*  Active Knowledge BEINGs; operations, relations, and properites.

 IDEN {not}{quick}

	FILLIN: Extend the domain and/or range of the Active.
		Special: new properties of enlarged dom and/or range, coincidences betw. them
	WORTH: high
	FILLIN: Consider coincidences between domain and range, simple pleasing relnships.
		Constrain the domain and/or range of the Active.
			Special: new props of enlarged dom and/or range, coincidences betw. them
		Changing one of dom, range   generally changes the other in an analogous way
			In fact: the tying analogy can be thought of as the Active itself.
 BOUNDARY  {(intu, view as a static entity-- a subset of a X, (intu, wasted interp))}
 WORTH (.5, .5, .5, .5, .6, .7, .6, (1.0 formal, .7 intu), .7, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   {(∃ other actives with same d/r, .5 + .5*(avg. int. of those other actives),),
	(∃ other actives with similar d/r, .4 + .6*(avg. int. of other actives), poss. ana.),
	(the active is of a known int. type (satisfies some int. prop), int. of that type,)
	(the contents of β can be generated or checked in some way other than blind exhaustive
		search through the definition, .3*ease of that way + .7* sqrt(int.))
		Active A might be int. because Mapstruc(A, S) is int. for some strucs S; often
		this is true because Mapstruc(A, S) will satisfy nice props. that S didn't.,.9)}
	 		FILLIN: the above rules should be compiled at active-β-creation time.
 OPERATIONS  Includes properties that an Active β might satisfy. So big it gets a page.

	FILLIN: After one is known, the user may provide a pointer to an effic. sys. fn.
		Often, infer recursive alg. from recursive definition.
		Often, defined piecewise over the domain (a diff. alg. ∀ subset in a partition).
 REPRESENTATION  (Repr. as ⊂ X) or (Repr. as set of ordered pairs) or (Algorithm) or
	(Repr. as set R of ordered pairs (x, S) where S={yεRange | xRy})
 VIEWS  {(⊂ X, set, (collection of elements, element = ordered pair),
 	 (subset of a set, set = cross product:  relation),
 	 (subset of a set, no change: property)),
	(pairs (x,S),  active meta BEINGs, (do P resulting in one of these: Q, 
	activity P = operate with R on element x; set of outcomes Q = image set S)}

 DEFINITION   A formal statement of an active connection shared by some entities.
	One view might be that certain ordered pairs' eles. are all in the same relation;
	another view would say that one can operate on any member of D in the same way;
	Another view would say we are singling out those members of X sharing the same property.

	One way to specify an Active β is: give its domain, its range, and
		(for each element e of the domain) specify how to get β(e).
	This last "how to" is typically an algorithm.  β(e) means {xεRange(β) | (e,x)εβ}.

	Along with each Active should be some indication of how to treat uncertainty;
	often, the certainty of the result will be the minimum of the args' certainties.
 INTU   Some tie, some common statement true of the entities which are related.
 TIES   Up: Object, Specific Knowledge BEING.   Down: operator, relation, property.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}  Operation, Relation, Property    ←← these are so nonspecific they may
		be considered a sspecializations, not as examples.
	FILLIN: Afterwards: 
			Huge interest but very temporary (unless quickly justified):
				Make each new ex. into a new β, a new Active.
				Note: this should cause the interesting parts of each new
				example to be investigated (intu, exs, ties)
				the defn. part of the new BEING is generally what is known immediately.
		Apply each new Active α (viewed as an operator) to some domain eles,
			and see if ∃ a good known reln. R (esp =) between that and some other
			known reln r (esp. another composition). 
			That is, find interesting R,r such that R(r,α) holds.
			Perhaps preface this by a quick query of r's and α's intuitions,
				to see if they point to the relnship R.
		Another interesting thing to look for is a known relation R such that
			R(input, output) holds; that is, R=α on some restricted d/r.
	WORTH: huge variation, but can be quite interesting.
	FILLIN: By pointing, explicitly, only if it seems to be small enough to do quickly.
		Otherwise, stick with a symbolic characteriazation (defn, alg.)

⊗2OPERATION⊗*    A way to transform members from one concept into another.

 CHANGES  {(eles. of domain changed to some range eles., .90, .80, )}
 FINAL {(Range ele., .60, .70, intu: final product of a manufacturing process)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS  {(defn, augment, (reapply until no change, .75, find fixed point of the Op.))}
	FILLIN: Increase its true domain, typically by modifying the definition.
	Compute which known ops. tie parts of domain and domain to range; now
	consider the class of all ops whose d/r satisfy precisely these constraints.
 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(domain of F is a cross-product, say AxB, .90, F called a binary operation.
		Notation, in this case: c=F((a,b)) is written simply as c=F(a,b),
		or even c=aFb.  All these mean (a,b)Fc, i.e., that ((a,b),c)εF.
		Repr/intu: 2-dimensional table, with entry c in row a, column b.
 BOUNDARY  {(intu, view as a passive entity-- a subset of a X, (view, relation)),
	(extreme case: repeat op until no change is made or pattern of change is inferred),
	(extreme case: for F:A→A, find xεA which is not in the image of A, x¬εF(A)),
	(extreme case: result is no different than original argument, Op has no effect),
	(extreme case: result is so different from original argument that intu is meaningless))}
	FILLIN: domain is some set D; range is some set R; 
		int. depends on D and R and properties which this particular operation possesses;
		if high enough and no ptr, BEINGize this variant of the operation.
		IF the op. can be viewed a subset of X, where X= AxBxCx...xZ, then
		the domain can be any intial sequence of crossed sets A,B,C,.., and
		the range is the remainder of those sets, crossed together.
 WORTH (.6, .6, .5, .4, .5, .6, .6, (1.0 formal, .8 intu), .7, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  Int. property of result which is not true of arguments.
		FILLIN: the interest rules should be compiled at op-creation time.
 OPERATIONS  Includes properties that an operation might satisfy, things one can do to it.

 REPRESENTATION  repr. as an Algorithm, or
	Repr. as set R of ordered pairs (x, S) where S={yεRange | xRy}.
 VIEWS  to view as a reln: reln cross product is dom x range; (a,b)εR ↔ bεR(a).
	to view as a prop:  prop. master set is the whole dom x range; P((a,b)) ↔ bεP(a).
	to view as a set: set of ordred pairs which is a subset of dom x range.
 	General view is that of a temporal sequence of actions (an alg.) to take to accomplish task R on x.

 DEFINITION   A formal statement of an activity which can be performed on any element of a
	specified type (the element must satisfy a certain property, belong to a
	certain set called the domain). The results of such a transformation is to
	produce one or more elements of (a subset of) another specified set (called
	the range of the operation). One writes F(a)=B to indicate that B is the set of all
	the results of operating with F on the element a. If B={b}, one might also
	write F(a)=b, instead of F(a)={b}.  One also writes aFb, (a,b)εF.

	The operation F is more formally defined as the specific set of ordered pairs
	(a,B) where aεdom and B⊂range, and F(a)=B, together with an explicit statement
	of the domain and range of F.

	The preimage of an element yεRange is defined as {xεdom | xRy}.
	The image of an element xεdom is defined as {yεran | xRy}.
	THe preimage of a given operation is defined as the preimage of the entire range,
	meaning {xεdom | ∃yεran s.t. xRy}.
	Similarly, the image of the op is the image of the entire domain, {yεran | ∃xεdom s.t. xRy}.
	The system should discover facts relating these, like im(dom) = im(preim(ran)).

	Viewing an operation as a temporal sequence, there must be some preconditions
	true beforehand (this is related to the domain), and ther will be some statements
	called post-conditions which will be guaranteed to hold afterwards (related to
	properties of the range, and to the Final part of the specific op. Being
 INTU   Arrows emanating from intu. of one set's eles.; each arrow emanates from one
	domain element, but has multiple heads which terminate in range elements.
	The operation ⊗4is⊗* that set of arrows. Should notice that the set of all
	arrow-connection therefore contains any operation as a subset.
 TIES   Up: Active    Side: Relation, Property
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}    Insertion , Deletion, Convert-struc, Subst, Or, And, Not, Imply,
	Unite, Common-parts, Setdifference, Compose
 CONTENTS  Since this is basically an activity, the alg. part is often the real "contents".
	Sometimes: stored as if it were a relation.
⊗2COMPOSITION⊗*    Apply an operation to the result of a previous operation.

 CHANGES  {(eles. of dom. of 1st changed to some eles. of range of 2nd., .90, .80, )}
 FINAL {(2nd range ele., .20, .70, intu: final product of a 2-step manufac. process)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS    Sequence of actions, an ordered pair of operations to perform.
	FILLIN: Increase 1st true domain, typically by modifying the definition.
	Increase 2nd range.
 SPECIALIZATIONS  Given an Active F:AxB→C, and an Active G:CxD→E, consider the new Active
	h:(AxB)xD→E, written g*(fxi), defined as h((a,b),c)= g(f((a,b)),c). Alternatively,
	given f:BxD→C and g:AxC→E, construct h:(AxB)xD→E as h((a,b),c)= g(a,f((b,c))).
	An even further specialization: let some of A,B,C,D,E coincide.
	An even further specialization: let all of A,B,C,D,E coincide.
 BOUNDARY  {(second operation doesn't care what the result of the first was, sequenceing unnec))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   (AOP↑2, OP, op)
	FILLIN: domain is a pair of operations, range is a new operation whose domain
		is the dom. of the 1st pair element, and whose range is the range of the 2nd.
		int. depends on the 2 ops and on props which this particular op possesses;
		if high enough and no ptr, BEINGize this new op.
 WORTH (.8, .95, .5, .5, .6, .9, .5, (1.0 formal, .8 intu), .8, (1.0 basis))
	FILLIN: To forestall an infinite regress, decrease the activation energy of this investigation.
 INTEREST  Int. property of result which is not true of either argument relation.
	Int. properties of both argument relations are preserved, undesirable ones lost.
	Int. subsets (cases) of domain of 1st map into interesting subsets of range of 2nd.
	Preimages of int subsets (cases) of range(2nd) are themselves interesting subsets of domain(1st).
	The range of the first is equal to, not just a subset of, the domain of the second.

	FILLIN: Sequence: do 1st op (ALG), then take result and do 2nd op on it (ALG).
 REPRESENTATION  repr. as any operation, or perhaps just as 2nd o 1st.
 VIEWS  to view as a reln: view each arg. op. as a reln, R↓1 ⊂ AxB, R↓2 ⊂ BxC, composition
		is a relation R↓2 o R↓1  ⊂  AxC, where (a,c) is in composition iff
		(a,b) ε R↓1   and   (b,c) ε R↓2.
	to view as op: domain is dom of 1st, intermed. activity, then range is range of 2nd.
	to view as a prop:  prop. master set is (same notation) AxC; R↓2oR↓1(a,c)) ↔
		R↓2(R↓1(a), c).
	to view as a set: set of ordred pairs which is a subset of dom↓1 x range↓2.

 DEFINITION   The sequencing of two operations, f and g, where domain of f contains the
	range of g as a subset. E.g., f:A→D, and g:W→B with B⊂A.
	Then the new combined operation is the composition of f and g, written
	f o g, f(g), fg. The computation is straightforward; apply g and then apply
	f to the result. 

	If f:AxB→C,   g:D→A,  and h:E→B, then one can consider the composition f o gxh,
	also written f(g,h), whose value on (x,y) ε DxE is f(g(x),h(y)) ε C.
	This is combinatorially explosive. Suggestions for containment: possibility of
	considering f o gxg;  f o ixj  where at least one of i,j is the identity,
	especially if the other one of i,j is equal to f itself; f o ixj, where one
	of i,j is f, occasionally both are f. In general, f o gxh is about as intersting
	as the ties between the three functions are already (equality is quite high).

	To expand this flexibility, view any Active as an operation for these purposes.
	The composition FoG is more formally defined as the specific set of ordered pairs
	(a,B) where aεdom(G) and B⊂range(F), and B={F(c) | cεG(a)}, together with an
	explicit statement of the domain and range of F and of G.
 INTU   Arrows emanate from one set, go into another set, new arrows go from there to
	a third set. The composition means follow along and transfer to new arrows. 
 TIES   Up: Operation  
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
⊗2INSERTION⊗*    Add new elements to a structure.

 CHANGES  {(a struc → larger struc, .60, .60, intu: direct)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(Dom/ran, restrict second argument to a certain type of struc,
	(in AS, .90, set-insert),
	(in AP, .80, INFIRST),
	(in AP, .80, INLAST),
	(in AB, .70, bag-insert)
	(in AH, .40, hist-insert),
	(in AL, .90, CONS))}
 BOUNDARY  {(args, equal, (defn/intu, paradox),(result automatically different)),
	(2nd arg is the null structure, (result is poorly related semantically to first))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   { (AO x ASTRUC, ASTRUC←←not Null struc. ever,op),
	(A0 x ASTRUC↑2, {T,F}, pred),  (ASTRUC, AOxASTRUC, explosive operator) }
 WORTH (.7, .7, .7, .5, .5, .7, .3, (1.0 formal, .7 intu), .8, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  When obj. is added, the struc. will be closer to having nice(r) properties.
	Even though more stuff is stuck in, the nice(est) properties still hold, hence
	they apply to the new elements (esp: the new ones don't intu. seem to satisfy them)

	WORTH: high.   ⊗7should be easy to infer from axioms in definition⊗*
	FILLIN: User provides a poiinter to very fast versions, but should still understand how.

 DEFINITION  Modify the given structure so that the given object is now inside it.
	In some cases, this means doing nothing if it already is inside; in others,
	it means adding it "again", keeping more than one "copy" of it as an element.tained in.
	The following statements are true regardless of the type of structure:
	Member(x, Insert(x,S))
	∀x.∀y≠x.∀struc S.  Member(x, S) = Member(x, Insert(y, S))
	∀struc S.    S≠Insert(S,S).
 INTU   Drop or push or tack on new piece or element into container or skeleton.
	Potential exception: insert x into set or oset which already contains it: impermeable.
	See the indiv. strucs for better intu.
 TIES   Up: Operation    Side: Member, Delete
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

⊗2DELETION⊗*  Removal of an element from a structure.

 CHANGES  {(a struc → smaller struc, .60, .60, intu: direct)}
 FINAL   {(given x is a member of a given struc, .70, .95, intu: direct from defn)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS   {(Domain, vastly extended, (reapply delete(x) to every
	structural element of S, .65, delete x at all levels of S))}
 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(Dom/ran, restrict second argument to a certain type of struc,
	(in AS, .90, set-insert),
	(in AP, .80, INFIRST),
	(in AP, .80, INLAST),
	(in AB, .70, bag-insert)
	(in AH, .40, hist-insert),
	(in AL, .90, CONS))
		((defn, augment, (reapply until no change, .65, delete all occurrences))}
 BOUNDARY  {(args, equal, (result, no change)),
	(second arg, null structure, (result, automatically no change in it))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   { (AO x ASTRUC, ASTRUC, op),
	(A0 x ASTRUC↑2, {T,F}, pred),  (ASTRUC, AOxASTRUC, explosive operator) }
 WORTH (.5, .7, .7, .4, .5, .6, .2, (1.0 formal, .7 intu), .8, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  When obj. is removed, the struc. will be closer to having nice(r) properties.
	Even though stuff is janked out, the nice(est) properties still hold, hence
	the removed material was not essential to giving S these properties

	WORTH: high.   ⊗7should be easy to infer from axioms in definition⊗*
	FILLIN: User provides a poiinter to very fast versions, but should still understand how.

 DEFINITION  Modify the given structure so that the given object is no longer inside it.
	If it isn't inside to begin with, then there is no action to take.
	The following statements are true regardless of the type of structure:
	Member(x,S))  OR  Not(Member(x, Delete(x, Insert(x, S))))←← it must discover this.
	∀x.∀y≠x.∀struc S.  Member(x, S) = Member(x, Delete(y, S))
	∀struc S.    S=Delete(S,S).
 INTU   Lift or pull out or break off a piece or element from a container or skeleton.
	The resultant structure is very similar to the original structure, differing
	only (at most) by the given object x.
	Potential exception: Null structures.  Try to pull x out of a structure not containing it.
	See the indiv. strucs for better intu.
 TIES   Up: Operation      Side: Member, Insert
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

⊗2CONVERT-STRUC⊗*    View the type x structure as a type y structure.

 CHANGES  {(type of struc, .80, .80, intu: direct)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(Dom/ran, restrict each argument to a certain type of struc,,)}
 BOUNDARY  {(args, equal, (result, no change))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   { (TS = types of strucs x Strucs of 1st type, strucs of 2nd type,op),
	(ASTRUC, TS x structures of the type specified by the element of TS, quasi-explosive op),
	(TS x first types x second types, {T,F}, predicate)}
 WORTH (.6, .6, .6, .5, .5, .6, .7, (1.0 formal, .6 intu), .6, (1.0 basis))

	WORTH: high.   ⊗7should be easy to infer from axioms in definition⊗*
	FILLIN: User provides a pointer to very fast versions, but should still understand how.

 DEFINITION  Modify the given structure (its type is unknown, but accessable as CAR of its 
	representation), so it is now of type y; return the modified structure.
	In some cases, this means doing nothing if it already is of type y.
	In some other cases, the only change will be to the CAR of the representation.

	In general, however:
	Start with a given structure S.  Ascertain its type, call that type x.
	Ask y to create a new empty structure of type y.
	Ask type x to give you the elements of S, one at a time; as each one
	is reported, delete it from S and insert it into S'.
	When S becomes an empty structure of type x, then the desired structure is S'.
 INTU   Redo everything the "right" way.
	See the indiv. strucs for better intu.
 TIES   Up: Operation    
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

⊗2SUBSTITUTE⊗*      Replace one occurrence of x by y in S.

 CHANGES  {(a struc → similar struc, .60, .60, intu: direct),
	(a struc containing x → sim. struc. that contains y where
	it used to contain x, .80, .70, intu: direct)}
 FINAL   {(given y is in struc, no longer x, .70, .65, intu: direct from defn)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(Dom/ran, restrict second argument to a certain type of struc,
	(in AS, .70, same as delete x; if x was in there, then insert y),
	(in AP, .80, same as changing (x,←any≠x) into (y,$any), (nonx1,nonx2) unchanged,
		and (nonx, x) into (nonx, y), and (x,x) into (y,y)).
	(in AB, .70, same as pulling out x and sticking in y if x was found; notice how
		the two ways of viewing deletion (all occurrences, 1 occurrence) are
		here interepreted as substitute for all occurrences or just for 1.)
	(in AL, .90, nontrivial interpretation. Must build up new list by peeling off
		list eles. until x is found, then forget x and pretend you peeled y,
		then put the old eles back from the newly created list.)
     ((defn, augment, (reapply until no change, .65, subst. for all occurrences))}
 BOUNDARY  {(first arg, of the form (x,x), (result, no change in second arg)),
	(x is not in second arg, (result, no change in 2nd arg.))}
	(second arg, null structure, (result, automatically no change in it)),
	(second arg. is more of another type of β than a struc
	(the argument list of an operator. This can be potentially more useful, though less "exciting"),
	(a formal PC wff type of statement viewed as a struc, formally allowable if
		y is free for x in the statement and we repeat until no change)),
	(the two arguments are known to be equal or at least equivalent in this situation,
	 justification becomes formally acceptable)}

 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   { (AP x ASTRUC, ASTRUC,op),   (AP x ASTRUC↑2, {T,F}, pred),
	(ASTRUC, AP x ASTRUC, explosive operator) }
 WORTH (.6, .6, .6, .5, .6, .6, .5, (1.0 formal, .7 intu), .7, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  When x is replaced by y, the struc. will be closer to having nice(r) properties.
	x already is used nearby in a different context, and might be confusing.
	Even though x is not there, the nice(est) properties still hold, hence
	the precise identity of x was not essential to giving S these properties,
	and the presence of y does not destroy them. Question: what about just deleting x?
	Textual operation, replacing  y by a functional equivalent, preserving truth.
	Instantiation of a variable, to specialize a general proposition, for some purpose.
	By doing this subst, we see that two very different things are equal. If the
	subst. is legally allowed, we have proven something; if not, we jsut have an ana.

	WORTH: high
	FILLIN: User provides a poiinter to very fast versions, but should still understand how.

 DEFINITION  Modify the given structure so that the first element of the pair (x,y) is
	is replaced by the second componenet of the pair.
	If x isn't inside to begin with, then there is no action to take.
	If there are more than one ocurrence, then only the first x is replaced.
	The following statements are true regardless of the type of structure:
	Member(x,S) ∨  ¬Member(y, Replace((x,y), S)
	Member(x,S))  ∨  ¬(Member(x, Replace((x,y), Insert(x, S))))
	Member(x, S) = Member(y, Replace((x,y), S)
	∀z≠x,z≠y,   Member(z, S) = Member(z, Replace((x,y), S).
 INTU   Magically transform the appearance of an x in some container so it now looks like a y.
	The resultant structure is very similar to the original structure, differing
	only (at most) in that there is one fewer x, and there is one extra y where x used to be.
	See the indiv. strucs for better intu.
 TIES   Up: Operation    Side: Member, Insert, Delete.   Down: Assign
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}


 CHANGES  {(where the variable x points to, .90, .85, intu: direct),
 FINAL   {(given var. x now points to entity y, .90, .95, intu: direct from defn)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS   Relax domain and range: substitute.
 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(Dom/ran, restrict second argument to a certain type of entity,)}
 BOUNDARY  Consider modifying the name of a variable as an assignment process.
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   { (AV x=(n,v) x any thing, modified x=(n,thing),op)}
 WORTH (.*, .*, .5, .5, .5, .6, .9, (1.0 formal, .6 intu), .6, (1.0 basis))
	* means: if 'anyhting' is specified (in domain), then .5; else (in range) .0001 !!
 INTEREST  When x has the value y, some entity will be closer to having nice(r) properties.
	Nice properties of something connected with x don't change when its value does.
	Bad properties of x go away.   A new thing is created simply by this change.

	WORTH: high
	FILLIN: User provides a pointer to very fast versions, but should still understand how.

 DEFINITION  Modify the given variable x so its value is now the entity y.
 INTU   Transform the place that x points to to y.
	If y is in the domain, the caller is probably off his rocker!!
	Given the value, choose the name; for example: naming a baby.
 TIES   Up: Substitute
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
⊗2MAPSTRUC⊗* Replace each member of a structure by the result of applying an Active to it.

 CHANGES  {(a struc with eles from dom(f)→ a struc with eles in ran(f), .60, .70, intu: direct),
	(a struc containing x → sim. struc. that contains f(x) (or: an element of f(x)) 
	where it used to contain x, .70, .70, intu: direct)}
 FINAL   {(op f is int.; see Active.Inteest for details, .40, .55, intu: I like you for what you
	do to a group, not (just) what you do in private)}
 PAST  {(Trying to apply f to a structure, where it doesnt actually apply, but we know it ⊗4is⊗*
	applicable to each individual element of the structure, .50, .60, teaching a class vs a human)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(Dom/ran, restrict the structure, (empty struc, .10, trivial; prob. mistake),
	(singleton struc, .70, apply(some-member S))}
 BOUNDARY  {(struc is singleton, essentially the same as simply applying the op.)}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   { (AOP x ASTRUC, ASTRUC of same type, op),
	(AOP x ASTRUC↑2, {T,F}, pred), (ASTRUC, AOP x ASTRUC, explosive operator),
	(ASTRUC x ASTRUC of same type, AOP, op: infer needed op by inverting/searching)}
 WORTH (.6, .6, .6, .5, .6, .6, .5, (1.0 formal, .7 intu), .7, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  When each ele z is replaced by f(z), the struc. will be closer to having nice(r) properties.
	Even though eles have changed, the nice(est) properties still hold, hence
	   the op leaves these properties invariant on S (conjec: on all similar strucs)
	Operation is itself v. interesting; or is EVAL; or is a predicate (so result is
		just a structure of T's and F's, which ususally we apply CONVERT-TO-SET to).
	By doing this mapping, we see that two very distinct strucs are related by f.
	Sometimes we can prove that mapping a given op. will not alter the currently interesting
		aspect of the structure (eg, doing row ops while int. in finding determinant of matrix).

	FILLIN: User provides a pointer to very fast versions, but should still understand how.
 VIEWS   Sequential (operate on one after another), Parallel (simult. group of workers).
	View the struc. as one single entity, and instead of f consider the fn f' which
	takes a struc as an arg and result.

 DEFINITION  Modify the given structure so that each element is replaced by the result of
	operating on that element with f. Alt: we may want to replace x by just one
	element of (SOME-MEMBER of) f(x), especially if f is on AxA. In that case, f
	will map a structure of elements of A onto a structure of elements of A.
	Facts true about this should be constructable from axioms for Substitution and Struc. β's.
 INTU   Magically transform the appearance of each x in some container in the same way.
	Interact with a group: you are really interacting with each individual member.
 TIES   Up: Operation    Side: Subst, Apply.    Down: Assign, Some-member
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

 CHANGES  {(order of the components, .95, .90, intu: switch)}
	Invariant: Convert-to-set of the argument is precisely Convert-to-set of the result.
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 BOUNDARY  {(First and Last of pair are identical, result will be no change)}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   { (APAIR, APAIR, op), (APAIR↑2, {T,F}, predicate) }
 WORTH (.7, .8, .6, .5, .4, .6, .8, (1.0 formal, .8 intu), .8, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  When reversed, some int. prop. will still be preserved.
 OPERATIONS   Mapstruc, Compose, Apply, Repeat ←← all these will be fairly interesting.

 ALGORITHMS   Create new pair Q by Infirsting Last(P) into Q, and Inlasting First(P) into Q.
	FILLIN: User supplies pointer to fast reverse.

 DEFINITION  An ordered pair whose First is equal to the arg's Last, and whose Last
	is equal to the old arg's First.  Notice that the result will thus be the
	same as the argument, if they are both viewed as Sets (eg, by Convert-to-set).
 INTU   Create new pair: see Alg. part.
	Rearrange exsting pair: pull one out and move it over or move the remaining one over.
	Shift perspective: walk around behind the structure and observe it from the rear.
 TIES   Up: Operation    Side: Ordered Pair
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
⊗2RULE OF INFERENCE⊗*      Combine true statements into new, true ones.

 CHANGES  {(true statements → diff, new true statements, .60, .80, intu: direct)}
 FINAL   {(true statement if args are, .70, .85, intu: direct from defn)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 BOUNDARY  {(justification, (exists, theorems about combining arguments))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   { (APR↑n, APR, op)  }
 WORTH (.5, .3, .5, .5, .5, .6, .5, (formal: assumed, .6 intu), .3, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  Many interesting theorems are true iff we can assume this rule to hold validly.
	The rule is intuitive.
 OPERATIONS    Apply; esp: substitutions

 ALGORITHMS   Apply this by matching args against templates, using substitution-matching.
	WORTH: high
	FILLIN: User provides a pointer to very fast versiions, but should still understand how.
 REPRESENTATION (hyp,...,hyp,conclusion)   
 VIEWS     Perhaps: as truth table operations.

 DEFINITION  Operate on entities and preserve their truth. If the arguments, called the
	⊗4hypotheses⊗*, are believed, then so must be the result, called the ⊗4conclusion⊗*.
 INTU   Laws, both political and physical. Constraints which must be obeyed.
	Beaten paths, which are the only allowable routes through the jungle.
 TIES   Up: Operation,    Side: Proof, Axiom
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}   Perhaps give it the following:
	modus ponens, detachment, working forward
	modus tolling, indirect proof, working backward
	chaining, using previous proven results
	subst. equivalent formulae
		Subst definition of x in place of x
		Subst x in place of its definition.
		If y is known to be equal (equiv) to x, subst y for x.
		Sometimes, only make the subst. for some of the x's in the current expression.
			Make diff. parts look similar by selective substs. of this type.
	specialization: from ∀x.P(x), we may conclude P(a). Here, both x and a are in a certain set.
		From ∃x.P(x), if b ocurs nowhere else, we may conclude P(b(u,v,...,w)),
			where u,v,w are all the universally-quantified variables preceding ∃x.
			Special case: no such variables. Then conclude P(b).
	generalization: from P(c), conclude ∃x.P(x). If c occurs nowhere else, conclude ∀x.P(x).


 CHANGES  {(two statements → compound statement, .30, .60, intu: combine two ideas)}
 PAST {(no matter which of {a,b}, .90, .80, intu: recall only that one or both are wanted)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(Defn/intu, strengthen, (must not be both true, .3, exclusive or))}
 BOUNDARY  {(args, one is false, (contents, same as the other one)),
	(args, one is true, (contents, must be true)),
	(args, equal in contents, (contents, must be same as each of them))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   { (AP = any proposition, AP x AP,),  (AP x AP, AP, op), 
	(AP↑3, {T,F}, pred),  ({T,F}↑2, {T,F}, pred) }
 WORTH (.8, .7, .7, .5, .4, .7, .7, (1.0 formal, .8 intu), .7, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  Know more about it than about any individual disjunct.
		For example, P→A∨B is known to be true, but we are not sure about P→A or P→B.
	Another case: interesting if the disjunction implies an interesting thing.

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}  Change truth value of some  of the arguments.
	WORTH: high.   ⊗7should be easy to infer from definition⊗*

 DEFINITION  Given two statements, return F iff both are false; return T iff either is true.
	Given a true statement, its disjoin will always be true.
	Given a false statement, its disjoin with x will always be equal to the truth of x.
	Given two equally true statements, their disjoin equals that truth value.
	Given two just-probable beliefs, the disjunction is the maximun of the belief values.
	The preceding line can be made to universally apply if true=1 and false=0.
 INTU  Pred: see if either of these will do.
	View args.(and all statements) as sets, T/F = Nonnull/NIL. Then OR is just setunion.
	⊗7Perhaps that last intuition gives away too much of the ana. betw. Logic and Set Thy.⊗*
 TIES   Up:Operation      Down: Projection   Side: Conjunction, Negation ←←perhaps
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}


 CHANGES  {(two statements → compound statement, .30, .60, intu: combine two ideas)}
 PAST {(both members of {a,b}, .90, .80, intu: recall only that both are wanted)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 BOUNDARY  {(args, one is T, (contents, same as the other one)),
	(args, one is F, (contents, must be F)),
	(args, equal in contents, (contents, must be same as each of them))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   { (AP = any proposition, AP x AP,),  (AP x AP, AP, op), 
	(AP↑3, {T,F}, pred),  ({T,F}↑2, {T,F}, pred) }
 WORTH (.8, .7, .7, .5, .4, .7, .7, (1.0 formal, .8 intu), .7, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   The conjunction implies some interesting x which no single conjunct implies.

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}  Change truth value of some  of the arguments.
 ALGORITHMS   Pseudo-parallel satisfaction.
	WORTH: high.   ⊗7should be easy to infer from definition⊗*

 DEFINITION  Given two statements, return F iff either is F; return T iff both are T.
	Given a false statement, its conjoin will always be false.
	Given a true statement, its conjoin with x will always be equal to the truth of x.
	Given two equally true statements, their conjoin equals that truth value.
	Given two just-probable beliefs, the conjunction is the minimun of the belief values.
	The preceding line can be made to universally apply if belief(true)=1 and belief(F)=0.
	Given two desired goals, they are to (eventually) hold simulataneously.
 INTU  Pred: must ensure that all of these hold.  Simultaneity, parallel, collateral.
	View args.(and all statements) as sets, T/F = Nonnull/NIL. Then AND is just intersection.
	⊗7Perhaps that last intuition gives away too much of the ana. betw. Logic and Set Thy.⊗*
 TIES   Up: Operation      Down: Projection   Side: Disjunction, Negation ←←perhaps
	One meaning: simultaenous, parallel, no ordering constraint on args.
	User may incorrectly mean: Sequence, ordered collection of entities.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

⊗2NEGATION⊗*   This is a crucial process, which must be very knowledgable.

 CHANGES  {(anything → its opposite, .70, .60, intu: reverse everything)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 BOUNDARY  {(when negation returns same value as started with, (intu, no change)),
	(structures which have no clear opposite, (defn/intu, must collapse strucs. first)}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   { (AP = any proposition, AP, operator), 
	(AP x AP, {T,F}, pred),  ({T,F}, {T,F}, pred/op) }
 WORTH (.9, .8, .7, .5, .5, .6, .6, (1.0 formal, .7 intu), .8, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  If the argument's truth value is extreme in either direction, then either it
	or its negation will be a reliable, believed statement.
	Interest is usually about te same as that of the argument.

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}  Change truth value of the argument: negate itself.
	WORTH: very high.  

 DEFINITION   The statement whose truth is always the complement of the truth of the argument.
	NOT(AND(x,y))  =  OR(NOT(x),NOT(y))
	NOT(OR(x,y))   =  AND(NOT(x),NOT(y))
	NOT(P with belief value v) =   NOT(P) with belief value (1 - v) ←←opaque
	NOT(∃x.P)   =   ∀x. NOT(P)
	NOT(∀x.P)   =   ∃x. NOT(P)
	NOT(T) = F
	NOT(F) = T
	NOT(NOT(P)) = P   ⊗7Some or all of these should be proposed and proved, not supplied⊗*
 INTU  Op: this holds whenever the arg. fails, and fails whenever the arg. holds.
	Flip, reverse, turn over, opposite, everything but, complement.
	View args.(and all statements) as sets, T/F = Nonnull/NIL. Then NOT is just complement.
	⊗7Perhaps that last intuition gives away too much of the ana. betw. Logic and Set Thy.⊗*
 TIES   Up:Operation, ≠.   Side: And, Or ←←perhaps these shoudn't be explicitly provided.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
	FILLIN: Reasonable always; doublecheck that doesn't already exist somewhere.
	CHECK: Reapply NEGATION, should get back original argument. ←← perhaps opaque.


 CHANGES  {(reduce goal from x to y via pf. of y→x, .30, .60, intu: stepping stone)}
 FINAL  {(to prove x, prove y and y→x), .40, .50, intu: work on a good tool and how to use it)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS   (certainty component, decreases, (some exceptions), (probable entailment))}
	INTEREST: If you can weaken left side, with not much weakening of right side.
	FILLIN: Adding some new conjunct to left side may add even stronger new change in right side.
 BOUNDARY  {(args, equivalent, (directionality of arrow is irrelevant)),
	(args, truth value of one or both sides is known, (result is same as simpler expression))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   { (AP = any proposition, AP x AP,),  (AP x AP, AP, op), 
	(AP↑3, {T,F}, pred),  ({T,F}↑2, {T,F}, pred) }
 WORTH (.7, .8, .7, .5, .5, .7, .6, (1.0 formal, .8 intu), .7, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  {(right side is one conjunct of left side, -.70, forgetfulness),
	(left side is one disjunct of right side, -.70, grab onto coattails),
	(short proof is known for this?, yes: -.30, no: +.70,  (non)obviousness),
	(right side is more int. than left side, .70+.30*(diff. in int.), improvement),
	(right side looks harder than left side, .70+.30*(diff. in appearance), illusion)
	(left side is known to be False, -.80, trivially (vacuously) true implication)
	(left side is known True, .55, right side is actually a theorem)
	(right side is known true, -.70, implication is trivially true)
	(nothing much is known about the truth of either side, but we do know about the
		truth of the implication, .90*(structural diff. betw. both sides), order out of chaos)
	(both sides have some intu. connection (esp: entailment), .75, play a hunch)}
		FILLIN: Add/subtract based on whether/how used it is over time.
 OPERATIONS    Negate;  Prove: see Natural-Deduction.Algorithms.Hypothetical-World.

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}  Change truth value of some  of the arguments.
	WORTH: high.   ⊗7should be easy to infer from definition⊗*
 VIEWS  Perhaps give it some idea of truth tables; then supply table for Imply.
	Perhaps give it info. on how to view this in terms of ∧,∨,¬.

 DEFINITION  Given two statements, return T if both are T, if both are F, if the first
	is F. Return F if the first is true and the second false.
	A false statement may validly impy anything.
	Anything may validly imply a true statement.
	Anything implies itself (this follows from the above and bivalued logic)
	The probability of belief(P→Q) is computed by viewing it as NOT(P)or Q.
		Hence it is Maximum( 1-belief(P),  belief(Q) ) which is necessarily ≥ belief(Q).
 INTU  Entailment, causality. Gating, permission, in-order-to.
	Also added into this concept is the idea of vacuous reasoning.
	The cases F→..., especially F→F, may be bizarre.
	View args.(and all statements) as sets, T/F = Universal/NIL. Then IMPLY is just ⊃.
	Exchange T/F interp. above, and IMPLY is like ⊂.
	The satisfaction set of left hand proposition is ⊂ the satis. set of right one.
	Positive reinforcement: A causes B which causes an even bigger A which causes...
 TIES   Up:Operation      Down: And, Or, Not
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
⊗2UNITE⊗*	Join two structures together.

 CHANGES  {(two strucs into one struc, .80, .90, intu: join them together),
	(new struc created, .40, .70, intu: when is the result diff. from either arg?),
	(larger struc created, .50, .70, intu: ibid)}
 FINAL  {(existence of new large struc, .50, .70, intu: build on what you have already)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS {(dom/ran, restrict to particular type of structure,
	(sets, .90, setunion or UNION),
	(lists, .85, APPEND)
	(bags, .70,)),
		(dom, singleton struc, (access its element and then INSERT it, .80, INSERT))}
	 (ASTRUC↑3, {T,F}, pred)}
 WORTH (.7, .7, .6, .5, .5, .7, .8, (1.0 formal, .8 intu), .7, (1.0 basis))
		WORTH: high	⊗7(this will get the system to fill this part in)⊗*

		WORTH: medium high

 DEFINITION  Given two strucs, produce one resultant struc, containing all eles. of each arg. struc
	The relation is single-valued; its result will not have braces around it below.
	Recursively: Unite(Null struc, x) = x = Unite(x, Null struc).
		Unite(Insert(x,S), R)  =  Insert(x, Unite(S,R))
    ⊗7Possibly, the system should derive this recursive defn. for itself, from SET.DEFN and UNION.INTU.
    In either case, this should easily lead via ana. to the SETUNION,APPEND functions.⊗*
	Also: Unite(x,x) = x, etc.<See the list under COMMON-PARTS for what is really here>
 INTU  Push two strucs (as blobs) next to each other, then remove common boundary.
	Ask each struc to dump its eles. into the new common one, one at a time.
    ⊗7Actually, there must be at least one of these for each way of intu. viewing the struc.⊗*
 TIES   Up:Operation      Side: Common-part 
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
	WORTH: interesting.
	FILLIN: Reasonable to fill in iff contents of both args. are filled in.

⊗2UNION⊗*   Join two sets together.

 CHANGES  {(two sets into one set, .80, .90, intu: smash them together),
	(new set created, .40, .70, intu: when is the result diff. from either arg?),
	(larger set created, .50, .70, intu: ibid)}
 FINAL  {(existence of new large set, .50, .70, intu: build on what you have already)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}  {(AS = any set  x  AS, AS,),(AS, AS X AS,), (AS↑3, {T,F}, pred)}
 WORTH (.7, .7, .6, .5, .5, .7, .8, (1.0 formal, .8 intu), .7, (1.0 basis))
		WORTH: high	⊗7(this will get the system to fill this part in)⊗*

		WORTH: medium high

 DEFINITION  Given two sets, produce one resultant set, its elements are those in any arg. set.
	Recursively: Union(NIL, x) = x. 
		Union({e, C}, x) = {e, Union(C, x)}.
    ⊗7Possibly, the system should derive this recursive defn. for itself, from SET.DEFN and UNION.INTU.
    In either case, this should easily lead via ana. to the APPEND function.⊗*
 INTU  Push two set blobs next to each other, then remove common boundary.
	Ask each set to dump its eles. into the new common one; set rules will elim. duplic.
    ⊗7Actually, there must be at least one of these for each way of intu. viewing a set.⊗*
 TIES   Up: Unite      Side: Intersection
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
	WORTH: interesting.
	FILLIN: Reasonable to fill in iff contents of both args. are filled in.
⊗2CROSS-PRODUCT⊗*   Join two sets together into a set of ordered pairs.

 CHANGES  {(two sets into one set, .70, .90, intu: position them together orthogonally),
	(new set created, .40, .95, ),
	(larger set created, .45, .80, intu: multiplication)}
 FINAL  {(existence of new large set, .40, .80, intu: build on what you have already)}
 PAST   {(want to compare each ele. of A to each ele. of B, .90, .98, intu: look at each pair)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  (d/r, both args are themselves relations (say A:U→V, B:W→X; that is,
	A⊂UxV and B⊂WxX), result is a new relation AxB from (UxV) to (WxX).)
 BOUNDARY   {(domain, one argument is too simple, 
	(null structure, result is null structure ←← it may discover this, so withhold it)}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}  {(AS = any set  x  AS, AS,),(AS, AS X AS,), (AS↑3, {T,F}, pred)}
 WORTH (.7, .7, .6, .5, .5, .7, .8, (1.0 formal, .8 intu), .7, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST	Any ordered pair from these two specific sets will have some nice property,
	often this is the property of being in the domain of a nice operation.
		WORTH: high	⊗7(this will get the system to fill this part in)⊗*

		WORTH: medium high
		FILLIN: should be fairly easy, using the defn. and MAPSTRUC β.
 REPRESENTATION  As a set, each of whose elements is an ordered pair.
 VIEWS  As the Universal relation with domain A and range B.

 DEFINITION  Given two sets, produce one resultant set, its elements are ordered pairs,
	(a,b), with aεA and bεB, and include all such ordered pairs.
	That is, AxB = {(a,b) | aεA, bεB} = {(a,b)}↓[aεA,bεB].
	Property: x is in AxB  iff  x is an ordered pair and First(x)εA  and Last(x)εB.
		Equivalently: (a,b)εAxB ↔ aεA ∧ bεB.
	Procedurally: For each aεA, for each bεB, the ordered pair (a,b) is in AxB.
		There are no other elements of AxB.
	Recursively: NILxB = BxNIL = NIL.   ←← prob. discovered by system.
		{e}x{f} = {(e,f)}
		{e, C}xB = {e}xB ∪ CxB
		Bx{e, C} = Bx{e} ∪ BxC
    ⊗7Possibly, the system should derive this recursive defn. for itself, from SET.DEFN and CROSSPROD.INTU.⊗*
 INTU  Position 2 sets orthogonally, in different dimensions, considering each ele. as a cylinder.
	All combinations of pairings; all possible marriages.
    ⊗7Actually, there must be at least one of these for each way of intu. viewing a set.⊗*
 TIES   Up: Unite      Side: Ordered pair
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
	WORTH: interesting.
	FILLIN: Reasonable to fill in iff contents of both args. are filled in.
⊗2COMMON-PARTS⊗*   Find each x which is substruc. of 2 given strucs.

 CHANGES  {(two strucs into other strucs, .80, .90, intu: they must agree),
	(new strucs created, .40, .90, intu: when is the result diff. from either arg?),
	(smaller strucs created, .50, .90, intu: ibid)}
 FINAL  {(existence of new small struc, .50, .70, intu: seive with all the seives you have)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS {(d/r, restrict to one type of struc,
	(sets, .90, intersection of the power sets),
	(lists, .40, perform setintersection of the sets of sublists of each arg)
	(bags, .40, perform setintersection of the sets of subbags of each arg))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}  {(ASTRUC↑2,ASTRUC,op), (ASTRUC, ASTRUC↑2,),  (ASTRUC↑3,{T,F}, pred)}
 WORTH (.7, .7, .6, .5, .5, .7, .8, (1.0 formal, .8 intu), .7, (1.0 basis))
 OPERATIONS   Maximize (it should probably discover this. This leads to setintersection).

 ALGORITHMS   Construct the set of all substructures of the first arg; then of the
	second arg; then compute setintersection of these two sets; return this value.
		Better: decide which arg is "smaller" structure, then move it along the
	other arg, checking for substructure match.   Perhaps view this as a search.

 DEFINITION  Given two strucs, produce resultant strucs, each of which  is
	itself a substructure of ⊗4both⊗* argument structures.
	Important note: this is not a function! 
	Therefore, below, CP(R,S) is still notated as a set of values.

	General statements about the common part CP(R,S):
	CP(Null struc, x)  =  {Null struc}  =  CP(x,Null struc)
	CP(x,x) = set of all substructures of x
	CP(x,y) = CP(y,x)
	x is in CP(x,y)  iff   x is a substructure of y
	x is never properly contained in CP(x,y).
	CP(x, Insert(e,x)) = CP(x,x)
	CP(x, Delete(e,x)) ⊂ CP(Delete(e,x)).   Equality holds for unordered structures.
	x and y are incomparable  iff  neither is in CP(x,y).    ←← disc?
 INTU  Each substruc. of each of the two arg. strucs pushes itself up halfway; only
	those in both get up all the way.
 TIES   Up:Operation    Side: Unite
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
	FILLIN: Reasonable to fill in iff contents of both args. are small and filled in.

⊗2INTERSECTION⊗*    Find the common part of two given sets.

 CHANGES  {(two sets into one set, .80, .90, intu: they must agree),
	(new set created, .40, .70, intu: when is the result diff. from either arg?),
	(smaller set created, .50, .70, intu: ibid)}
 FINAL  {(existence of new small set, .50, .70, intu: seive with al the seives you have)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}  {(AS = any set  x  AS, AS,),(AS, AS X AS,), (AS↑3, {T,F}, pred)}
 WORTH (.7, .7, .6, .5, .5, .7, .8, (1.0 formal, .8 intu), .7, (1.0 basis))
		WORTH: high	⊗7(this will get the system to fill this part in)⊗*

		WORTH: medium high

 DEFINITION  Given two sets, produce one resultant set, its elements are those in both sets.
	Recursively:  ⊗7{e} means (e, NIL).  {e, C} means (e, C≠NIL).⊗*
	∩(NIL, x) = NIL.
	∩({e}, NIL) = NIL
	∩({e}, {e, D}) =  {e}
	∩({e}, {f≠e, D})  =  ∩({e}, D)
	∩({e, C}, x) = Union( ∩({e}, x),  ∩(C, x) )
    ⊗7Possibly, the system should derive this recursive defn. for itself, from SET.DEFN and INTERSECTION.INTU.
    In either case, this should easily lead via ana. to List ∩-type functions.⊗*
 INTU  Each ele. of each of the two arg. sets pushes itself up halfway; only those in
	the intersection get pushed up twice, hence are visible.
    ⊗7Actually, there must be at least one of these for each way of intu. viewing a set.⊗*
 TIES   Up: Common-parts      Side: Union
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
	WORTH: interesting.
	FILLIN: Reasonable to fill in iff contents of both args. are filled in.


 CHANGES  {(two sets into one set, .40, .80, intu: second covers over first),
	(new set created, .40, .70, intu: when is the result diff. from either arg?),
	(smaller set created, .50, .70, intu: ibid)}
 FINAL  {(existence of new small set, .50, .70, intu: remove some parts of what you have)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}  {(AS = any set  x  AS, AS,),(AS, AS X AS,), (AS↑3, {T,F}, pred)}
 WORTH (.7, .7, .6, .5, .5, .7, .8, (1.0 formal, .8 intu), .7, (1.0 basis))
		WORTH: high	⊗7(this will get the system to fill this part in)⊗*

		WORTH: medium high

 DEFINITION  Given two sets, produce one resultant set, its elements are:
	in the first set,
	not in the second set,
	all such elements.

	Recursively:  ⊗7{e} means {e, NIL}.  {e, C} means {e, C≠NIL}.⊗*
 	-(NIL, x) = NIL.
	-({e}, NIL) = {e}
	-({e}, {e, D}) =  NIL
	-({e,D}, {e}) =  D
	-({e}, {f≠e, D})  =  -({e}, D)
	-({e, C}, x) = Union( -({e}, x),  -(C, x) )
    ⊗7Possibly, the system should derive this recursive defn. for itself, from SET.DEFN and INTERSECTION.INTU.
    In either case, this should easily lead via ana. to List-Diff. type functions.⊗*

	Alternatively, we may say that -(x,y) is the complement of y relative to x.
	If the first set is understodd, e.g. fixed in a given discussion, then we may
	write -(x,y) as y', read y-complement;  ' as an operator is also interesting.
 INTU  Each ele. of second set tries to pull its name out of first arg.
    ⊗7Actually, there must be at least one of these for each way of intu. viewing a set.⊗*
 TIES   Up:Operation    Side: Union, Intersection   Thms: lots of relnships involving ⊂,ε,=.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
	WORTH: interesting.
	FILLIN: Reasonable to fill in iff contents of both args. are filled in.
⊗2PUT-IN-ORDER⊗*   Arrange elements into some desired sequence.

 CHANGES  {(sequencing; next item to do/look at, .80, .80, intu: as a decider),
	(Convert an unordered collection into an ordered one, .90, .80,)}
 FINAL  {(know what comes next, .70, .80, intu: as an operator)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS {(second argument, irrelevant, (minimize effort, convert-struc(x,LIST or OSET))}
	(must be defined over entire cross-product, .85, linear order))}
 BOUNDARY  (First argument is structure which is already ordered by second argument, no change)
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}  {(ASTRUC x AORDER, ALO = any list or oset,op), 
	(ASTRUC x AORDER x ASTRUC, {T,F}, pred),
	(AORDER, ASTRUC↑2, explosive operation: use only for Examples purposes),
	(ABAG x AORDER, ALIST, special op), (ASET x AORDER, AOSET, special op),
	(ASTRUC↑2, AORDER, difficult operator; quasi-explosive) }
 WORTH (.5, .7, .5, .5, .5, .6, .5, (1.0 formal, .8 intu), .8, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  Some gain is produced when the elements of the given struc are in the given order.
	Generally, this will be the order of later SOME-MEMBER accession; thus one
	gain is that the order of fastest (qutomatic) peeling is the order of decreasing utility.

 ALGORITHMS    The whole idea of an algorithm is to do things sequentially. 
	If the ordering is an algorithm which decides precedence, apply to all pairs
	of elements of the structure and decide on the first element, then the next, etc.
	Insert each at the rear; or insert at front and finally reverse; or find the
	last element each time and insert at front each time.
	One technique is to induce an order <↓S on the structure S, from another structure I,
		called the index structure, where I is already ordered by <↓I.
		We do this by finding an operation R:I→S which satisfies:
		∀xεI. ∀y,zεR(x). y=z     (that is, R must be single-valued),
		and we now define our ordering <↓S as follows:
		∀a,bεI, R(a) <↓S R(b)  ↔  a <↓I b.
		Notice that <↓S is total iff R is onto and <↓I is total when restricted
		to some preimage of S.
 REPRESENTATION    <algorithm>; rarely specialized except to take advantage of special args.

 DEFINITION  Given a structure S, and an ordering relation <, create an ordered structure
	S' whose elements coincide with those of S (they are equal under Conversion to Bags)
	and for which <(a,b) implies that a precedes b in S' (for all a≠b ε S).
 INTU  The ordering are the directions for assembling the eles. of the struc, which are the pieces.
 TIES   Up: Operation, Obey orders      Side: Ordering relation
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
⊗2RELATION⊗*    A conection between an ordered pair of BEINGs.

 FINAL  {(know whether given d/r pair is related in a given way, .80, .80, 
	intu: is the given pair a member of the relation?)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS    Relations Q s.t.   R ⊂ Q ⊂ same cross-product that defines R;
	Relations which are subsets of larger cross-products.
 SPECIALIZATIONS  Relations which are subsets of R; relations with slightly different
	cross-products; those with similar cross-products and similar members.
 BOUNDARY  {(boundary of the cross-product of two sets)}
 WORTH (.5, .5, .5, .5, .6, .7, .6, (1.0 formal, .7 intu), .7, (1.0 basis))
	FILLIN: compile any interest factors at reln-creation time.
 OPERATIONS  Includes properties that a relation might satisfy.  See esp. Active.Operations BEING.

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}  {(defn, satisfied, bdy. ops. of cross-product, subset)}
 ALGORITHMS  Walk through the entire cross-product and check for the reln.
 REPRESENTATION  (Repr. as ⊂ X) or (Repr. as set of ordered pairs) 
 VIEWS  to view as an op: dom is first component of cross prod, range is second,
		aFb iff (a,b) is in the relation F.
	to view as a prop:  prop. master set is the whole crossproduct, P((a,b)) ↔ (a,b)εP.
	to view as a set: set of ordered pairs which is a subset of cross-product.
	to view as a subset: subset of a cross-product.
 DEFINITION   A formal statement of a property shared by some members of a cross-product.
	For each such (a,b), we say it is in (a member of) R (this stresses that R is
	a set). We might say aRb or R(a)=b to stress the fact that R can be viewed as
	an op. Also R={(x,S) | xεdom and S={y | xRy}} and we say that S is the image of x.
	This emphasises that it is an operator. 
	One can view R as {pεcross-prod. | (R p)} which emphasises that R is a property.

	If R can hold between two equal entities, but in the current case the arguments
	are unequal, then we say they are in ⊗4proper⊗*-R relationship, that "the R is proper" here.
		INTEREST: Examine when R is proper and when it is not.

	If, for x and y, either xRy or yRx, we say that x and y are ⊗4comparable⊗*.←← disc?
 INTU   Some tie, some common statement true of the pairs which are related.
	Single-headed arrows emanating from intu. of one set's eles., terminating in another's.
	The relation ⊗4is⊗* that set of arrows. Should notice that the set of all
	arrow-connections therefore contains any relation as a subset.
	2-dimensional lattice of elements of one set along each axis, with a dot at
	coordinates (x,y) to indicate that the ordered pair (x,y) is in the relation.
	2-dimensional table, with a mark in row x, column y to indicate (x,y)εR.
	1-dimensional table, with entry y in slot x meaning (x,y)εR.
	The above apply when R⊂AxB, and both A and B are manageably small sets.
	If R'  =  AxB - R  =  {(x,y)εAxB | (x,y)¬εR} is much smaller than R, then store R'.
 TIES   Up: Object, Specific Knowledge BEING
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy} =, ε, ⊂, ≡, ≤, <, quantification
	FILLIN: Use algorithm if it is fast and if cross-product is small enough.


These actually fit in under RELN.EXAMPLES and RELN.SPECIALIZATIONS, as pointers,
so there will be no single "specific relations" BEING.

 CHANGES  {(one entity into a diff-named one, .70, .80, intu: replace equal items)}
 FINAL  {(know whether x ∃, is just alias, .50, .70, intu: check for equality in known world)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  (domain/range, both are of the same restricted type of β,
	(both are sets, .90, set-equality),
	(both are variables, .85, variable-equality),
	(both are bags, .70, bag-equality),
	(both are lists, .90, (list-)equality),
	(both are hists, .40,  hist-equality),
	(both are pairs, .90, pair-equality))}
 BOUNDARY  {(Defn, weaken: equal only for given functions/known cases, (defn/intu,
	absolute interchangability))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}  {(AO = any objects, AO,explosive op), (AO x AO, {T,F}, pred)}
	⊗7Actually, the arguments are names for objects, i.e., pointers, names of vars/β's.⊗*
 WORTH (.8, .9, .7, .5, .4, .8, .3, (1.0 formal, .8 intu), .7, (1.0 basis))
	Actually: if domain is not AO↑2, then these weights drop very low (around .0001).
 INTEREST  The two entities originated in very different ways, hence nonintuitive.
	Much is known about one of the entities (ties).

	WORTH: High.   ⊗7What changes do/don't destroy or produce an equality?⊗*
 ALGORITHMS  Syntatcticly identical.
	Given 2 variables, see if they point to equal objects as their values.
	Given one variable and one object, see if var points to that object.
	Given one variable and one object, see if var points to an equal object.
	Given two evaluable forms, evaluate each a variable number of times until results are equal.
	Given 2 objects of type K, apply K-equal algorithms.
	Given 2 objects, try to show that they are both of the restricted type K, for some K.

 DEFINITION  Given an entity, find all other entities that it is identical to.
	Given two entities, try to determine if there is any distinction between
	what they encompass (find ele. of symm. diff. or else pf. of equality)
 INTU  Overlay two entities, see if there are any real differences.
	By coincidence, two different formulations may specify the same thing.
	Alias, AKA.   Also: see intuitions for equivalence.
 TIES   Up: Relation      Down: Equivalence, Subset/Implication ←←perhaps
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
	FILLIN: Reasonable to fill in when treated as a predicate, not as an op.

⊗2MEMBERSHIP⊗*   What structure(s) does a certain object belong to?

 CHANGES  {(an element-name → name(s) of strucs, .80, .80, intu: as an operator)}
 FINAL  {(know if given ele. is in given struc, .90, .80, intu: as a predicate)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  (dom/ran, restricted, (second AO replaced by AS, .90, set-membership),
	(second AO replaced by AB, .70, bag-membership),
	(second AO replaced by AL, .85, list-membership),
	(second AO replaced by AP, .80, FIRST),
	(second AO replaced by AP, .80, LAST),
	(second AO replaced by AH, .80, hist-membership))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}  {(AO = any objects, AO), (AO x AO, {T,F}, pred)}
 WORTH (.7, .8, .7, .5, .5, .7, .4, (1.0 formal, .7 intu), .8, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  The struc was constructed in a very diff. way than postulating it contains this obj.
	Int. ∀ thms. about struc (they could be used if can show obj. is an element)

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}  Add/delete eles. from the structure.
	WORTH: high.   ⊗7should be easy to infer from recursive definition⊗*
 VIEWS  {(predicate, containment, (predicate, first struc contains only first arg.)),
	(op, containment, (op, first struc = struc containing only first object))}

 DEFINITION  Given an object and a struc, see if the obj. is an element of the structure.
	Given an object, try to determine what known and/or int. strucs it belongs to.
	The following are true regardless of the nature of the structure:
	For any structure and any object, membership is T   xor  it is F.

	Recursively: Member(x, Insert(x S)). 
	Not(Member(x, Null Structure)).
	∀x.∀y≠x.∀struc S.   Member(x,S) ↔ Member(x, Insert(y, S))
 INTU  Pred: sift through struc elements, see if any is equal to the object to be tested.
	Op: construct singleton containing obj; add eles. in various ways and watch for ∃/int.
	Genl: each intu. repr. of each type of struc. should know how to test for membership.
 TIES   Up: Relation      Side: Containment
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

⊗2CONTAINMENT⊗*  What int/existing struct(s) is the given one a substruc of?

 CHANGES  {(a struc → substructure, .60, .60, intu: step up to see a small part clearly)}
 FINAL  {(know if one given struc is part of another, .90, .75, intu: as a predicate)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(Defn/intu, strengthen, (must not be equal, .5, proper containment),
	(both args are to be viewed a particular type of structure; have special
	properties to preserve depending on the type, .6, 
	subset: all elements of the first set are also elements of the second set
	subbag: can remove an ele. of first bag from each bag until first is BNIL
	sublist: first list is NIL or else CARs are equal and CDRs satisfy sublist
	subpair: nothing here except pair-equality),
	(both are ops, (suboperator: view op as a set, then just subset concept)),
	(both args are (pointers to, names for) mathematical systems,
	subsystem: cut out some members of the basis entirely, and/or replace a struc by
	one of its substructures (and restrict all rele ops to this substruc), and/or
	replace some operators by suboperators oo themselves))}
 BOUNDARY  {(args, equal, (intu, no larger)),
	(contents, one ele of first is not in the second struc, (defn, not quite ∀))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   { (ASTRUC, ASTRUC, ),   (ASTRUC x ASTRUC, {T,F}, pred)  }
 WORTH (.7, .8, .7, .7, .6, .7, .3, (1.0 formal, .7 intu), .8, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  Neither struc was constructed s.t. it is obvious that 2nd contains 1st.
	Int. ∀ thms. about eles. of second struc (could use them if can show containment)
	Int. thms. about second struc which say ∀ substruc...
	Int. thms. about first struc which say ∀ superstruc...
	Esp. if these thms. indicate results about the other arg. which are not obvious.
 OPERATIONS   Collect the set P↓S of all substructures of a structure S.
	Conjecture which the system should notice or be told: S is determined uniquely by P(S).
		also: the size of P↓S is always strictly larger than S.

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS  Sometimes(+): add eles. to 2nd struc; delete some from 1st struc.
	Sometimes (-): Delete some ele. from 2nd struc; and/or add some ele. to 1st struc.
 ALGORITHMS  Perhaps give the system this operation: Power(S). This creates the structure
	containing all substructures of S. If S is a set defined by property P,
	then ∀R. R⊂S ↔ ∃property Q. R is defined by P∧Q; R ={x|P(x)∧Q(x)}={xεS | Q(x)}.
	A subset A of S is created iff the defining property of A is the conjunction of
	some property with that which defines S; equiv: property defining S is the disjunction
	of the property defining A with some other property.
	WORTH: high.   ⊗7should be easy to infer from recursive definition⊗*
 VIEWS  {(yes/no ∀ ele. of struc x, predicate (pred. over x, 
	satis. set = desired substruc viewed as a set)),
       	{(yes/no  ∀ ele. of struc x, sequence of deletions from x,
	elemets deleted = those who respond No)}
 DEFINITION  Given two strucs, see if the first is a part of the second.  See if each
	element of the first is an element of the second, and if their order is preserved (somewhere).
	Given a set, try to determine what known and/or int. sets it contains/ is contained in.
	Recursively: ⊂⊂(Null struc, x) = T
		⊂⊂(x, Null struc) ↔ x= Null struc
		⊂⊂(Insert(y,Y), X) → Member(y, X) and ⊂⊂(Y, X)
		The above implication is reversed for unordered structures; for
		lists and osets and ordered pairs, the additional requirement is that
		of all the places where CAR(Y) begins a role as substruc in X, the
		(or "a") preceding element is y.
	Universal:  X ⊂⊂ Y  iff  ∀xεX  (xεY) and any ordering on Y is preserved in X.

	If, viewed as objects, one relation contains another, we say that R contains S,
	S implies R, S⊂R, R⊃S.
 INTU  Pred: sift through set elements, see if any is equal to the object to be tested.
	Construc. Op: construct singleton containing obj; 
		add eles. in various ways and watch for ∃/int.
 TIES   Up: Relation      Down: Member.   Side: Equality of strucs (⊂ and ⊃)
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
	FILLIN: Reasonable if second struc has known filled in reasonable-sized contents.


 CHANGES  {(reduce goal from x to y via pf. of y↔x, .30, .50, intu: just a new view)}
 FINAL  {(to prove x and y both, prove one and also prove y↔x), 
	.40, .50, intu: show same and then hope for one to work out)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS   (specificity, decreases, (analogy), (similarity))}
 BOUNDARY  {(args, equal, (justif, is irrelevant)),
	(args, truth value of one or both sides is known, (result is same as simpler expression))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   { (AP = any proposition, AP x AP,),  (AP x AP, AP, op), 
	(AP↑3, {T,F}, pred),  ({T,F}↑2, {T,F}, pred) }
 WORTH (.7, .8, .7, .5, .5, .7, .6, (1.0 formal, .8 intu), .7, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  {(one side is much easier to deal with in current context than the other,
	but it is the hard side about which we must prove something)}
		FILLIN: Add/subtract based on whether/how used it is over time.

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}  Change truth value of some  of the arguments.
 ALGORITHMS   Should be able to infer: demonstrate implication each way; 
	generalize this to showing that the arrows form a circle, for >2 simult. equivs.
	WORTH: high.   ⊗7should be easy to infer from definition⊗*
 VIEWS  Perhaps give it some idea of truth tables; then supply table for Imply.
	Perhaps give it info. on how to view this in terms of ∧,∨,¬.

 DEFINITION   Equal for some current purpose,  indistinguishable in some given respect,
	interchangeable in some specified situation/usage.
	Given two statements, return T iff their truth values agree.
	Anything is equiv to itself (this follows from the above and bivalued logic)
	The probability of P↔Q is computed by viewing it as P→Q and Q→P.
 INTU  Entailment, causality in both directions.   Change your position and look again.
	The cases F↔F, may be bizarre.
	View args.(and all statements) as sets, T/F = Universal/NIL. Then EQUIV is just SET-EQUAL.
	Resemblance, similarity, common features, uncommon statements true about both.
	The current situ = room lighting; it is currently too dim to perceive any diff.
	Functional indistinguishability (same specs, just different manufacturers).
 TIES   Up: Relation      Down: And, Or, Not,Imply.
	This concept might be discovered as an analogue of reversing-ordered-pair;
		namely, when does Imply((a,b)) equal Imply((b,a)) ?
		Perhaps this is too syntactic, but perhaps some nice intu. meshing exists.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
⊗2SCOPE⊗*       Binding variables; analysis of bound vs. free.

 CHANGES  {(whether specific var has a meaning here, .60, .70, intu: constrain a var.)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS    Set, a subpart of all possible worlds.
 BOUNDARY  {(variable is unbound, free)}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}  {(Var-names x PR=any predicate/statement, {T,F}, pred),
	(PR, list of var names, op)}
 WORTH (.5, .5, .4, .1, .7, .7, .5, (1.0 formal, .6 intu), .8, (1.0 basis))
 OPERATIONS    Can always widen; if x is not bound in y, can narrow: pull x out.
	Substitution for a bound variable always means: replace every occurrence in its scope.

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}  Quantification.
 ALGORITHMS  When you see <quantifier><variable>, or Define <variable>, then any old meaning
	for the var. is forgotten, and the succeeding phrase, which defines the variable,
	is acquired and held until further notice. The default lifetimes for such bindings are:
	For math. theory entities: fixed throughout the theory, often eternally.
		These include: basis strucs, basis actives,  names for axioms, names for thms.
		These variables should not be rebound during any pf, discussion of or
		statement of any thm, ax, or basis entity.
	For variables and symbols introduced or bound during a proof or a single statement:
		fixed throughout that proof/statement; often, continues until next rebinding.
	If the binding occurs between proofs, as a definition, it may hold throughout the
		remainder of the theory. If it occurs earlier, this probability decreases.
 REPRESENTATION   typically, just the fact that a certain entity, ususally a variable x,
	is constrained in some way (to take on a certain value, to take on only values
	from a certain set) for a while (usually, in the following statement or paragraph).
	Syntactically, one might say ...x such that P(x)...., which binds x to the
	set defined by P, for the duration of this statement. Or, let x... constrains
	x, often for a whole paragraph.  Define x... is a permanent constraint.
 VIEWS  {(the statement(s) over which a quantified variable is constrained)}

 DEFINITION   When a variable is quantified, its scope is the statement(s) which follow
	the quantification form immediately in the next form. Any usage of that variable
	nme in that form is called ⊗4bound⊗*, and any variable which is not bound is
	called ⊗4free⊗*. Legally, one may substitute x for y in some form z iff
	no pre-existing free occurrence of y now becomes a bound occurrence.
	Another way this phrase might be used is in any type of constraint, where it
	applies only in certain cases or for a certain time; such constraints help
	delimit the scope of the constraint (where it holds power automatically).
 INTU   The kingdom over which the constrain wields power; the limits of his authority.
	A prison, in which a variable is confined for a fixed term, in fixed ways for
	some reson.
 TIES   Up: Relation, Quantification
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

 CHANGES  {(2nd becomes more definite, .60, .70, intu: constrain a var.),
	(1st acquires a new meaning, .45, .55, intu: overwrite a cell in memory)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS    A few known types of quantification: ∀,∃,etc.
 BOUNDARY  {(1st arg does not occur in 2nd, (result, no change))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}  {(AV x PR=any predicate/statement, PR)}
 WORTH (.5, .5, .4, .1, .7, .7, .5, (1.0 formal, .6 intu), .8, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   {(The result is a statement which is quite surprising, or whose corrol is)}

 ALGORITHMS (the result is just (name-of-quantifier  first-arg-name)(second arg))
 REPRESENTATION   ((<quantifier> <1st> in <set>) <2nd>).  in-set may be replaced by
	a condition, (<quan><1st> such that <condition on 1st>,  <2nd>).
 VIEWS  {(constrains the first arg name to mean something specific in the second arg)}
	{(second arg is true in some cases, name of quantifier helps explain which sits)}

 DEFINITION   A formal statement of which elements a property is known to hold for.
	The set of possible eles. is mentioned or implied, and a name given to a
	representative member of that set which satisfies the given constraint.

	In (quan 1st in set)(2nd), the statement "2nd" is stated to be true when the
	variable "1st" (which may or may not occur inside 2nd) is "quan"-member of
	the given set (quan will become either "some" or "any" or "precisely one",etc.)
	For each such 1st, we say that it satisfies 2nd.  Viewing 1st as a variable,
	we say that its domain of values is <set>, that <set> is the set of its poss. values.

	Thus quantification is an odd sort of realtion; perhaps it is a meta-concept.
 INTU   2nd is true in some cases, depending on how certain variable slots are filled
	in. The quantification constrains the satisfiable values of a single variable.
 TIES   Up: Relation   Side: Theorem
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

⊗2UNIVERSAL QUANTIFICATION⊗*   For all "var" in "set", "statement" holds.

 CHANGES  {(2nd becomes more definite, .55, .70, intu: constrain a var.)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 BOUNDARY  {(almost always, empirically always, set is null → vacously true}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}  {(AV x PR=any predicate/statement, PR)}
 WORTH (.6, .6, .4, .05, .7, .7, .4, (1.0 formal, .6 intu), .8, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   {(2nd seems to hold only for some, not for all, elements of the given set)}
 OPERATIONS  Specialize: replace var by any known member of the set.

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}   Consider only the subset of the set where 2nd ⊗4does⊗* hold.
	Disjoin to 2nd the special exceptions which can occur(all eles. of set not satisfying 2nd)
	(-): add to set some element not satisfying 2nd.

 DEFINITION   The object x which may occur in 2nd can be replaced by any member of
	an auxilliary-memtioned set, and 2nd will still be true.
	One may say that the set ⊗4satisfies⊗* the 2nd.
 INTU   2nd is true in all cases, when x is replaced by any specific member of the given set.
 TIES   Up: Quantification   Side: Prove, Theorem
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}


 CHANGES  {(2nd becomes more definite, .55, .70, intu: constrain a var.)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS     ∃1 ←← this should be discovered along with the idea of Singleton set.
 BOUNDARY  {never, ∃1, almost always,∀}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}  {(AV x PR=any predicate/statement, PR)}
 WORTH (.6, .6, .4, .5, .7, .7, .4, (1.0 formal, .6 intu), .8, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   {(2nd seems never to hold on elements of the given set)}
 OPERATIONS  Specialize: consider var a specific (but unknown) member of the set.

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}    (find an x somewhere satisfying 2nd, then insert it into 2nd)
 VIEWS   In the present world, we can find such an entity. Note that the current world
	may be hypothetical, for example if there were previous quantifiers which
	said ∀q or ∃q,... then we may assume that we have q in hand and it exists.

 DEFINITION   The object x which may occur in 2nd can be replaced by some member of
	an auxilliary-memtioned set, and 2nd will be true (the acutal name may be unknown).
	One says that 2nd is ⊗4satisfiable⊗* in the set.
 INTU   2nd is true in some cases, when x is replaced by a specific member of the given set.
 TIES   Up: Quantification   Side: Prove, Theorem
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}


 CHANGES  {(2nd becomes more definite, .55, .70, intu: constrain a var.)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 BOUNDARY  {never, ∃1, almost always,∀}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}  {(AV x PR, PR)}
 WORTH (.5, .6, .4, .05, .7, .7, .4, (1.0 formal, .5 intu), .6, (1.0 basis))


 DEFINITION   The object x which may occur in 2nd can be replaced by any member of
	an auxilliary-memtioned set, and 2nd will be false.
	One says that the 2nd is ⊗4unsatisfiable⊗* in this set.
 INTU   2nd is false in all cases, when x is replaced by a specific member of the given set.
 TIES   Up: Quantification   Side: Prove, Theorem  Equiv: Not(∃).
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

⊗2EXISTENTIALLY NEGATIVE QUANTIFICATION⊗*    Not for all...  For some x, not...

 CHANGES  {(2nd becomes more definite, .55, .70, intu: constrain a var.)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 BOUNDARY  other quantifiers
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}  {(AV x PR, PR)}
 WORTH (.5, .6, .4, .5, .7, .7, .4, (1.0 formal, .5 intu), .6, (1.0 basis))


 DEFINITION   The object x which may occur in 2nd can be replaced by some member of
	an auxilliary-memtioned set, for which the 2nd will be false.
	One might say that the set does not ⊗4satisfy⊗* 2nd.
 INTU   2nd is false in some cases, when x is replaced by a specific member of the given set.
 TIES   Up: Quantification   Side: Prove, Theorem  Equiv: Not(∀).
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

⊗2NEITHER NEVER NOR ALWAYS⊗*    For some, but not for all...

 IDEN {not}{quick}

 BOUNDARY  other quantifiers
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}  {(AV x PR, PR)}
 WORTH (.5, .6, .4, .5, .7, .7, .4, (1.0 formal, .5 intu), .6, (1.0 basis))
 OPERATIONS	Negate: [low interest result (for all or for none); exclusive extreme]


 DEFINITION   The object x which may occur in 2nd can be replaced by some member of
	an auxilliary-memtioned set, for which the 2nd will be false, and by some other
	member for which it will be true.
 INTU   There are cases known in which 2nd is false, some for sure where it is true.
	Sets: A non-null proper subset.
 TIES   Up: Quantification   Side: Prove, Theorem.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

⊗2PROPERTY⊗*  A predicate, a condition which an entity might satisfy or not.

 FINAL  {(ability to know whether a given β in family F satisfies a certain criteria, .80, .85,
	intu: view as an operation with one argument, over domain F, which returns T or F),
	(know what theorems can be used rele. to β, .30, .60, intu: find out β's type)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(domain, constrain to be in a certain form,
	(set of all relations, .90, reln.operations),
	(a cross-product X, .90, a relation))}
	WORTH: high
 BOUNDARY {(domain is some specific set of elements, thus this concept is = subset),
	(range is a singleton subset of {T,F}, then this (or its negation) is a theorem)}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}  {(any set, {T, F}, op), (any set, all its elements which satisfy P, passive)}
 WORTH (.6, .7, .5, .5, .6, .8, .7, (1.0 formal, .6 intu), .6, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   {(interesting as a subset or as a reln or op, that level of int., direct),
	(new theorems about BEINGs which satisfy this proposed property,
	.6 + .4*(avg. int. of thms.), coincidences are rare and wondrous),
	Also: (how neatly the family F breaks into T/F classes,
		(along subfamily lines, +.95),
		(within single specific β's ε F,  -.85),
		(not all T nor all F, else this is just  a theorem (its negation is a thm)))}
 OPERATIONS  Property itself; Relns.Operations; Set.Operations.

 ALGORITHMS   Must be able to check each member of F and decide whether T or F.
 VIEWS  as a relation: cross-product of domain set and range {T,F}; (a,b)εR ↔ R((a,b))={T}.
	as an operation: domain is domain set, range is {T,F}, no doubleheaded arrows.
		aFb ↔ F((a,b))={T}.
	as a set (as a subset):  {xεdomain | P(x)={T} } = PSET. Thus P(x)={T} ↔ xεPSET.

 DEFINITION  An operation whose range is {T,F}. Since we only distinguish the case when
	R(a)={T} from all others ({F}, {}, {T,F}) we may as well assume that the ⊗4only⊗*
	possible values for any x in the domain are {T} and {F}.

	PSET, all its subsets, and all its elements are said to ⊗4satisfy⊗* the property P.
	For each entity B satisfying the predicate P, we say that B is P (P adjective)
	or B has property P, or that P(B) holds, or that B is of type P.
	FILLIN: If a good intuition exists for the property Q: Consider the set PP(S)={A | A⊂SxS}
	where S is a set whose elements are likely to be in the domain of relations which
	which meaningfully satisfy or fail Q. Notice that PP(S) is also the set of all relations
	on SxS. Locate those members x of PP(S) which intuitively satisfy the desired property Q.
	Now try to find some common properties, some conditions all these x's share.
	Perhaps go back and select a new S (repeat this a few times).
	Weed out those which are not certain and/or which can be derived from (or which
	contradict) the others. Those which remain are conjoined into the definition of Q.
	Notice that this works only for properties Q which can be easily built out of
	already-existing Actives.  This should not be a practical or a theoretical restriction.
 INTU   Some tie, some common statement true of the domain eles. which have this property.
	Similarities in details of the arrows which connect sets; a ⊗4type⊗* of arrow.
 TIES   Up: Active, Operations Archetypical BEING.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
	FILLIN: Use algorithm if it is fast and if domain is small enough.
		Use thm: any reln. having prop. A, B,... must also have ⊗4this⊗* property.
⊗2ORDERED⊗*   Are a structure's elements in proper precedence sequence?

 CHANGES  {(sequencing; next item to do/look at, .85, .85, intu: as a decider),
	(Convert an unordered collection into an ordered one, .85, .85,)}
 FINAL  {(know what comes next, .85, .80, intu: as an operator)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(dom/ran, restricted, (each is the pair {x,y}, .95, ordered-pair),
	(each is the set S, .50, oset),
	(each is the bag B, .90, list)
	(each is the bag (BAG a b), .95, ordered pair (PAIR a b) or (PAIR b a))),
	(do not contain (x,y) or (y,x) for all x and y in the structure, .60, partial ordering))}
 BOUNDARY (order of eles. in one pair in <, irrelevant, partail order is okay)
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}  {(bag or set S,itself, op),   (S x itself, {T,F}, pred),
	(AB, AL, put a bag in order: op), (AS, AOSET, put a set in order: op)}
 WORTH (.6, .7, .7, .6, .6, .7, .4, (1.0 formal, .7 intu), .8, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  Some gain is produced when considering the elements in the given order.

 ALGORITHMS   The whole idea of an algorithm is to do things sequentially.
 REPRESENTATION  (preceder, succeeder, Can/Must/Mustnot/Might)* or <Algorithm>
 VIEWS    Sequence of things; esp: sequence of operations to perform.
	Sequence of things in an ordered structure; the order they are removed in.

 DEFINITION  Superiority, in a given respect, in the current aspect of comparison.
	Given a bag or set, called S, constrain its elements by a relation < s.t.
	∀a,b,cεS. <(a,b) ∧ <(b,c) →  <(a,c)
	Strong: ∀a,bεS. <(a,b) → NOT(<(b,a)) 
		or Weak: ∀a,bεS. <(a,b) ∧ <(b,a)  ↔ a=b
		Alternate axiom for Strong: ∀aεS.¬<(a,a).
	Sometimes, add this Strong LINEAR ordering axiom: ∀a≠bεS. <(a,b) ∨ <(b,a) 
		For Weak Linear ordering, omit the "≠b" in the above axiom.
	Sometimes, even add this Strong WELL ordering axiom: ∀B≠PHI ⊂ S, ∃xεB. ∀y≠xεB. <(x,y).
		Alternate statment of this axiom: Each nonempty subset of S has a least element.
		For Weak Well ordering, omit the "≠x" in the above axiom.

	Including LINEAR, one can arrive at the idea of a unique successor, SUCC(x).
	and also the idea of a first element, one which is < all others.

	Each oset and each list implicitly specify a unique LINEAR order relation:
		The cells which hold the information in a list are in order; accessing the
		front element means accessing that element which is < every other.
		For osets, the order is easier since there are no repeated elements.
	Notice that any subset of an ordering relation is also an ordering relation;
	this does not necessarily apply to LINEAR ordering relations (also called TOTAL).
	Nonlinear ordering relations are also called PARTIAL orderings.
 INTU  Can only do one thing at a time; do x before y if <(x,y).
		Specialization: "doing a thing" →→→ "occupy a certain cell in ordered structure".
	Operator: what can be done after this one but not before it? Which must be done before?
	Temporal sequence. Order in an ordered structure. Sequence of operations to do.
	Advancing a state variable, incrementing a counter, going to the next one.
	Following a causal arrow; the ironclad precedence of the cause before the effect.
	Preconditions; factors which enable another entity; the result of x is needed before
	we can even start to do y; compose operations. If the ordering is not total,
	if sometimes it doesn't matter what we do, then the ordering is only ⊗4partial⊗*.
	Superiority, to the left of, earlier, above, younger than, ancestor to.

	Specialization of this: do → occupy cell in a list or oset or ordered pair.
	Op: what elements should be done after this, not before?
	Antonym: parallel, simulataneous.  This includes one of the two meanings of AND.
 TIES   Up: Property, Relation     Side: Ordered pair, List, Oset
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
⊗2CLOSURE⊗*   Generate a substructure from a core, using an operation.

 FINAL  {(op f will now no longer take you out of (slight enlargement of) core,
	.90, .80, intu: make just enough room to live in)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(dom/ran of op f, both are equal to A which is a subset of S, .85,
		so closure is just  A ∪ f(A) ∪ f(f(A)) ∪ ..., 
		which is of course a subset of S and a superset of A),
	(the set A is a singleton {a}, .80, )}
 BOUNDARY {(dom (args), extreme, (A is null, .40, A is vacuously closed under any op f),
	(f is the empty relation, .10, every A is vacuously closed under f),
	(f:S↑n→S but f has no preimage on A↑n; that is, ∀x↓1,...,x↓nεA, f(x↓1,...,x↓n)=PHI.))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}  {(Astructure↑2 x AOP, Astructure,op),
	(ASTRUC↑3 x AOP, {T,F}, pred), (ASTRUC x AOP, ASTRUC↑2, explosive op)}
	The second structure A must be a substructure of the first one S. The operation
	f must be from S↑n to S (i.e., viewed as a relation, f ⊂ A↑[n+1]).
	The final structure will also be a substructure of S.
 WORTH (.6, .6, .4, .6, .6, .6, .6, (1.0 formal, .7 intu), .8, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  The operation f can be restricted to closure(A)↑n to itself instead of S↑n to itself.
	Thus the newly restricted operation will probably satisfy the same properties
	on closure(A) as f did on S. Check for these. The biggest advantage is that
	one can take elements from cl(A), operate on them with f, and get new elements of cl(A))
	One interesting thing to look at is cl({z}); another is which subsets satisfy
	the equality X=cl(X); another is the conjunction of these two: which zεS satisfy
	closure({z}) = {z}. Any such z are called fixed points of f.
 OPERATIONS    Interesting to look at closure(closure(A)).

 ALGORITHMS   The obvious alg: set C←A. Compute f over C↑n, and add in any nee eles of S.
	Repeat until there are no new additions, that is, until f(C)⊂C.
 VIEWS  A property that some substructures possess.
	An operation that can be performed on any substructure.
	A repeated composition of f with itself, arbitrarily deeply.

 DEFINITION Given a structure S and an operation f:S↑n→S, we shall say that a substructure
	A of S is ⊗4closed⊗* under f if f(A↑n)⊂A. The ⊗4closure⊗* of a substructure A
	of S is the smallest closed substructure of S which contains A; this is written
	cl(A); alternative definition: the intersection of all closed substrucs of S
	which contain A; the union  A ∪ f(A↑n) ∪ f(f(A↑n)↑n) ∪...; the previous union,
	stopped as soon as the new set unioned in is already contained in the union.
	Notice that f(A↑n) means {xεS | ∃z↓1,...z↓nεA s.t. f(z↓1,...,z↓n)=x}.
	Notice that A ≤ cl(A) ≤ S, where "≤" means the relation substructure (containment).
 INTUITION    Keep adding new friends to your group until nobody knows anybody else to add.
	Repeatedly apply a function to what is known until it no longer gives any new info.
	Progress linearly, nondeterministically; if you ever repeat a state, you may as well stop.
 TIES   Up: Property, Operation.   Side: Composition
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}   (+): For any S and f, S is closed and PHI is vacuously closed.
	The closure of any substructure is closed and is in fact its own closure.
⊗2EXTREME⊗*   Within a given example of a β, what are the subconcepts specifying its extremities.
Possibly, this β should actually be Archetypical: should be made into a part name.

 FINAL  {(there is nothing more in this direction, .80, .75, intu: go till you hit a wall)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(extremes of a concept are its boundary, qv, .80, Boundary and Bdy-exs parts),
	(extremes of an instance of a concept are subpart(s) which are distinguished
	by universal statements proclaiming their sup(inf)eriority wrt some specific measure;
	often this measure is (satisifes the defn of) an ordering on the instance.
	An extreme should be generally meaningful for any instance of this concept)}
 BOUNDARY (instances are other β's, then this is indistinguishable from the Boundary part)
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}  {(an instance of a β, an extreme subpart of that instance, an op),
	(any β, a property which takes an instance of β and produces its extreme subparts, op),
	(any entity  x  any subpart of that entity, {T,F}, predicate)}
 WORTH (.6, .6, .5, .4, .6, .7, .4, (1.0 formal, .7 intu), .8, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  The extreme subpart(s) satisfy int. props that just any old subpart might not.
 OPERATIONS An interesting thing happens if we try to compose this concept with itself;
	the results are all interesting (the upper bounds to the set of all upper bounds 
	in B of a set A are just the Greatest elements of B; 
	the Least of the set of upper bounds is lub, a very important concept; etc.).

 ALGORITHMS   To test whether x is the extreme part of S, consider going to x from
	various other subparts of S, then try and keep going in the same way; if you
	can, then what you get is "more extreme" than x. If you can show that you can
	always continue in that direction, then there is no extreme subpart in that direction.

 DEFINITION  Given a comparison function, say f:AxA→{T,F} (or, equivalently, f⊂AxA),
	two extreme classes of elements of A, in the direction of f, are:
	maximum↓f(A) = {xεA |  ∀y≠xεA. f(x,y)}, and 
	minimum↓f(A) = {xεA |  ∀y≠xεA. ¬f(x,y)}.
	For ordered structures, this will become the notions of First and No-Successor.
	For totally ordered structures, these are First and Last.
	When A is still thought of as a set, we call these concepts Greatest and Least. 
	A relaxation is specify that the extremes lie only in some set containing A:
	Given A, B, f⊂BxB, then a Lower bound of A is any xεB s.t. ∀y≠xεA. f(x,y).
	Similarly, an Upper bound of A is any xεB s.t. ∀y≠xεA. ¬f(x,y).

	Another dimension, given our f as above, is to compose f with itself until
	there is no change in the resultant subset of A produced, or until the pattern
	of the change is inferred and actually guessed at as a conjecture.
	The other extreme, again given our f⊂AxA, is to consider {xεA | x¬ε f(A)},
	the set of elements which have no preimages under f.
	Another tack to take is to consider the fixed points, {xεA | x f x}.
	A stronger extreme this way, if the former set is too big, is {xεA | f(x)={x} }.
	Finally, one can look for those elements which go nowhere under f⊂AxB, namely
	{xεA | f(x) = PHI }  = preimage of NIL = those elements which have no image.
 INTU   The farthest one can go; walk till you are constrained by a wall (the defn, eg).
 TIES   Up: Property    Side: Ordered, Statement of Generality
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
⊗2ACTIVE.OPERATIONS⊗*  Properties, e.g. inverse, compose, repeat, function,...
           Should be independently discovered by the system, not supplied by the creators.

 FINAL  {(know whether given Active(s) satisfy certain property, .70, .80,
	intu: operation is a (n-place) predicate over class of relations),
	(know what theorems can be used rele. to β, .40, .70, intu: find out β's type)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(intu, active transformation, (treat as an Op. on Actives, .5, ),
	(intu, static,(treat as Relation or Property over Actives, high, ,)}
	WORTH: high
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}  {(the set AA of Actives -- or AAxAA,  AA, operation)}
 WORTH (.6, .7, .5, .5, .6, .8, .7, (1.0 formal, .6 intu), .6, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   {(interesting as an Active), that level of int., direct),
	(new theorems about Actives which satisfy this proposed property,
	.6 + .4*(avg. int. of thms.), coincidences are rare and wondrous)}
 OPERATIONS  Actually coincides with this BEING itself; view as reln, so see reln.ops.

 VIEWS  {(as a relation, with (a,b) interpreted as meaning that the Active a (or --
	the ordered pair of Actives a=(a↓1,a↓2)) is related to the Active b.)
	(as a property, whose master set is all Actives AA; or, AA↑2. extend: consider AA↑n)
	(as an operator, whose domain is AA or AA↑2 and whose range is AA.)

 DEFINITION  An Active entity P which connects other Actives together.
	View P as a pred.:  For each Active R satisfying P, we say that R is P (P adjective)
	or R has property P. 
 INTU   View P as reln: Some tie, some common statement true of the Actives which have this property.
	Similarities in details of the arrows which connect sets; a ⊗4type⊗* of arrow.
 TIES   Up: ACTIVE, Operations Archetypical BEING.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}	Composition, Repeat. ←← probably these should be BEINGs themselves.
	WORTH: huge variation, but usually quite interesting.
 CONTENTS   Compose, repeat, apply.
	FILLIN: Use algorithm if it is fast and if domain is small enough.
		Use thm. that reln. having prop. A, B,... must also have this property.
⊗3STATIC META BEINGs⊗*  Higher-level constructions.

 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS   (justif, quality, (absolute formal, pf or thm),
	(high but intuitive or empirical, conjecture),
	(mediocre but planned ephemerality, assumption),
	(none needed -- existance, object))}
 BOUNDARY    {(boundary, dom/range meaningful, (static quality, destroyed)),
	(justif, not needed, (belief, irrational (revelation-axiom, existence-object)))}
 WORTH (.5, .7, .4, .5, .6, .6, .5, (depends on specialized form: .1 to 1.0 spread
	in both formal and intuitive), .4, (1.0 basis))
	FILLIN: If used with only one BEING β, after enough time has elapsed take it
	 	and make this just one subpart of TIES part of β. (saves time/space)
 INTEREST   This part is of course very important; it is the key to what to look for.
	(Used in multiple proofs, by many other active BEINGs, to good advantage; .8,),
	(Conjoins with another static entity to yield a very surprising result, .8,interest)
 OPERATIONS   Active META BEINGs, in general.

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}  {(if too active, replace by all int. static applications),
	(if hard to justify yet crucial, ask if it can be assumed as an axiom)}

 DEFINITION  Holder of information produced by active meta β, tying together lesser BEINGs.
 INTU  Facts ⊗4about⊗* the facts; results of using same.
 TIES  Up: Specific Knowledge BEING
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

⊗2STATEMENT⊗*   An expression of some thought.

 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS {(justif, quality, (formal, theorem), (informal only, conjecture)),
	(argument:structure, may as well be viewed as a set; ∀xε[Convert-to-set S].P(x)),
	(format of the thought, 
		(∀ members of structure. P holds, Statement of Generality),
		(∃ member of structure. P holds, Statement of Existence))}
 BOUNDARY    {(size of the structure S, empty, statement is vacuously true usually)}
 WORTH (.5, .8, .6, .4, .7, .8, .4, (both can vary highly), .5, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   This part is of course very important; it is the key to what to look for.
	(It is surprising that the statement is true, raher than just a weaker version)
	(What we really want is an easier result, but this "hard" statement is actually clearer)
 OPERATIONS   Prove, Disprove (if not already certain). Use (if reliable).

 REPRESENTATION	   Formally, usually as a pc wff.
 VIEWS   A proposition, which should be closed (no free variables), which is menaingful.
	An assertion of some relation holding in some way; often involving quantification.
	This may be a fact about a given entity, about its subparts, about a pair of things, etc.

 DEFINITION  An object which is clearly either true or false, typically having a meaningful
	intuition, usually involving an Active, a structure, and one more structure
	or Active BEING.   The typical statement is a claim, an assertion of the form
	that the Active applied to the structure either (i) satisfies the other Active, or
	(ii) is equal to the other structure.  Two common quantified forms of statements
	are those of generality and those of existence; they have an Active P and a
	structure S, and some other Active Q (either ∀ or ∃), and they claim that
	P applied to a member of S satisfies the quantification property Q.
 INTU  See intu for quantif, for propostional constants, for conjectures, theorems, etc.
 TIES  Up: Static Meta BEING
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

 CHANGES {(a certain relnship is given a name and temp. β status, .80, .80, )}
 PAST {(want to prove something which currently is not a β of any kind, .70, .80,
	intu: first isolate it, then study it)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS   (justif, quality, (empirical, may be coincidence, try to understand intu),
	(intuitive, may be completely wrong: gather empirical evidence),
	(almost syntacticly, from an anlogy, gather empirical evidence; hint: use ana. evid.))}
	(none needed -- existance, object)),
	(the type of the conjecture, the front quantifier,
	(none, .50, declaration), (∀, .60, statement of generality), (∃, .55, statement of existence))}
 BOUNDARY    {(justif, quality, (high enough and formal enough, theorem)),
	(none needed at the moment, assumption))}
 WORTH (.4, .8, .5, .5, .6, .7, .5, (formal: below .90, intu/empir: ≥.10), .4, (1.0 basis))
	FILLIN: If unproven after enough attemps, after enough time has elapsed,
		then this β can be destroyed (just record a few key loop-stopping facts)
 INTEREST   This part is of course very important; it is the key to what to look for.
	(If this were known to be true, would it be interesting?, .9*that rating,)
	FILLIN: see Specializations part; also, when nonformal is high enough, try to PROVE it.
 OPERATIONS   Prove, Disprove.

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}  {(-): (complete proof or disproof),(decide to assume it as basic)}
 REPRESENTATION		Formal language statement, possibly involving quantification.
 VIEWS     An unproven statement.

 DEFINITION  A potentially true meta-fact, a tying of other β's, which is not yet reliable.
 INTU  Mountain-climbing: leader who must hammer in pitons himself to help followers.
 TIES  Up: Static Meta BEING, Statement      Side: Object, Theorem, Proof, Counterexample
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

 PAST {(want to prove something about all elements of structure S, .70, .80, intu: prove in parallel)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 BOUNDARY    {(size of the structure S, small, no need for ∀ format)),
	(of the form ¬∀<var>¬P(x), awkward to use ∀ instead of ∃)}
 WORTH (.5, .8, .6, .4, .7, .8, .4, (both can vary highly), .5, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   This part is of course very important; it is the key to what to look for.
	(It is surprising that the statement is true for all members and not just some)
	(There is one specific member whose proof we can't get; perhaps it is easier to prove ∀)
 OPERATIONS   Prove, Disprove (if not already certain):
	If unproven after enough attempts, after enough time has elapsed,
	then try proving the thing with ∀ replaced by ∃, try reworking intu, etc.

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}  {(-): (introduce one exception into S)}
	(+): (remove all the exceptions from S), (if P involves ordering/next, then try rearranging S)}
 REPRESENTATION	   Formally, usually of the format ∀xεS.P(x).
 VIEWS   A universally quantified sentence in the variable x.
	A simultaneous assertion for each element of S.
	Proving it in general: a model which could be used whenever you want, for any specific xεS.
	Notice that this is a statment about the elements of S, more than about S itself.

 DEFINITION  A statement that asserts that a certain property holds for each individual
	member of a certain struc. That is, "P(x)" is a true assertion when x is replaced by
	(the name of) any member of structure X.
 INTU  See intu for univ-quantif.  Collective statement. Stereotype. Generalization.
	Assertion of the P-indistinguishability of all members of S, their equivalence wrt P.
 TIES  Up: Statement      Side: Universal-quantification
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

 PAST {(want to prove something about structure S, .60, .75, one of its abilities is...)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS    {(the actual satisfying ele. is known, say it is a. Then one can say P(a))}
 BOUNDARY    {(size of the structure S, small: singleton or empty, no need for ∃ format)),
	(of the form ¬∃<var>¬P(x), awkward to use ∃ instead of ∀)}
 WORTH (.5, .8, .6, .6, .7, .8, .5, (both can vary highly), .4, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   This part is of course very important; it is the key to what to look for.
 	(It is surprising that the statement is true for any member at all in S)
	(We really need only to show existence in some larger set, but we think that
	it would have to exist (at least one such would exist) in this substruc S, and
	also we think it might be easier to show ∃ here since S has some nice properties related to P)
 OPERATIONS    Try and construct the actual element x which satisfies P.

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}  {(+): (introduce one satisfying ele into S)}
	(-): (remove all the satisfying eles from S)}
 REPRESENTATION	   Formally, usually of the format ∃xεS.P(x).
 VIEWS   An existentially quantified sentence in the variable x.
	A simultaneous disjunction with a disjunct P(x) for each element of S.
	Proving that S can do the job, that it has a certain capability, that somebody in S can do it.
	Notice that this is a statement about S, rather than about the elements of S.

 DEFINITION  A statement that asserts that a certain property holds for some individual
	member of a certain struc. That is, "P(x)" is a true assertion when x is replaced by
	(the name of) some member of structure X. Not necessarily all members of S will
	make P true, and we may not even be able to point to the satisfying member of S,
	though of course that is one way of establishing (constructively) the existence.
 INTU  See intu for exis-quantif.  Statement of ability to do the job; S is a room full
	of specialists, and we are saying that S as a unit can do something.
 TIES  Up: Statement    Side: Existential-quantification
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

 PAST {(want to prove something similar to this theorem, .60, .70,intu: either as 
	a model or as a tool)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS   (past, one big thm. uses this,
	(as a stepping stone or as a tool, .60, called a "lemma")),
	(type of front quantifer, 
		(∀, .8, a universal theorem, see statement of generality)
		(∃, .75, an existential theorem, see statement of existence)
		(none, .7, a true proposition, see propositional constant))}
	(past, void, (no real usage --at least yet, .30, called "proposition")
		IDEN: corollary
		FILLIN: coincidence
		WORTH: high
 BOUNDARY    {(justif, quality, (not absolutely formal, conjecture),
	(none present or needed, object))}
 WORTH (.7, .8, .6, .4, .5, .7, .4, (formal: 1.0, intu/empir: no constraint), .5, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   This part is of course very important; it is the key to what to look for.
	...   <I am unsure exactly what goes here that can't go at a higher level>
	Unexpected, hard to prove,
	Negative weight if obvious, expected, a trivial pf exists, vacuously true, etc.
	Relates entities which are either diff or else already rel. in a very diff way.
	(Past, heavy usage, .8, utility)
 JUSTIFICATION    Point to a proof for formal justification, and also indicate which
	specific mathematical theory this was proven in (i.e., which axiom set and
	derived theorem set was implicitly assumed as valid), and try to indicate the
	full range of known mathematical theories in which the proof remains valid.
	FILLIN: First attempt to find some intu, some empirical evidence, some ana.
	WORTH: high

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}  {(-): (conjoin new clauses to the theorem, (justif, no longer valid),
	(+): (find a proof for an unproven statement, (justif, satisfied))}
 REPRESENTATION		Formal language statement, possibly involving quantification.
 VIEWS   A proven statement.

 DEFINITION  A proven, true meta-fact, a tying of other β's, which is reliable, which
	is equivalent to True, in some given mathematical theory (that is, it follows
	logically from the set of axioms of the foundation of that theory).
	In the course of proving this theorem, any auxiliarry result which is of
	little outside interest but is a crucial step in the proof may be called a ⊗4lemma⊗*.

	Typically, the theorem is a statement of the form "If P is true (about the
	basis of this mathematical theory, and if we assume all the foundation axioms)
	then Q is also necessarily true (about the structures and actives talked about
	in the basis, or about entities built out of them). Usually, we omit the two
	parenthesized phrases, but they are always assumed to be understood. We call
	P the hypothesis, and Q the conclusion. Both P and Q should be statements.
	P and, especially, Q are usually statements of generality or of existence.
 INTU  Mountain-climbing: safe, secure base camps, each one should be higher up.
 TIES  Up: Static Meta BEING      Side: Object, Conjecture, Proof, Counterexample
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}


 FINAL  {(the truth of P is now made formally obvious and clear and believed, .90, .80,
	intu: by looking closer longer, we can see more clearly and with more continuity),
	(convince audience of truth of P, .85, .75, intu: lead flock down path)}
 PAST  {(working on an analogous task as this proof accomplished, .40, .50, intu: ana)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS   (worth, values become extreme,
	(complexity drops to zilch, .20, triviality; easily rederivable if every needed;
	suggestion: if this keeps recurring, let it exist; else forget it and/or demonize),
	(complexity is too high, .20, find quasi-interesting resting-palces along the
	route, a sequence of lemmas, to aid in comprehension and later analogies)),
	(contents, value filled in or not, (exists constructively or not, .60/.50,
	affects what you can do with this, what kind of handle there is on it))}
 BOUNDARY    {(justif, quality, (not absolutely formal, sketch of a proof),
	(none present or needed, axiom))}
 WORTH (.5, .4, .5, .6, .7, .9, .3, (formal: 1.0, intu/empir: no constraint), .2, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   This part is of course very important; it is the key to what to look for.
	There may in fact be no reason why a ⊗4proof⊗* is int, although the fact that
	one ⊗4exists⊗* for y (ie., that y is a theorem) may be quite interesting.
	...   <I am unsure exactly what goes here that can't go at a higher level>
	(Past, heavy usage, .8, utility)
 JUSTIFICATION    Each entry has its own justification from thms, axioms, rules of
	inference, and earlier entries (including earlier assumptions if they are
	maintained explicitly as such).
	FILLIN: Attempt to find some intu, some empirical evidence, some ana.
		Analyze the structure of the desired theorem; is it univ or exis?
		In general, ask the PROVE active-meta-BEING to do this.
	WORTH: high; even though the contents are unint, their ∃ is important.

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not} {(+): (find a proof for any unproven intu. steps in sketch, 
	(justif, satisfied))}
 REPRESENTATION	 (assertion, justification)* where each assertion is a mini-theorem.

 DEFINITION  A nonempty sequence of statements (about the basis and its superstructures),
	each of which is either an axiom, an assumption, an earlier theorem,
	or follows by a rule of inference from some axiom, theorem, or
	earlier statement. The justif. for each statement is appended onto it.
	Ultimately, any assumptions which cannot be discharged are conjoined into the
	hypothesis of the theorem which has been created, and any interesting statement
	in the proof (usually the final one) is taken to be the conclusion. One may
	then assert that the theorem <hypothesis> → <conclusion> has been proven.
	if P is not identical to this, it might be a quick corollary. If P (of the form A→B) 
	must be	equal to this, then we must not stop until one of the statements in the
	proof is B, and until all the assumptions not in A have been discharged validly.

	Thus one could view a proof as a list structure, a list each of whose
	elements is an ordered pair (s,j), where j proves s; in this recursion, a
	primitive proof is (axiom,PHI) or (theorem,PHI) or (previous s,PHI) or
	"rule of inference r applied to axiom α and theorem β with x replaced by SET..."
	etc.   The big difference here is that the ⊗4contents⊗* of the structure
	are of central importance, whereas for pure structures that is irrelevant.
	Thus no "syntactic" definition should be alone here; a "semantic" one is a
	practical necessity.
 INTU  Mountain-climbing: the trail to the summit (distinct from the summit itself of course).
	A new floor in a building; each new step (statement) in the proof is a supporting
		part (e.g, beam, wall). The assumptions are like the scaffolding.
 TIES  Up: Static Meta BEING      Side: Object, Conjecture, Theorem, Counterexample
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}    (Bdy,+,  axiom)

 PAST  {(working on an analogous task as this disproof put a stop to, .40, .50, intu: ana)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 BOUNDARY  {(justif, not absolutely formal, (justif, must be made ironclad))}
 WORTH (.3, .4, .6, .5, .6, .7, .4, (formal: 1.0, intu/empir: no constraint), .2, (1.0 basis))
	FILLIN: If only the existence of the counterexample is of any int, or esp.
	if the non-thm. itself is no longer of any int., then forget all about this β.
 INTEREST   This part is of course very important; it is the key to what to look for.
	There may in fact be no reason why a ⊗4counterex.⊗* is int, although the fact that
	one ⊗4exists⊗* for y (ie., that y is not a theorem) may be quite interesting.
	...   <I am unsure exactly what goes here that can't go at a higher level>
	(Past, heavy usage, .8, utility)
 JUSTIFICATION    An object or relationA justification from thms, axioms, rules of
	inference, and earlier entries (including earlier assumptions if they are
	maintained explicitly as such).
	FILLIN: Attempt to find some intu, some empirical evidence, some ana.
		Analyze the structure of the desired theorem; is it univ or exis?
		In general, ask the PROVE active-meta-BEING to do this.
	WORTH: high; even though the contents are unint, their ∃ is important.

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not} {(+): (find a proof for any unproven intu. steps in sketch, 
	(justif, satisfied))}
 REPRESENTATION	 (assertion, justification)* where each assertion is a mini-theorem.

 DEFINITION  A sequence of statements, each of which is either an axiom, an earlier
	theorem, or follows by a rule of inference from some aiom, theorem, or
	earlier statement. The justif. for each statement is appended onto it.
	Thus one could view a proof as a list structure, a list each of whose
	elements is an ordered pair (s,j), where j proves s; in this recursion, a
	primitive proof is (axiom,PHI) or (theorem,PHI) or (previous s,PHI) or
	"rule of inference r applied to axiom α and theorem β with x replaced by SET..."
	etc.   The big difference here is that the ⊗4contents⊗* of the structure
	are of central importance, whereas for pure structures that is irrelevant.
	Thus no "syntactic" definition should be alone here; a "semantic" one is a
	practical necessity.
 INTU  Mountain-climbing: the trail to the summit (distinct from the summit itself of course).
 TIES  Up: Static Meta BEING      Side: Object, Conjecture, Theorem, Counterexample
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}    (Bdy,+,  axiom)

⊗2CONTRADICTION⊗*    Notice that this might be tied into the environment (belief)

 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS   disproof of x
 BOUNDARY   {(where the assumption came from: (the user, .8, a joke),
	(the negation of a desired conjecture, .85, a formal indirect proof),
	(no assumptions made, .98, an inconsistency in the zxioms of the current
	mathematical system being developed; all the theroems are thus only vacuously true;
	this is very dangerous and very displeasing, but motivation exists to remedy it,
	typically by modifying the set of axioms; try to explicate which are not independent))}
 WORTH (.2, .5, .5, .5, .6, .7, .4, (formal: 1.0, intu/empir: suspicious), .1, (1.0 basis))
	FILLIN: Generally, one will destroy the entire world wherein this is found to occur!
 INTEREST   The establishment of the contradiction proves that one of the assumptions
	made is false, which may lead to an interesting theorem.
 JUSTIFICATION    The justification, while syntactically identical to that for a proof,
	is semantically understood to follow from false assumptions, hence is trivial.
	FILLIN: Consider how to find a proof of a false statement.
		In general, ask the PROVE active-meta-BEING to do this.
	WORTH: high; even though the contents are unint, their ∃ is important.
 OPERATIONS     Understand its origins, try to resolve it

 REPRESENTATION	 (assertion, justification)* where each assertion is a mini-theorem
	or an assumption (absolute justification or none whatsoever).
 VIEWS   (as a proof technique: indirect proof of Y: assume ¬Y and derive a contradiction)

 DEFINITION  A situation where assuming x leads to the proof of a false statement.
	Often this is done by proving ¬x and then concluding x ∧ ¬x, which is = F.
	The fact that x → F means that x itself must be false. Here x is the conjunction
	of all the assumptions which had to be made before the proof.
	When we say that x is impossible, we mean that oneor more of its conjuncts are.
	Typically, one can say that the system enters a hypothetical world by assuming
	x, then shows that the world is inconsistent, then destroys that world but
	retains the fact that x can not possibly be true. Thus ¬x is proven as a theorem.
	If x is believed, reexamine those beliefs until the belief level of x drops.
	As a last resort, consider restricting the methods used in the proof, of redefining
	some of the concepts so that the contradictory proof can never be done legally anymore.
	No "syntactic" definition should be alone here; a "semantic" one is a
	practical necessity.
 INTU  It can't be so; if it were, nothing would make any sense.It is a paradox, a joke.
 TIES  Up: Static Meta BEING      Side: Indirect proof 
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}  

⊗2BUG⊗*    The only other type of known error, except for Contradiction.

 CHANGES   {(perfection of piece of knowledge/code, .70, .75, repair)}
 PAST   {(error message from system: interrupts go here, .80, .85, alterations of clothes)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS  Error, contradiction, problem with internal model of the world.
 WORTH (.1, .4, .4, .5, .6, .5, .4, (formal: empirical; intu: fallability), .1, (1.0 basis))
	FILLIN: Generally, one will work until the bug goes away, then let the new bug β die.
		Retain, however, some idication of its origin, in the form of a demon to watch
		for similar situations in the future, and also one to handle those that slip by.
 JUSTIFICATION The only justif. is the operating system and the formal syn. of LISP.
	WORTH: low; only the existence counts.
 OPERATIONS  Debug: work on the triggering entity until it no longer triggers.

 REPRESENTATION	 (type of bug, pointer to trigger, description of origin, how to fix)
 VIEWS   (as a communication between the system and the operating-system)
	(as a contradiction between the way the sys. thinks the trigger is, and the way it is)

 DEFINITION  A situation where a trigger x leads to the inability to do what the sys. thinks is 
	doable. This might be applying an op. to something thought to be in its domain,
	accessing something which in reality can't be accessed, carrying out something
	which has no definition known to the operating system, etc.

	No "syntactic" definition should be alone here; a "semantic" one is a
	practical necessity.
 INTU  It can't remain as it is; either decide to try to fix it or forget the triggering action.
	Clothes don't fit. Engine malfunction. Misjudgment.
 TIES  Up: Static Meta BEING      Side: Contradiction 
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}  


 CHANGES {(statement involving x → involves y, .70, .80, )}
 FINAL  {(clarify ties between x and y, .60, .70, )}
 PAST {(looking around, trying to decide what is plaus. to say about x, .60, .75,)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS   {(defn/intu, strengthen, (no functional diffs. at all, equivalence),
	(contents, completeness, (maximal -- to the point of flawless structural
	equality and truth preservation under any applicable relation, .90, isomorphism))}
 BOUNDARY    {equivalence; no similarity of any power is ever found}
 WORTH (.6, .9, .6, .5, .5, .6, .4, (formal: often low, intu/empir: ≥.10), .8, (1.0 basis))
	FILLIN: If no uses after enough attempts, after enough time has elapsed,
		then this β can be destroyed (just record a few key loop-stopping facts)
 INTEREST   This part is of course very important; it is the key to what to look for.
	(If this were known to be true, would it be interesting?, .9*that rating,)
	(Say P(y) is v. int; P(x) would be v. int, but it is hard to see how to
	prove or even intu. interpret P(x); then look for ana. y↔x; .9*int of P(x))
	(Two BEINGs which seem very diff. correspond under the analogy, .7)
	If the ana. is based on the fact that the values of two equally-named parts are
	equal, then the interest rating is exponential in the unusualness of that value.
	For example, Unfilled-in has value 0; T or F have value 1; the list
	(3 5 7 11 13 15 2) has value 8; a member identified as from a set of k
	equal possibilities is granted usualness k. The correspondonding interest
	values for an ana. based on these would be 0, 1, 64, k↑2.
	Notice the interesting case when x and y are both analogies themselves!

	If Ana. seems strong, then suddenly propsoition P is found which was expected to
	be universal but is found not to be, then it may be very interesting to study
	the two subsets P↓[yes] and P↓[no] on which P actually does hold (fails).

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}  {(-): (formal, absolute proof of the ana., defn, equivalence),
	(+): (Serious flaw in that P does not carry over; modify x into a new β which
	⊗4does⊗* satisfy P; try to maintain all other existing ana. strengths)}
 REPRESENTATION  (part, how to make things related to this part of an x correspond to
	things related to this part of a y, vice versa, strength, interest)*
 VIEWS  (As a relation, mapping β's into somewhat similar β's),(As a conjecture with
	many component assertions)}

 DEFINITION  A potentially useful correspondence between two β's, which is more than coincid.
	A correspondence between the properties of two ideas, typically high intu. clarity.
	An analogy is called ⊗4partial⊗* if not all parts of each map into anything;
	it is called ⊗4weak⊗* if there is more than one way to map a given part.
	(A weak analogy should be strengthened or split into separate analogies)
 INTU  Mountain-climbing: try and find a path someone already hacked out, even if slight detour.
	Two different views; in any given sit, can use the one which is best suited.
 TIES  Up: Static Meta BEING    Side: Conjecture
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
	FILLIN: Try to extend this to as many parts as possible, as certainly as possible.

⊗2MESSAGE⊗*    A structured communication (BEING↔BEING or user↔BEING)

 FINAL  {(destination receives the given info, .80, .80,intu: on target)}
 PAST {(x wants to communicate i to y, .90, .80,)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS   {(contents, complexity, (low enough, .90, simple BEING part call))}
 BOUNDARY    {simple part call; new permanent β desreves creation}
 WORTH (.3, .2, .01, .4, .7, .5, .3, (formal: often low, intu/empir: ≥.20), .5, (1.0 basis))
	FILLIN: In almost all cases, after successful transmission, this will be
		forgotten. Thus all instantiations have final component (0.1 NIL).
 INTEREST   The receiver does not know the given information; it will change his behavior;
	There is difficulty in communicating this, but sender thinks it is important.
	Probably forbid the case when x and y are both messages themselves!
 OPERATIONS	Communicate

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}  {(-): (well-interfaced directly into part of receiver),
	(+): (Difficulty occurs while trying to send part of y what was thought to be
	a routine transmission)}
 REPRESENTATION  (part, examples of changes which should be made, intu of these changes)*
 VIEWS  (As a relation, handling awkward interfacing between β's),(As an object,
	passed between BEINGs)}

 DEFINITION  A structured attempt to overcome a difficult family gap and transmit info in such
	a form that anybody who should have it might assimilate it successfully.
	This stresses the intuitive and exemplary modes of information specialization
	by the sender, followed by the receiver guessing the info from such clues.
 INTU  Two people speaking different langs. communicate via pointing, gestures, and pictures.
 TIES  Up: Static Meta BEING    Side: Communicate, Object
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
	FILLIN: If the exs. and intu. are not developed, try to do that at this point.


 CHANGES {(x goes instantly from unknown to true, but only temporarily, .80, .80, )}
 PAST {(proof by cases in progress; assume each in turn, .70, .80, 
	intu: all roads diverge here but meet again at a point further on),
	(To find interesting x→?, assume x and see what int. facts now can surface,
	.60, .50, intu: to see consequence of x, enter the world where x is true)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS   {(worth, justif, (exists, .80, conjecture),
	(absolute belief eternally yet no esistence, .50, axiom))}
 BOUNDARY    {(worth/justification, quality, (high enough, conjec),
	(absolute formal justif. exists, so eliminate this assumption entirely, thm))}
 WORTH (.4, .5, .5, .6, .5, .6, .5, (formal: temporary only, intu: unimportant), .1, (1.0 basis))
	FILLIN: In all cases, after the ramifications of this assumption are studied,
		it is forgotten. Thus all instantiations have final component (0.1 NIL).
 INTEREST   This part is of course very important; it is the key to what to look for.
	(If this and its alternatives all lead to the same spot, we know we get there)
 JUSTIFICATION    Absolutely none. The motivation for ⊗4creating⊗* the assump. exists, however.
 OPERATIONS   Actualize: replace desired implicate I by "ASSUMP → I", absolute justif.
	This elimination of assumptions turns the tentative result into a fact.
	Of course, if the implicate used other assumptions, then the "fact" is still
	just an implicate of those assumptions.

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}  {(-): (Accidentally find a proof or disproof, justif, exists)}
 REPRESENTATION		Formal language statement, possibly involving quantification.
	Some special tag to indicate Assumption.
	Probably every "fact" should point to its assumptions, in the Justification part.

 DEFINITION  A hypothetical world is entered where this is true; we must eventually come back.
 INTU  Pondering the alternatives before deciding which to actually undertake.
 TIES  Up: Static Meta BEING      Side: Object, Conjecture, Proof.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

 IDEN {not}{quick}

 WORTH (.9, .9, .1, .9, .6, .9, .3, (formal: must be present, intu: hopefully), .1, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   This part is of course very important; it is the key to what to look for.
	One must look for very useful and/or interesting examples of and instances of the theory.
	The use in such cases: First, this points out kinship between otherwise apparently dissimilar β's.
		Second, great economy of effort comes from deriving properties from axioms of the
		system, hence true of each instance we can find.
		Third, in case the axioms are categorical, the First advantage goes away,
		but we gain the fact that any single instance is now prototypical representative.
 JUSTIFICATION    The foundation has only intu., the theorems have proofs (sometimes intu. as well)

 REPRESENTATION	 (foundation, theorems)

 DEFINITION  An explicit choice of a foundation (a basis and axioms about the basis)
	plus a body of theorems; each theorem is simply a statement of the form:
	"if x is true of the basis, then it is a logical necesity that y is also true".
	Each theorem must have a logically valid proof, and hopefully some interesting intuition.
	Each piece of the foundation should have high intuition, but low intuition for major thms.
		FILLIN: One technique is to take a series of related, specific examples,
		and make them instances of one system, by abstracting their common properties
		and postulating these as the axioms, abstracting their common basis.
		This process is called unification.  Another process is perturbation:
		Take an existing Mathematical system and modify its Foundation.
 INTU  Some nodes and the arcs connecting them. 
	Executing a program: basis=pgm, logic=how to run a pgm, thm=result of one evaluation.
	An edifice, built upon a foundation in accord with carefully prescribed construction codes.
	A game: basis structures↔chess men; basis Active↔moving from one square to another;
		foundation axioms↔starting configuration, leagal moves, rules of chess;
		logic↔universally true rules about games, alternation of players, fairness;
		theorems of the theory↔later configurations which can legally be reached;
		interesting theorems↔positions reached when both players are experts;
		defect in this analogy: there is no correlate to winning/losing.
 TIES  Up: Static Meta BEING   
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
	IDEN: referred to as ⊗4instances⊗* of the given theory.
	DEFINITION: Interpret each structure and each operation of the basis in terms of
		the real world or some other theory, in such a way that each axiom is
		true (either intuitively, by assumption in the new system, or by proof),
		and for which each rule of inference (each proof technique) is still acceptable.
	VIEWS: As a map, similar to analogy.
	INTEREST: Viewed as a mapping or analogy, this maps thms into (potentially new) thms.
	EXAMPLES: [Each structure in the basis is interpreted as a real-world object,
		each Operation is interpreted as a physical activity one can perform,
		each Property and Relation interp. as a physical one (like "betweenness").]

 IDEN {not}{quick}

	(The set of axioms is proven to be independent; do this by finding, for each axiom A,
		  an example in which A is false but all the other axioms hold.)
 WORTH (.4, .5, .5, .5, .4, .6, .5, (formal: assumed, intu: hopefully), .2, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  Each part is trivial intuitively, yet the resultant theory is interesting.
	The int. is high if it is an abstraction of a useful real-world situation, where
		the basis corr. to physical strucs and activities, and the axioms are
		observed properties of those entities (from which all the already-known
		observed properties can be derived). 
		In such cases, the int. is very high if some prediction is made and is
		subsequently shown to hold in the intuitive, observable world.
	The int. is very low if no non-vacuous example can be found after a few attempts.
		In this case, it might be best to start trying to prove the axioms inconsistent.
		A single, good, intuitive instance is quite adequate to prevent this doubt.
 JUSTIFICATION   Intuitive, usually; never any formal justification beyond that of assumption.
 OPERATIONS   One finds ties among the basis elements, 
	proves theorems about what they and the axioms imply.

 BOUNDARY-OPERATIONS {not}    One construct can be formed out the others: superfluous.
 REPRESENTATION	  (Basis, axioms)

 DEFINITION  An explicit choice of the subject matter of a mathematical theory,
 	by fixing a basis (some structures and some operations, with postulated properties of
	each structure and operation) and a set of axioms, which together play the role of the known,
	assumed, given knowledge for that theory. 
	Hopefully, each of these entities will have decent intuitions.
 INTU  The foundation for a building, plus building materials for the rest, plus raw
	materials for building tools to help speed up the construction process.
 TIES  Up: Static Meta BEING,  Mathematical Theory
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

 IDEN {not}{quick}

 WORTH (.4, .5, .5, .5, .4, .6, .5, (formal: assumed, intu: hopefully), .2, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  Each is trivial intuitively, yet with a simple set of axioms, the resultant thy is int.
 JUSTIFICATION   Intuitive, usually; never any formal justification (strucs. are nonjustifiable).

 REPRESENTATION	  Tagged collection of definitions of (and/or formats of) 
	structures, distinguished eles and subsets of them, and actives which work on
	them and on each other. (That is, the domains of these Actives usually contain
	some of these structures, their elements, or other actives).

	For each we provide corresponding intuitions, all of which are to be assumed.

 DEFINITION  An explicit choice of the subject matter of a mathematical theory,
	by fixing some structures and some operations (with postulated properties of
	each structure and operation) which are to play the role of the known, assumed, given
	knowledge for that theory. 
	In addition, we distinguish some subsets of and elements of some of the structures.
	Typicaly, these are just names and assertions of memebership/containmnt; the axioms
	of the theory will help to specify the special properties which make them interesting.

	Hopefully, most of these entities will have decent intus.
 INTU  The materials for the foundation for a building, plus raw materials for the rest.
 TIES  Up:  Mathematical Theory,  Foundation
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}


Not clear that this is really going to be any different from "Mathematical Theory" β.
⊗3ACTIVE META BEINGs⊗* Actions which affect BEINGS

 CHANGES  {(fill in (more of) a static meta-β, .80, .90, intu:fruit of the labors)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ALTER GROUPING⊗*  It is not clear whether any ⊗4new⊗* β's in this category will ever be created.
 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(justif, degree of formality maintained,
	(absolute, .70, math.induction/prove/disprove),
	(minimal, .70, communicate/guess)),
		(domain/range, restricted to known type of entity,
	(conjecs → thms, .80, prove) etc),
		(orientation, problem, (to prove, test), (to find, search))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(some β's (esp. static meta β's), a static meta BEING, op)}
 WORTH (.5, .4, .4, .5, .6, .7, .5, (both intu and formal vary widely), .5, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  (Its final product is going to be interesting if this succeeds)
 OPERATIONS     Execute them   ←← probably implicit in the environment.


 DEFINITION  Activities which result in the creation of orginal static meta β material.
 INTU    Ways to get things done, things to try, tools to produce finished products.
 TIES    Up: Specific Knowledge BEING     Side: Relation, Static Meta β
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
 CONTENTS    Not clear that these β's will ever have Contents in any meaningful sense.
⊗2FIND⊗*    Search for a member of a space satisfying some desired criteria.

 FINAL   {(given y in given S satisfying given P, .90, .65, intu: direct from defn)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(Knowledge about the space can be emplyed to advantage,
	(there is a notion of a distance which can be used to gauge progress toward the
	goal, .90, hill-climbing; intu: getting hotter/colder in finding-object game),
	(the space is ordered, and some estimate or approximate starting point in the
	search can be computed, .85, prediction/correction),
	(the space is tree-like: make one choice out of a few, the result of which determines
	the next few to choose from, .85, factoring the problem),
	(the property P is satisfied by a special type of subspace: empty, all, computed)),
	(all such elements are wanted, same as finding a specified subset of a given set)}
 BOUNDARY  {(the space is empty or universal; the criterion is trivial wrt the space),
	(the space is the space of statements, the criteria is truth/belief, .90, proof)}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   { (APRED x APRED, AO satisfying first predicate,op) }
 WORTH (.4, .5, .3, .5, .5, .5, .6, (1.0 formal, .7 intu), .7, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  When the desired kind of object is found, something good will have been done.
	Difficult yet doable; utilizable later (interesting consequences).
	Unusual properties of the space, esp. wrt the criteria, make the search one of computation.
 OPERATIONS  Show unsolvable: consider disproving, when it is viewed as ∃y.P(y).

 ALGORITHMS  Identify the space S. (intu: if S is too big, work first on a nice, small
	subset of S, eg by using coincidences between parameters of S).
	If S is explicitly generable, you are doing Select; if not, you are dealing with
	the implicit structure defined only by the first argument, a predicate.

	Devote some small time to ordering S so its eles. will emerge in some good order.
		This is usually more costly than it is worth.

	Ask struc for one ele x (if none, fail), if ¬P(x), then delete x and repeat.
	If found, keep the partially depleted S around, in case another x must be found.
	In fact, another algorithm (for another interpretation) is to find all such
	x in S which satisfy the property, and keep this around. This may be faster
	than the first algorithm even if only a few are wanted, if S is small enough.

	Identify what the given parts are, and what the unknown which must be found is.
	Pull out all the relevant facts (ana, ties, patterns, records of similar tasks).
		For each similar task: can the method which was used be of any help?
		Can the result which was found be of any help?
		If it failed, how can I keep from making the same mistake(s)?
	Reconcile the various views (intu, formal, etc). Problem→intu→soln.
	WORTH: high
	FILLIN: User provides a poiinter to very fast versions, but should still understand how.
 VIEWS  (as finding a desired solution subset, a singleton substructure of a given struc)
	(as constructively obtaining the element guaranteed to exist by ∃yεS.P(y))

 DEFINITION  Examine the elements of a structure until we find one which passes a given test.
	Failure means that there is no such element. Sometimes we want ⊗4all⊗* such eles.
 INTU   Walk through world, tagging until some the treasure is found.
	If you can get some direction info. from your mistakes, this is tremendous advantage.
	This will depend partly on type of struc (order? formatted?) and on criteria.
 TIES   Up: Operation/ Active Meta BEING.  =:Problem-to-find.     Side:Problem-to-prove.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
⊗2SELECT⊗*   Choose one thing from among an explicit collection.

 CHANGES {(change a set of alternatives into a single choice, .90, .85, choose)}
 FINAL   {(an element of, some member of, a given struc .80, .85, intu:choose from)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(The choice set is not known explicitly, .60, Find),
	(The set contains Actives, meta-actives, and evaluable forms, .60, Control decision)
	(The set contains alternatives to investigate, .60, focus of attention)}
 BOUNDARY  {(the space is empty or singleton: the result is trivial)}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   { (ASTRUC x AOP (x Aordering β over Range(Op)), AO in the struc,op) }
 WORTH (.4, .5, .3, .5, .5, .5, .6, (1.0 formal, .7 intu), .7, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  When the desired kind of object is found, something good will have been done.
	Difficult yet doable; utilizable later (interesting consequences).
	Unusual properties of the struc  make the search one of computation.
 OPERATIONS   When one crosses this into itself, one gets the idea of simultaneously
	making choices from various specified structures. This leads to the idea of the
	Principle of Choice; it is easier to grasp if the idea of singleton is already there.
	(i.e., if the idea of a function is already there)

 ALGORITHMS  The structure is gone through, and we return the member giving the best
	performance wrt criteria specified in the operation (the second argument).

	Best means the extreme, the greatest, wrt the ordering (usually implicitly)
	defined on the range of the evaluation operation supplied.  Said operation must
	be applicable to each member of the structure; if not, it can be extended by
	defining it to have a value which is a Least of the range of the operation.

	At each moment, keep a record of the best candidate, stored in the variable BEST↓S.
	The loop consists of repeatedly asking S for Some-member, then comparing the result
	(its value under the Operation) to the current value of (the op applied to)
	BEST↓S. The preferred entity of this pair is then stored in BEST↓S.
	Delete the some-member from S, and repeat the loop. The loop terminates when
	Some-member canot find any more mebers, at which time we return BEST↓S.

	Sometimes, the current value of BEST↓S will indicate whole substrucs knwon to be inferior,
	will indicate sterner comparison criteria (speed up the operation algorithm)
		Example: αβ searching

	Sometimes, we may want to later find the next best member; in such cases, it is
     	best to simply order the structure S according to the ordering induced by
	the ordering on the range of the evaluation operation; then the best one in S
	is the First one; removing it makes the best one the First one of the remainder, etc.

	FILLIN: User provides a pointer to very fast versions, but should still understand how.
 VIEWS  (as Finding a desired solution subset, a singleton substructure of a given struc)
	(as Find in general, with correspondence of Structure↔predicate defining that struc)

 DEFINITION  Examine the elements of a structure and find the one which is best for a certain
	purpose (gives the extreme best values wrt a given evaluation operation).
	FILLIN: One decsion which must be made is what to do if some elements are tied in value.
		Alternatives are: pick one at random, pick first one if S is already ordered,
			return all of them, apply a secondary ordering operation.
 INTU   Walk through finite part of world, tagging the best thing you've seen so far,
	until everything (which might be the winner) has been inspected. Then pick the tagged item.
	If you can get some direction info. from your mistakes, this is tremendous advantage.
	This will depend partly on type of struc (order? formatted?) and on criteria.

	Strong analogy with uniprocessor limitations; inability to do or concentrate on
	more than a single thing at one time leads to the need to choose the best thing
	out of all the possible alternatives.  The idea of several comptetitors for one slot.
	An election. The idea that a group of 200 works less efficiently than 200
	workers toiling individually.
 TIES   Up: Operation/Active Meta BEING.     Equivalent β: Problem-to-find, Find
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
⊗2GUESS⊗*  Creatively produce a new conjecture, perhaps answering a given query
		  This actitivty might be distributed among the parts of "Conjecture"

 FINAL  {(if x can be shown to hold, then the given question q is answered, .60, .60,),
	(the proposition x is interesting in its own right and should be studied, .70, .70,)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(results, justification, (nonexistent, .20, random or assume),
	(absolute, .70, formally derive, prove))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(world examination, a conjecture, a pastime),
	(question/uncertainty, a conjecture which immediately would anser the query, op)}
 WORTH (.4, .5, .4, .5, .5, .6, .4, (formal: low,  intu: usually high), .5, (1.0 basis))
	FILLIN: Even if the action of guessing warrants a new β, that β is deleted
		as soon as the conjecture is well-formed; the only exception might be
		if several alternative conjectures must be sifted through in some order.
		Even in such a case, the actual guessing process would soon die.
 INTEREST (More than one path leads the same way; e.g., analogy and empir. evidence)

 ALGORITHMS    Here, I suppose, go all the hints for making new conjectures.
	Pick a nice thm P(x) involving x; pick a nice analogy A from x to y; conjec. P(y).
	Consider the empirical evidence and try to find a regularity in it; standard inference.
	In response to a question, try to specialize the question, answer it
	(perhaps via examples), then generalize the answer; or: use ana, 
	solve analogous problem, then map back using the same analogy.
	The less sure x is, the less motivation we have to work on something which depends on it.
	The less int. x is, the less motivation we have to work on something which depends on it.
	Try to formulate the conjecture into a formal, crisp, clear statement of something
		which must be proven (or, something which must be found).
	Equally important is to get an intuitive procedure for recognizing what this means.
	Sometimes the conjecture willnot be fully developed before trying to test it;
	let the empirical evidence and the result of the test help to fill in the
	variables in the statement of the conjecture. I.e., don't commit yourself to
	proving x; rather, say you want to prove x(i,j,k) for some i,j,k, and then let
	the proving itself help suggest what values for i,j,k woudl make it true.

 DEFINITION  Informal activities which result in the creation of new conjectures,
	often to satisfy some specific need, some specific hole in a theory.
 INTU    Bet, choose, select candidate, then prepare to test him out.
 TIES    Up: Active Meta BEINGs    Result: Conjecture   Side: Assume
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
 CONTENTS During activity, may include tentative conjecture; when conjecture is finally
	revealed, this part may hold special info relating to what to do in case it
	is shown not to hold, also how to answer originl question if it ⊗4does⊗* hold.
⊗2ELLIPSIS⊗*   And so on; ...; extrapolate; infer from examples.

 CHANGES   {(one more term is known in this sequence..., .80, .80, intu: inertia)}
 FINAL  {(find the pattern which produced this sequence..., .80, .70, synthesis)}
 PAST  {(many sim. sits. in pastand probably in the future, .85, .70, ibid)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS (S is ordered, and we provide a sequence of algorithms A,B,C,..., where
	A is capable of producing First(S), B can produce Next(First(S)), etc, and we
	must also provide a meta-algorithm R which can generate the next algorithm, given
	all its predecessors, .60, )
 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(purpose of the sequence, 
	(to define a concept, .65, recursive or inductive definition),
	(to communicate a message, .60, sign language; inferring from examples),
	(part of reality, .70, guess: notice regularity in nature and transform into a conjecture))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(a structure (usually a sequence) of structured entities, a
	procedure for obtaining the next member, synthesis of a simple algorithm),
	(a structure of structures, the next member itself, extrapolation op.),
	(structure  x  next-membr generator, {T,F}, pred: can this generate the struc?)}
 WORTH (.4, .5, .5, .4, .6, .5, .3, (formal: often low,  intu: may be high), .5, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST (More efficent to store a short algorithm rather than a long sequence of outputs)
	(If a regularity is noticed empirically, then it can be cast as a conjecture to be proven)
 OPERATIONS     Empirically check.

 ALGORITHMS    Here, I suppose, go all the hints for inferring the next element of a struc.
	Pattern-matching: try to compare each ele. to its successor; look for a known reln.
	Cycles: split the sequence into subsequences by extracting every n↑t↑h element
		starting with the k↑t↑h to get n different (k=1,2,...,n) subsequences.
	Mapstruc: Apply an operation sequence-wide, 
		often not just to each ele. x but to the pair (x,Next(x)).
	Compose: Do several of the above, several levels deep if need be, repeating until analyzed.
	Synthesis: Once the pattern is analyzed, invert each step to build up an algorithm to reproduce it.
	Intuit: Find a real-world situation with a sequence coinciding with this one,
		then find the next element in the real world and return it (unjustified).
		Example: Fibonacci sequence can be modelled by breeding rabbits.
	Recursive definition: If S is an ordered structure, then it suffices to state
		First(S), Next↑*(First(S)) for some initial sequence, and then to
		give a rule for how to compute Next(x), given that the head of S is
		(a b c ... x). Of course, one might break this into cases (e.g., cycles).
 REPRESENTATION   If the algorithm is known, store it and enough starting values;
	if the pattern can't be deduced, store what is known already about elements of S.
 VIEWS	As set-difference: first arg is all possible elements, second is the given ones S;
	task is to find elements not already found yet: in first arg but not in second.

 DEFINITION  Given S, Find an algorithm A which produces Next(x) given any x in S,
	except Last(S) of course, and try to extend S by postulating that it also works
	for Last(S), to produce the next (unseen) element of S. 
	For this purpose, the algorithm should be compact and general and simple.
	Alternatively, we just want Next(Last(S)) in any way; if S is a set, defined by
	property P, and we are given some subset S', our task is to find some element
	of S (something satisfying P) which was not included already in S'.
 INTU  Inertia, continuing in motion along the same direction(↔alg).
 TIES    Up: Active Meta BEINGs
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
⊗2ANALOGIZE⊗*  Creatively produce a new analogy.
		  This actitivty might be distributed among the parts of "Analogy"

 CHANGES  {(clarify ties between x and y, .80, .85, intu: an ana. is a sort of reln.)}
 FINAL  {(a new mapping is seen (a new ana. β) between x and y, .90, .86)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS    fill in a new TIE
 SPECIALIZATIONS  conjecture structural isomorphism
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(AB = any BEING x AB, a new analogy Being),
	(AB, AB, an operator which indicates the analogous BEings to the given one)}
 WORTH (.5, .5, .3**(no. of unspecified arguemnts + 1), .5, .7, .6, .3, 
	(usually one is high, other low), .4, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  (The two proposed analogous β's are highly structured, .7)

 ALGORITHMS    Here, I suppose, go all the hints for making new analogies.
	Choose the two candidate BEINGs. Some possibilities:
		Pick a high-int. thm; look for syn. sim. thms; corr. subparts may be ana.
		See if examples parts of 2 int. β's intersect.
		To get the first β, do a specific lin. combo. sort on Worth of all β's,
			include factors for how many parts are already filled in, 
			how many ties there are and how interesting they are.
		If x,y are ana, consider ana. between the specializations or generalizations.
		Consider the case of an anlogy from a BEING to itself.
			This is termed: finding regularity within a BEING.
			Two parts may be related in an unusual way.
			Some unusual pattern may recur in many parts, in various shades.
		Second order: if a β seems promising momentarily then is seen unacceptable,
			record why. If later in this search you find one which fails
			for similar reasons, that alone might be the basis for an ana. betw. them.
 		Locate other β's withsimilar set of parts filled in, similar ties.
			Search through the responders if not too many, compare their values
			Especially: intuition compatibility
		Grow ripples from intus, until nontrivial ∩.
	Create a new β, an analogy, between the 2 candidate BEINGs.  
		Modify CS to indicate the desirability to fill in this analogy.
		Collect the facts about each; the parts, the ties. 
		Consider spending a little energy to complete parts of each β.
		For each corr. pair of parts, try to find some ana.
		An ana. between a pair of parts is either syntactic, usage, or meaningful.
		A usage ana. means that there are thms and conjecs which are syn. ana.
		A meaningful ana. is one which is understandable by one or both intus.
		(betw. intu. parts: meaningful ana. means ripples of images interesect)
	Extend an existing analogy
		For each tie of one, conjecture an ana. tie exists on the other one.
		Domain-independent: if two parts are often analogous, see if they are here.
			Esp: parts with the same name.
		Exploring regularity found within a single BEING.
			Conjecture: a reln R holding on one part extends to hold on another
			Conjec: a pair of conjecs, holding on sim. parts, are themselves related.
			Can a more efficient repr. be found to eliminate or take advantage of duplicity?
	Refine an existing analogy:   find contrasts between  he two analogous BEINGs.
		Find parts on one which absolutely have no analogue in the other one.
		Find parts which should be connected, but whose values in examples don't seem to be.

 DEFINITION  Informal activities which result in the creation of new analogy,
	often with one or both candidates prescribed in advance.
 INTU    Notice similarity, superimpose potentially similar entities to more clearly
	highlight the similarities and differences and distortions.
 TIES    Up: Active Meta BEINGs    Result: Analogy   
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

⊗2CONSERVATION⊗*  Inertia; frame problem; invariance; compressability.

 CHANGES  {(antithesis; x should ⊗4not⊗* change, .90, .85, intu: keep x fixed)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  conservation of inertia, invariance, incompressability.
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(AB = any BEING, {T,F}, predicate: whether conserve(ed)(able)),
	(Active x AB, {T,F}, pred: is the β conserved during the Active, or can it change),
	(active, AB↑*, op: list of variants(or invariants) under a given activity)}
 WORTH (.6, .6, .1, .6, .7, .4, .1, (formal: ?, intu: usually high), .3, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  (One wants to do x and y simultaneously: make sure one is not changed
	while achieving the second of these)
	(Important savings later if we don't have to re-establish that one condition still holds)

	Of inertia: if there is no evidence to the contrary, things continue once begun.
		Exception: friction (must constantly supply some activities with supportive energy);
			finite activites automatically end at next consciousness.
		Frame problem is handled in this manner; 
			truth has such inertia, the same as any other property.
	Invariance   ←← perhaps this should be a part of every BEING!!
		List of things which have no effect on this BEING; list which do change it.
		If only one of these is manageable, mention this in place of the other one.
	Reaction to stress
		Elasticity: under slow, sustained effort, will this slowly change?
		Plasticity: under rapid, sharp force, will this suddenly shatter?
		Compressability: how much alteration can this take before breaking?
		Fluidity: will this change of its own accord in some manner if not prevented?
                Catalysts: Is there any aux. condition which dramatically affects its variablility?

 DEFINITION  The absence of change in x, even when the state of the world does change.
	The precise  invariance will depend on the entity. Even properties, such as
	truth, are advantageously viewed as being invariant except in certain cases.
	Result: Preservation of some substate of the world.
 INTU   Unrelated action; ability to withstand a force; rigidity, elasticity,
	plasticity, compressability, fluidity, durability.
 TIES    Up: Active Meta BEINGs 
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
⊗2EXAMINE⊗*  prior to attemping pf. or disproof; which is more likely?

This is probably incorporable into TEST; if not, decide so during hand simulation.
⊗2TEST⊗*    Settle a claim.   Prove or disprove a conjecture.

⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*  A conjecture x exists and is being concentrated on currently.
 CHANGES  {knowledge of the reliability of x increases, .90, .85, )}
 FINAL  {(truth of x is known, .90, .80,)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  (Result, mode of certainty, (true: theorem, .90, prove),
	(false, .70, disprove))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(a conjecture, dispf. or a proof, an operator)}
 WORTH (.7, .8, .6, .5, .7, .6, .5, (formal: 1.0,  intu: decent), .4, (1.0 basis))
	FILLIN: During the examination, a new β will probably be created. To avoid
		clutter, once it is begun the effort to complete the testing will
		be sustained at a nearly uninterruptable level.  When it finally
		succeeds or fails, the result may be saved as a new β, but the
		process-of-testing β will die (except: possible retention for
		use as a model for future tests  iff it was very distinctive)

 ALGORITHMS  Try to demonstrate which of {T,F} the argument is equivalent to.
	There are two separate activities, that of proving and disproving.
	What this BEING must do is choose which is more reasonable, and call on it.
	For this decision, examine the empirical evidence, try to extend analogies,
	(if the EXAMINE BEING exists, let ⊗4it⊗* do these things). 
	Then ask both PROVE and DISPROVE to see which is better in the particular sit,
	then carry out the one with the higher recognition value. Switch if it bogs down.

 DEFINITION  Formal techniques for examining the truth of a conjecture.
 INTU  Inspect more closely. Look inside a box to see what it contains. Perform experiments on it.
 TIES    Up: Active Meta BEINGs.       Down: Prove, Disprove.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}


 CHANGES  {(x is true (temporarily), .90, .95, )}
 FINAL  {(examine consequence of case when x is true, .60, .70,)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(a statement, a temporary world where it is true, imagination)}
 WORTH (.5, .5, .5, .6, .5, .5, .7, (formal: temporary, intu: irrelev), .2, (1.0 basis))
	FILLIN: Never remember later; no such thing as a "model" of assuming x.
 INTEREST   (In the resultant world, new interesting things are discovered,.9)

 ALGORITHMS    Simply postulate that x is true. Tag all consequences using this that
	they depend upon the assumption of x. Tag x itself as a short-lived assumption.
 REPRESENTATION   (ASSUMPTION, ptr to assumption, reason for assuming x) ←←perhaps

 DEFINITION  Formal technique for examining hypothetical worlds, cases.
 INTU  Temporarily suspend disbelief.  Unstated implication in all consequences.
 TIES    Up: Active Meta BEINGs.       Side: Prove, Disprove, Test.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
⊗2DEFINE⊗*   Actually, this is an elaboration of DEFINITION.FILLIN.

 CHANGES  {(ease of the concept's accessability .95, .90, learn someone's name)}
 FINAL  {(definite test for what is and is not in this concept, .90, .90,)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS    Assign <name> the value <value>.
	Temporarily, we assume that (we let) x be...
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(a concept, a definite handle for accessing this concept and
	capable of telling whether or not a given entity is included in this concept, 
	complete the Definition (and Recog parts) of the BEING for this concept)}
 WORTH ((about .7; depends on amt and richness of Ties), .7, .6, .6, .5, .9, .7, 
	(formal: assumed absolute, intu: usually hi), .3, (1.0 basis))
	FILLIN: Recall for later aping only; the defining itself is of no import compared to defn.
 INTEREST   (The intu it translates into is compatible with the existing intu for the concept)

 ALGORITHMS    Simply postulate that the current concept will be defined as something.
	The choice of what to define it as should be in accord with any preexiting intus,
	with any decent analogies to this concept, with already-observed properties/ties.
	In fact, all these may suggest how to define the concept, as well as check it.
	Often, one will postulate some ⊗4desired⊗* properties here; in this case it is
	very important to ensure that there is at least one nonvacuous example of the β.
	If it is not already named, get a name (IDEN part) for this concept.
 REPRESENTATION   (feature in the defn, origin, overall desirability) ←←perhaps

 DEFINITION  Fill in the definition part of the current concept.
 INTU  Formalize precisely what we will mean when we refer to this concept.
 TIES    Up: Active Meta BEINGs.       Side: Assume, Assign, <Complete>
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
⊗2PROVE⊗*    Formally establish a statement as a valid true fact.
		  This actitivty might be distributed among the parts of "Proof"

 CHANGES  {(x goes from conjec to theorem, .90, .80, )}
 FINAL  {(x is known to be true, .85, .80,),
	(the truth of P is now made formally obvious and clear and believed, .90, .80,
	intu: by looking closer longer, we can see more clearly and with more continuity),
	(convince audience of truth of P, .85, .75, intu: lead flock down path)}
 PAST   {truth of x is unsure, v. imp., suspected to be true, .90, .75)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS   (Result, Desired truth value for x, (false, .80, disprove),
	(don't care, .80, test))}
 SPECIALIZATIONS  (Algorithm, specific variety,
	(forward inferences, .80, natural deduction),
	(backward inferences, .70, backward chaining),
	(negate and try to prove F, .90, indirect proof)),
		(Argument, Top-level type,
	(universal statement, .80, universal proof),
	(existential statement, .80, existential proof))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(a conjecture, FAIL or a proof or (at least)
	a set of lemmas to prove which would establish x, an operator)}
 ORDERING(Complete)    The occurrence of a crucial lemma may interrupt this process.
 WORTH (.8, .9, .6, .5, .8, .6, .4, (formal: 1.0,  intu: medium), .3, (1.0 basis))

 ALGORITHMS  Pass control to the type of proving which recognizes the curr. sit. best.
	Switch if it bogs down.
	If a statement L seems very clear intuitively (and empirically) and is crucial
	to the prof, then call it a Lemma, defer its proof until after the conjecture
	is successfully proven using L, and then prove L.   ←←related to subgoal deferral.
	If there is clear intu. justif. for the conjec, can it be translated into formal manips?
	If some subpart's defn has v. good intu and ops, then subst its defn in for it.
	Perhaps some hypothesis or conclusion can be altered (relaxed or strengthened).
	Intuition: let this guide the proof if it can, but be careful.
	Insane: if some generalization seems more intu. and has nicer properties, it might
		be easier to prove it than the original conjecture!
	One way is to prove (or access) that this is true for instances of mathematical
		systems M; then access the axioms of A of M; to prove that this property
		holds for some specific instance Y of some other Math System N, it suffices
		to prove that each axiom in A holds (as a theorem) in Y (or, even better,
		follows directly from the axioms and theorems known about any N).
		Afterwards: ⊗4all⊗* theorems about M's are now known to hold for Y.
	Afterwards: if failure: reexamine why we thought it was probable, modify: learn from mistakes.
				If it still seems intu true, perhaps is an axiom to be assumed.
				Ask user if there is some rele. but not-yet-known pf. technique.
				Ibid for unknown piece of knowledge.

 DEFINITION  Formal techniques for establishing that a given conjecture is in fact true.
 INTU  Methods which are guaranteed to be reliable or to tell you that they have failed.
 TIES    Up: Test    Side: Disprove, COnsider the converse←←perhaps not fed this hint
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}	(-): x turns out to be a false statement. 

⊗2LOGICALLY DEDUCE⊗*  Natural deduction.

 CHANGES  {x changes its status from conjec to theorem, .80, .80, )}
 FINAL  {(x is known to be true, .80, .80,)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS  {(Algorithm, less determined, (many alternative algorithms, proof))}
 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(proof which progresses stepwise, in a single direction,
	(forward, .60, prove directly), (backward, .60, prove indirectly))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(a conjecture, FAIL or a logically correct pf or (at least)
	an ordered set of lemmas to prove which would establish x, an operator)}
 WORTH (.85, .8, .5, .6, .7, .6, .3, (formal: 1.0,  intu: search), .2, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   (Can be used as a model for other natural deduction proofs)

 ALGORITHMS  Here we must put in (at least pointers to) the rules of inference. 
	Also here will go a statement of the Law of the Excluded Middle: for any
	statement S, S∨¬S. Either S is true or it is false, never neither nor both.
	That is, we NEVER consider the intuitionistic approach; we always allow indirect proofs.

	The alg. itself is to build up a proof (a list structure) from nothing, where
	at each stage an assertion is inserted, whose justification involves only
	axioms, theorems, earlier assertions in this proof, and rules of inference
	applied to such entities.  In addition, any assumption may be made as an
	assertion, but must be so justified, and any later assertion which uses this
	as part of its justif. must explicitly hold a copy of the whole assertion
	in its justif. part. One rule of inf. can deal with discharging an assumption
	(into an implication, or via a cases argument, etc.). 

	This is actually the "obvious" translation of the defn. of proof into activities.
	The spirit is one of using any legal means to achieve your ends. 
	One will often work from both ends of P→Q, trying to find things that P
	implies, and things that imply Q, until these two sets have a common member
	or at least reduce the problem to a much simpler P'→Q' problem.

	Hypothetical world: To establish that x→y, assume x is true temporarily, then
		prove y somehow, and if sucessful untag x and assert x→y.
		Alt: consider proving ¬y → ¬x instead.

 DEFINITION  Legal deductions, following the rules of logic (inference) provided.
	Search a graph for a path between two given nodes.
 INTU   Legal moves in a game. Finding one way to get between two given board positions.
	Search a graph for a path between two given nodes: dynamic programming.
 TIES    Up: Prove 
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}    (+, bdy): ((←any axiom, $itself))

 CHANGES  {x progresses step by step from conjec to theorem, .90, .80, ),
	(problem of known-knowl. → x is made easier by expansion of rele. knwon
	knowledge -- rele. new mini-theorems, .75, .95, whatever you do is true)}
 FINAL  {(x is known to be true, .80, .80,)}
 PAST    {(x is a "common" goal, compared to the few ∃ axioms and thms, .70, .60,
	intu: spread outward from the uncommon, hope to hit the common soon)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS  {(Algorithm, less determined, (many alternative algorithms, proof))}
 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(proof which hinges on an inference equivalent to F→x, .50, vacuous truth)}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(a conjecture, FAIL or a step-by-step proof or (at least)
	an ordered set of lemmas to prove which would establish x, an operator)}
 WORTH (.85, .8, .5, .6, .7, .6, .3, (formal: 1.0,  intu: search), .2, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   (Can be used as a model for other direct proofs)

 ALGORITHMS   The spirit is to continually transform OK statements until the result
	is produced. OK means {tautologies, axioms in this theory's foundation, previous thms,
	hypotheses of this theorem-to-be}. Result means the theorem's conclusion.

	Usually the form will be that of P→Q. In such cases, one builds up a chain of
	implications P→A, A→B, B→....→Z, Z→Q. Intuition may set up the key intermediate
	statements (say D, G) and then the problem simplifies into a collection
	(in this case, one must prove P→D, D→G, and G→Q).

	Cases: show that the conjecture is implied by a certain conjunction, then prove each conjunct.
		Alternate view: show that the conjecture is simply a statement that a
		property P holds over a set S. THen find a covering of S by {S↓i}, and
		prove that P holds over each member of that covering (do this either 
		en masse, as a ∀ proof, or individually for all or some of the members.
		ADVANTAGE: lets you apply different techniques to each bin, each S↓i.


 DEFINITION  Forward, direct deductions of new assertions; stop when desired theorem
	is among those derived.  A forward search by expanding a tree of assertion nodes.
 INTU   Forward search; whenever you reach the goal, you can stop.
	In driving a car, you look to see where you are headed, to guide you.
 TIES    Up: Prove, Logically deduce
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}    (+, bdy): ((←any axiom, $itself))
⊗2CASES⊗*    Wealky partition the possible situations and prove separately for each class.

 CHANGES  {(goal x replaced by conjunction of simpler goals, .90, .80, )}
 FINAL  {(x is known to be true, .70, .75,)}
 PAST    {(the intuition for the examples of x is not uniform, .90, .80,
	intu: x is true for diff. reasons in diff. situations, so diff. pfs. ∃)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(x is already a conjunction, prove each conjunct, .60, idea of ∧),
	(x gets split into  proofs of (a → x) and (¬a → x), .60, ) }
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(a conjecture and a partitioning of all possible situations,
	FAIL or a step-by-step proof or (at least)
	an ordered set of lemmas to prove which would establish x, an operator),
	(conjec, partitioning and a proof for each class, very costly search if unintuitive)}
 WORTH (.7, .8, .4, .5, .6, .8, .4, (formal: 1.0,  intu: search), .4, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   (The proof for each case is easy and very different and diff. intuition)

 ALGORITHMS  The basic algorithm is: (i) identify the partition (a taut. disjunction),
	(alternate view:  break x up into a conjunction of simpler clauses which imply x. 
	(ii) for each class, try to prove it, try to establish each conjunct independently,
		especially: use intuition.

		Alternate view: show that the conjecture is simply a statement that a
		property P holds over a set S. Then find a covering of S by {S↓i}, and
		prove that P holds over each member of that covering (do this either 
		en masse, as a ∀ proof, or individually for all or some of the members.
		ADVANTAGE: lets you apply different techniques to each bin, each S↓i.

	Heurisitcs for the division process:  Say x is the statement ∀z, P(z).
		If there are just a few types of z's, use that division tentatively.
		After distinguishing some types of z's, group the rest as one final class.
			Sometimes: group the disting. z's together as just one case.
		Ways that a type of z can be disting: bdy, degenerate, current variable value
		If feature f is known to be relevant, try to subdivide the z's along f.

	To prove a disjunction, prove one disjunct while assuming the negation of each
	of the rest.

	To prove a conjunction, prove the easiest of the conjuncts, say A; then prove
	the easiest remaining conjunct, say B, noticing that A is a true (and probably
	relevant) mini-theorem which can be used; then prove the easiest remaining conjunct
	(probably using the facts that A and B are known to be true), etc.
	Hint for the above: do each of the above demonstrations, but in the opposite order.
	That is, choose the hardest conjunct, say Z. First try to prove it, while
	assuming that all the other conjuncts are true. If this succeeds, recurse in
	this direction (find the next hardest, say Y, and prove assuming that all the
	others except for Z are already known to be mini-theorems). The point of this is
	that the proofs of A, B,... may be easy anyway, but the proof of A∧...∧Y→Z
	will probably still be hard; if you are going to fail, it is important to find
	out as quickly as possible, to try a new tack. One slight fixup here is to
	reassess the difficulty of the conjuncts, and reorder them.

	To prove that several statements are all equivalent, the obvious Cases argument
	would be to divide up the proof into a separate one for each A↓i↔A↓j, perhaps
	each would recurse here again into separate implication proofs each way.
	A faster, and logically valid, method is to order the statements, then
	prove the ring of single implication A↓1→A↓2→...→A↓[n-1]→A↓n→A↓1.
	The intuition here is that of a circularly linked list: to proceed from
	any point of the loop to any other, just keep moving around it and you'll ge  there.
 REPRESENTATION    (distinguishing character of this case, statement, proof)*

 DEFINITION  Forward, slightly indirect subdivision of the problem into simulataneous
	subgoals. Divide the possible worlds along some partition, then enter each one
	in turn and establish the conjecture.

	To formally include this type of proof into natural deduction, introduce the
	disjunction D of all the possible cases, prove that D is universally true (usually trivial),
	then present the proof that each disjunct of D implies x, and then discharge
	the disjuncts of D in turn by replacing them by x, and finally replace x∨x∨x∨... by x.
	No effort s made to ensure a strong partition (absolutely disjoint classes);
	the only requirement is that the partition be complete (cover the entire set
	of possible alternatives). The disjointness (which often will speed the proofs
	up a bit) can be introduced later, after the concepts of set-disjointness and
	equivalence-relations have been discovered and made into β's and developed.
 INTU   The more specific the world, the easier it is to prove a true conjecture.
	The extreme case of this is the absolutely specific world of an example.
 TIES    Up: Prove, Logically deduce
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy} 
⊗2BACKWARD CHAINING⊗*    Produce a direct proof, but by working backward from the goal.

 CHANGES  {x goes step by step from conjec to theorem, .90, .80, ),
	(problem of known-knowl. → x is made easier by simplification of x, goes to
	the problem of known-knowl → simpler-x, .75, .95, whatever you do is true)}
 FINAL  {(x is known to be true, .80, .80,)}
 PAST    {(x is a "rare" goal, compared to the many ∃ axioms and thms, .70, .60,
	intu: spread outward from the uncommon, hope to hit the common soon)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS  {(Algorithm, less determined, (many alternative algorithms, proof))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(a conjecture, FAIL or a step-by-step proof or (at least)
	an ordered set of lemmas to prove which would establish x, an operator)}
 WORTH (.80, .8, .5, .5, .75, .55, .35, (formal: 1.0,  intu: search), .2, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   (Can be used as a model for other backward chaining proofs)

 ALGORITHMS  Here we must put in (at least pointers to) the rules of inference, but
	written in a backward applicable way. For example, modus ponens says that
	from A, to infer B, you must prove A→B. In a backward form, it says that to
	infer B, pick any A, then try to prove both A and A→B (often, A is constrined
	to be known to be true, so its proof is unnecessary). Viewed in this way,
	a proof is built up, starting with the goal; each new entry should justify
	the one which was just inserted before this point in time. Finally, an
	entry will be made which needs no justification at all, and we can stop.

 DEFINITION  Backward, direct deductions of new equivalent formulations of the goal,
	each one hopefully simpler than the previous ones. Stop when an  OK statement
	(thm, axiom, True, hypothesis of this thm) is found. 
 INTU   Backward search, from the goal. Stop when you have built up a complete proof.
 TIES    Up: Prove, logically deduce
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}    (+, bdy): ((←any axiom, $itself))

⊗2PROVE INDIRECTLY⊗*  Assume the conjec. is false, and derive a contradiction.

 FINAL  {(x is known to be true, .80, .80,)}
 PAST    {(x is so "true" that its negation should easily be shown to be absurd,
	.90, .85, intu: assume (x or not x), show not(not x)) is the case),
	(proving something about an infinite set, .50, .60, can't get there one step at a time),
	(proving that a set is infinite, .85, .80, good because the negation is manageable),
	(hard to do a direct proof in either direction, .60, .90, intu: one of the alts. must work)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS  {(Algorithm, less determined, (many alternative algorithms, proof))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(a conjecture, FAIL or a step-by-step proof or (very rarely)
	an ordered set of lemmas to prove which would show not-x is absurd, an op)}
 WORTH (.4, .9, .6, .5, .8, .6, .45, (formal: 1.0,  intu: double negative), .25, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   (Can be used as a model for other indirect proofs)

 ALGORITHMS  Here we must put in (at least pointers to) the techniques of deriving a
	contradiction (and, even more basic: the techniques of negating, qv).
	The first step is to ASSUME (NEGATION ( conjecture)).
	From this we do a direct proof (almost always forward) to a contradiction
	(either F, or A ∧ not A, or $original-conjecture). From not-A → F we
	conclude (via modus tollins) that T → A, i.e., that A is a theorem.
	A common mode of the direct disproof is by pigeonholing. 
	To establish A→B: assume A, assume ¬B, then derive a contradiction.
		Often, this is of the form: ¬A, B, False, or C∧¬C for some C.

 DEFINITION  Rephrase the task to one of showing that a certain statement is absurd,
	that from it we can derive its own negation (and/or F and/or any other falsehood. 
 INTU  In politics: Win by attacking your opponent rather than supporting yourself.
 TIES    Up: Prove 
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}    (+, bdy): x is any axiom. ((x,x)(not-x,goal))

⊗2PROVE ∀'s⊗*   Establishing universal conjectures, statements of generality.

 FINAL  {(S is known to be true, .80, .80,)}
 PAST    {(S is of the form ∀x in set X, P(x) holds, .90, .80,intu: direct),
	(ibid, plus X has some int. properties besides its defn, .85, .90, intu: reserve power)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS  {(Domain, less determined, (many alternative formats of S, proof))}
	Fillin: may be easier to prove P holds on a superset of X which has nicer props.
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(a conjecture S of the form ∀x in X, P(x); 
	FAIL or a step-by-step proof or an indirect proof or an ordered set of
	lemmas to prove which would establish S, an operator)}
 WORTH (.9, .9, .6, .5, .7, .65, .4, (formal: 1.0,  intu: a new property of X), .3, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   (Can be used as a model for other universal assertion proofs)

 ALGORITHMS  Here we must put in the techniques and hints for establishing a universal
	property over an entire set. The insane heuristic: it may be easier to establish
	a more rigorous property than P, it may be easier to eastablish it over a
	superset of X.  Cases: one might wish to partition X and prove separately for
	each member of the partition (often only a covering). Indirect: make sure that
	this wasn't originally an ∃; negate it into ∃ form and try to prove it is
	inconsistent with the world.   Representative: pick a prototypical member x
	from X, never say which one it is, then show it has property P.
	Mathematical Induction: q.v.; let Y be the subset of X over which P holds;
	prove that X is contained in Y, that Y is all of X; often by building up Y
	one element at a time, then showing that eventually any prototypical element
	x of X will find its way into Y. Trick of exclusion: to show that ∀x≠bεX.P(x) holds,
	it suffices to show that X = {b}∪{zεX | P(z)}. 
	 An alternative: show that P' holds on all of X, where P'(x) = P(x) ∨ x=b. 
	 An alternative: prove that P holds on X' = {xεX | x≠b} = X-{b}; that is, the
	 proof proceeds by assuming that one additional property of the set is y¬ε of it.

    Directly prove ∀xεX.P(x).
	Let x be an element of X. While x shall remain fixed throughout this proof,
	we never use any property of x except those known to hold for every element
	of X. Try to prove that P holds on element x. 
	Modification: consider cases: cover X with subsets {X↓i}, then prove for each X↓i.

    Indirectly prove ∀xεX.P(x).
	Assume the negation of the conjecture, namely ∃xεX. ¬P(x). So the existence
	of such an element in X is guaranteed. Let z be such an element. That is,
	we assume that z is a member of X, and that P does not hold for z. Now we
	must derive a contradiction (often: P(z), z¬εX, C∧¬C, X=PHI, etc.)

 DEFINITION  Demonstration that property P is implied by the property defining set X.
	Prove that all members of set X satisfy P.
 INTU   It turns out that not only do all x in X satisfy the defining criteria for X,
	they also satisfy P. The defining predicate must therefore imply P non-obviously.
 TIES    Up: Prove 
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}    (+, bdy): S is the assertion ∀x in X, P(x), with P one of these:
	(x is in X), T, x=x.
		(-, bdy): P is one of these: (x is not in X), F, x≠x.


⊗5RECOGNITION GROUPING⊗*    This is very important part, actually!
 FINAL  {(statement true for ⊗4all⊗* members of an ordered structure, .90, .80,),
	(P(x) true for ⊗4all⊗* values of x in an ordered struc., .90, .80,)}
 PAST   {(conjec. to be proved deals with all elements of an infinite set, .70, .60)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS   Prove, demonstrate.
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(a conjecture about all elements of a totally ordered structure,
	FAIL or a theorem (perhaps depending on a set of lemmas), an operator)}
	In general, the conjecture will be of the form ∀xεinf.set,P(x).
 WORTH (.8, .7, .6, .4, .7, .5, .4, (formal: 1.0,  intu: decent), .2, (1.0 basis))
	FILLIN: During the induction, a new β will probably be created. To avoid
		clutter, once it is begun the effort to complete the induction will
		be sustained at a nearly uninterruptable level.  When it finally
		succeeds or fails, the result may be saved as a new β, but the
		process of induction β will die (except: possible retention for
		use as a model for future inductions; iff very distinctive)

 ALGORITHMS   Below are both an abstract and a concrete procedural rendering of the defn:
    Abstract: To show that property Q holds on structure I, consider the set
	SQ = {xεI | Q(x)}. It suffices to show that SQ=I.
	If we already know (thm or axiom) that "any subset of I which satisfies P
	must be all of I (equal to I itself)", then it suffices to show P(SQ).
    Concrete: There are three important activities here, usually done in order:
	Hypothesize: form the inductive hypothesis, typically of the form
		P holds for some member x (or: for x and all earlier membs) of this ord. struc.
		This will eventually let you conclude that P holds over the whole struc.
		FILLIN: don't be afraid to strengthen this if the stronger form is still
			intuitive, and empir. on first few eles., and makes Recurse easier.
			Weaken the hyp. if it seems false, or unprovable otherwise.
				esp: the weakened form can be used as a lemma for ⊗4this⊗* pf.
	Base: prove that P holds for the first element of the ordered structure S.
		FILLIN: If we must prove P(x) for x in S, the base step is usually
			to prove P is true on the first element(s) of S, simplest cases of S.
			Later, during Recurse, if some additional condition would help
			and is true of these cases, then add it to the hypothesis P.
		ALGORITHM: Often, this case is vacouously true, or a known earlier fact.
			It is usually specific enough to examine as a concrete entity/example.
			If it still is hard, but intu. clear, consider making it a lemma.
	Recurse: assuming that P holds for all elements of S before e, prove P(e).
		Alt: assume that P holds for e and for each pred↑*(e). Show that P holds
		on each successor of e. Often, there will only exist one successor.

	If you prove Base for first k elements, then in proving Recurse you can
		assume that e has at least k predessors.

	Conversion: once the induction is completed, how to transform the proof
		in general into a proof for a specific case of the hypothesis.
 REPRESENTATION  (S, P phrased as a predicate on elements of S,(base)*, recurse)
 VIEWS	Perhaps fed in later by the user, perhaps discovered: well-ordering axiom, Ax. of choice;  
	notice that ttese are not meaningful until concept of singleton (hence Function) evolves.

 DEFINITION  Formal technique which lets you prove that every member of an ordered
	structure (list or oset, typically infinite) satisfies a certain predicate.
 INTU   Show that you start, then prove you always go on; conclude you never stop.
 TIES    Up: Active Meta BEINGs, Prove.     Tied to RECURSION, if that is provided.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

⊗2PROVE EXISTENCE⊗*    Establishing existential conjectures, statements of existence.

 FINAL  {(S is known to be true, .80, .80,),
	(at least one particular x↓o in X is known to satisfy a given property,
 	.90, .75, intu: somehow show that there is somebody like that)}
 PAST    {(S is of the form ∃x in set X, P(x) holds, .90, .80, intu: direct),
	(ibid, plus X has some int. properties besides its defn, .50, .85, intu: reserve power)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS  {(Domain, less determined, (many alternative formats of S, proof))}
	Fillin: may be easier to prove P holds somewhere on a subset of X which has nicer props.
		May be easier to show ∀x in W, P(x), where W≠PHI is ⊂ X.
 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(Task, satisfaction set of P over X, (singleton, .90, ∃1 ←←discovered),
	(non-null, .70, ∃ -- this BEING itself),
	(null, .70, there does not exist; equivalent to ∀x in X, NOT(P(x))))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(a conjecture S of the form ∃x in X, P(x); 
	FAIL or an actual example or an indirect proof or an ordered set of
	lemmas to prove which would establish S, an operator)}
 WORTH (.8, .8, .5, .5, .6, .6, .5, (formal: 1.0,  intu: ensure it exists), .25, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   (Can be used as a model for other existential assertion proofs)
	(Some use is known for the particular element satisfying P, once it is found,.7)

 ALGORITHMS  Here we must put in the techniques and hints for establishing an existence.
	Constructive: find such an x. 
	The insane heuristic: it may be easier to establish the existence of an x which
 	satisfies a stronger property than P, 
	it may be easier to eastablish ∃ in a particular small subset of X.  
	Cases: one might wish to partition X and prove the dijunction of the existence
	in each member of the partition (often only a covering). 
	Indirect: make sure that this wasn't originally an ∀;
	negate it into ∀ form and try to prove it is inconsistent with the world.
	Recast: Consider PP = the set defined by property P. Must show that PP∩X ≠ PHI.
	Recast: Consider PX = the property defining X. Must show that
		∃p in PP which satisfies PX(p).  Ensure that this was not done before!
	Analogue to ∀-Induction: let Y be the subset of X over which P holds;
	prove that Y is not empty. Insane: prove that Y contains some given subset of
	Z of X which is trivially non-empty.

 DEFINITION  Demonstration that property P is intersects the property defining set X.
	Prove that some member of set X satisfies P.
 INTU   It turns out that not only do all x in X satisfy the defining criteria for X,
	some of them also satisfy P. 
	The defining predicate must therefore not preclude P.
	PP and X intersect.
 TIES    Up: Prove 
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}    (+, bdy): S is the assertion ∃x in X, P(x), with P one of these:
	(x is in X), T, x=x, x=x↓o with x↓o known to be in X.
		(-, bdy): P is one of these: (x is not in X), F, x≠x, x=x↓o (known not to be in X)

⊗2CONSTRUCTIVELY PROVE EXISTENCE⊗*   Build up an example to prove one exists.

 FINAL  {(S is known to be true, .75, .70,),
	(at least one particular x↓o in X is known to satisfy a given property,
	.80, .75, intu: to show that there is somebody like that, find such a critter)}
 PAST    {(S is of the form ∃x in set X, P(x) holds, .80, .70, intu: direct),
	(ibid, plus X is accessable and not too big, .90, .95, intu: exhaustive search),
	(ibid, plus X has some int. properties besides its defn, .50, .85, intu: reserve power)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS  {(Algorithm, less determined, (many alternatives,.70, prove ∃ any way))}
 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(Task, satisfaction set of P over X, (singleton, .90, constructively find unique x),
	(non-null, .70, constructively show ∃ -- this BEING itself),
	(null, .70, there does not exist; equivalent to direct pf of ∀x in X, NOT(P(x)))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(a conjecture S of the form ∃x in X, P(x); 
	FAIL or an actual example -- a specific element of X satisfying P, an operator)}
 WORTH (.8, .7, .6, .6, .5, .6, .5, (formal: 1.0,  intu: find one which ∃), .25, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   (Can be used as a model for other constructive existential assertion proofs)
	(Some use is known for the particular element satisfying P, once it is found,.7)

 ALGORITHMS  Here we must put in the techniques and hints for actually finding a specific
	element x of a given set X which satisfies a particular property P.
	Nest: Show that x must be in some proper subset X' of X, then that it must
	be in X'' (a small subset of X'), etc., until some X↑(↑n↑) is a singleton.
	The insane heuristic: it may be easier to find the set of all x in X satisfying P.
		It may be easier to find an x satisfying a stronger property than P.
		It may be easier to prove that ∀x in X'⊂X, P(x), also that X'≠PHI.
		It may be easier to eastablish ∃ in a particular small subset of X.  
	Cases: one might wish to partition X and simult. search each member.
	Indirect: find all the elements in X which don't satisfy P(x) and cross them out.
	Recast: Consider PP = the set defined by property P. Must find x in PP∩X.
	Recast: Consider PX = the property defining X. Must find an element p in PP
		which satisfies PX(p).  Ensure that this was not recast before!
	Direct: Take known specific entities and ops (often their inverses, too), and
		build up a new entity x (which is intuitively believed to show existence).
		Then you mus show that x is in fact in X, and that P does hold on x.
	Exhaustion: If X is little and P (or its negation) is easy/quick to test,
		then search all of X, seiving with P as the test criterion.
	Dual: Consider PP = {x | P(x)} and PX (the property εX). Recast the problem as
		∃xεPP. PX(x).  Don't do this more than once for the same problem, though!
	Coincidence: We know, via an OK statement (earlier thm, axiom, hypothesis
		about the set X), that ∃zεZ.P(z). Consider such a z. It may be the desired
		member of X; if not, set up an analogy Z↔X and try to map z over.
		Slightly more general: z satisfies P' which is close to P in some sense.

 DEFINITION  Find some element satisfying both property P and the property defining set X.
	Exhibit some member of set X satisfying P.
 INTU   Seive through X with a P-seive, catching some x.
	Recast: construct PP and use PX-seive.
	Find an element in the intersection of PP and X.
 TIES    Up: Prove, ∃
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}    (bdy): S is the assertion ∃x in {y}/PHI, P(x).
	This is + if P(y), - if not(P(y)).

⊗2NONCONSTRUCTIVELY DEDUCE EXISTENCE⊗*  Prove that some such entity, though unknown, ⊗4must⊗* exist.

 FINAL  {(S is known to be true, .75, .70,)}
 PAST    {(S is of the form ∃x in set X, P(x) holds, .80, .70, intu: direct),
	(ibid, plus X is inaccessable and/or huge, .90, .95, intu: can't do exhaus. search),
	(ibid, plus X has some int. properties besides its defn, .50, .85, intu: reserve power)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS  {(Algorithm, less determined, (many alternatives,.70, prove ∃ any way))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(a conjecture S of the form ∃x in X, P(x); 
	FAIL or an indirect proof that such an  x  must exist in X, an operator)}
 WORTH (.7, .7, .5, .6, .7, .5, .4, (formal: 1.0,  intu: can't construct one), .2, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST   (Can be used as a model for other nonconstructive existential assertion proofs)

 ALGORITHMS  Here we must put in the techniques and hints for proving ∃ without actually
	finding a satisfactory element x.  We are assuming that the conjec. is ∃xεX.P(x).
	Indirect: Let N={yεX | ¬P(y)}. Prove that N is not all of X.
		Often: do this by showing that N possesses some property that X doesn't.
		Sometimes: show X satisfies some property that N doesn't.
		Indirect: Assume that N=X and get a contradiction.
	Nest: Show that x must exist in some superset X' of X, then that it must
	be in X'' (a subset of X'), etc., until some X↑(↑n↑) is ⊂ X.
	The insane heuristic: 
		it may be easier to prove the set of all x in X satisfying P ≠ PHI.
		It may be easier to prove ∃x satisfying a stronger property than P.
		It may be easier to prove that ∃X'⊂X,X'≠PHI, s.t. ∀x in X', P(x).
		It may be easier to establish ∃ in some nonnullsubset of X.  
	Cases: one might wish to partition X and indirectly prove disjunction.
	Recast: Consider PP = the set defined by property P. Prove  ∃x in PP∩X.
	Recast: Consider PX = the property defining X. Nonconstruc. prove ∃p in PP
		which satisfies PX(p).  Ensure that this was not recast before!
	Usually: Negate and show that the resultant ∀ conjecture is absurd.

 DEFINITION  Without actually finding one, prove that some element of X satisfies P.
	Show that the assertion that PX and P (or that X and PP) are disjoint is absurd.
 INTU   Show that there must be some such satisfactory element, even if we can't name it.
	It is unthinkable that no element of X would satisfy P.
 TIES    Up: Prove, ∃
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}    (bdy): S is the assertion ∃x in Universe, P(x), where
	P is known to be satsifiable (+) or unsatisfiable (-).

⊗2DISPROVE⊗*    Establish definitively that conjecture x is false, invalid.

 CHANGES  {x goes from conjec to falsehood, .90, .80, )}
 FINAL  {(x is known to be false, .85, .80,)}
 PAST   {truth of x is unsure, v. imp., suspected to be false, .90, .75)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS   (Result, Desired truth value for x, (true, .80, prove),
	(don't care, .80, test))}
 SPECIALIZATIONS  (Algorithm, specific variety,
	(forward inferences and specializations of x leading to F, .80, counterexample),
	(try to prove negation(x), .80, indirect disproof))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(a conjecture, FAIL or a disproof or a counterexample, op)}
 WORTH (.7, .8, .6, .5, .8, .6, .4, (formal: 1.0,  intu: medium), .4, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST      (The conjecture was believed to be true until this was discovered)

 ALGORITHMS  Pass control to the type of disproving which recognizes the curr. sit. best.
	Switch if it bogs down.

	Pigeonholing: show that the conjecture is just a claim of the form "each x belongs to some
	class in this partitioning", then find an x which you can show belongs to none,
	or show that each pigeonhole only holds one x but there are more x's than holes,
	and no single x can fit in more than or less than one hole.

	Cases: show that the conjecture implies a disjunction, then disprove each disjunct.
	Strengthen: show that the conjecture implies a conjunction, then disprove one conjunct.
	Recast: prove that the negation of the statement is a theorem (don't recast twice!)
		Instance: the conjecture is a statment of generality: find one exception.
		Instance: statement is ∃xεX.P(x). Prove ∀xεX. ¬P(x).

 DEFINITION  Formal techniques for establishing that a given conjecture is in fact F.
 INTU  Methods which are guaranteed to be reliable or to tell you that they have failed.
 TIES    Up: Test    Side: Prove.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}

⊗2CONSTRUCTIVELY DISPROVE⊗*    Directly establish the falsity.
   Some of this activity might be distributed among the parts of "Counterexample"

For the moment, we shall put all our techniques in one category; if this really
warrants a new β during our hand simulation, we shall fill it in before coding.

⊗2INDIRECTLY DISPROVE⊗*   Generally nonconstructive.

For the moment, we shall put all our techniques in one category; if this really
warrants a new β during our hand simulation, we shall fill it in before coding.

⊗2DEBUG⊗*    Correct, eliminate a bug.

 CHANGES   {(perfection of piece of knowledge/code, .80, .85, repair)}
 PAST   {(error message from system: interrupts go here, .90, .95, alterations of clothes)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 GENERALIZATIONS  Undo, reverse, eliminate, reconcile, solve, fix.
 DOMAIN/RANGE  (situations in which bugs occur, those in which they have gone away,repair operation),
	(sits in which imp. x malfunctions, sit in which x is no longer considered important, give up)
 WORTH (.1, .4, .4, .5, .6, .5, .4, (formal: empirical; intu: fallability), .1, (1.0 basis))
	FILLIN: Generally, one will work until the bug goes away, then let the new debug β die.
		Retain, however, some indication of how it was fixed and why that way.
 INTEREST   The origin was unexpected, it requires a modification of some previous beliefs.

 ALGORITHMS   Look up in table the meaning of the error message, access canned routine to fix.
	Scrutinize the origin to see why this is syntactically (or sem) illegal in LISP.
	Decide whether the effort to fix it is becoming too costly, then postpone the goal.
 REPRESENTATION	 (bug, (effort, result)*)
 VIEWS   (communicate a better or more detailed version of trigger to op-system)
	(understand the contradiction well enough to correct it and prevent future occurrences)

 DEFINITION  A bug has been found and is impeding progress, or is degrading the reliability of 
	the system's beliefs.  It is necessary to understand this to be able to correct
	the situation. Often, the way to fix it is clear simply from the error message
	received; occasionally some infeence will be required to see how to fix it up.

	No "syntactic" definition should be alone here; a "semantic" one is a
	practical necessity.
 INTU  Unbearable situation is being dealt with. Handle an interrupt. Close credability gap.
	Alter clothes which don't fit. Fix a malfunctioning car. Wise up.
 TIES  Up: Active Meta BEING  
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}  

⊗2COMMUNICATE⊗*    Create, translate, and analyze messages.

 CHANGES  {intelligibility of message M, .80, .85, )}
 FINAL  {(message M can be understood, .80, .80,)}
 PAST  {(X wants Y informed of M but  Y can't understand M directly, .90, .90)}
 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS  (contents, complexity, (simple enough,.9, no transformation needed)
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(message in one format, message in another format, an operator)}
 WORTH (.3, .2, .02, .4, .7, .5, .4, (formal: low,  intu: hifh), .5, (1.0 basis))
	FILLIN: almost always destroy after message is transformed successfully or otherwise.
 INTEREST   There is a huge family difference between receiver and sender.

 ALGORITHMS    Two main paths: communicate with user or with other BEINGs.
	Along the former are special routines for each direction of information flow.
	The latter has ways for creating messages rich enough with imagery, intu, examples
		to be understood by any other BEING, other techniques, etc.
 REPRESENTATION  (part of original message, (change, result, why)* )*

 DEFINITION  Informal techniques for manipulating information which is to be passed.
 INTU  Alterations on a dress passed down to another. Translate a book into another lang.
 TIES    Up: Active Meta BEINGs.       Down: Communicate with user, InterBEING Communicate.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}     (bdy,+): message is on boundary, e.g. just a BEING part.
	(-): no translation whatsoever is necessary

⊗2COMMUNIC. with USER⊗*

For now we assume perfect translation capabilities. The simulation and the actual
running first phase will help constrain what must be present here.

⊗2TRANSLATE  English into Beings⊗*

⊗2TRANSLATE  Beings into English⊗*

⊗2USER⊗*   Model of the human user.

⊗2COMMUNIC. with other BEINGs⊗*

For the moment, we shall put all our techniques in one category; if this really
warrants a new β during our hand simulation, we shall fill it in before coding.

⊗2RELATION META BEINGs⊗* Active meta-Beings which are relations more than operations.

 IDEN {not}{quick}

⊗5ALTER GROUPING⊗*  It is not clear whether any ⊗4new⊗* β's in this category will ever be created.
 SPECIALIZATIONS  {(justif, degree of formality maintained,
	(absolute, .40, not any known initially),
	(hazy, .70, all currnelt known)),
		(domain/range, restricted to known type of meta-Being,
	(both math systems, .70, isomorphism),
	(both systems of axioms, .60, categoricity))}
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(some meta-β's (esp. static meta β's),{T,F}, relation/pred)}
 WORTH (.4, .4, .4, .5, .8, .3, .4, (formal: low, intu: variable), .4, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  (Quite surprising that there is any close tie between the args)


 DEFINITION  Activities which result in the tying of existing (usually static) meta β material.
	That is, a relation on a cross-product of static meta-BEINGs.
	Alt: an Active Meta Being which has the character of a relation more than an operation.
 INTU  Some similarity between two very high level constructs. A very abstract relationship.
 TIES    Up: Active meta BEING, Relation.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}
 CONTENTS    Not clear that these β's will ever have Contents in any meaningful sense.
⊗2ISOMORPHISM⊗*  Equivalence of a pair of mathematical theories .

 IDEN {not}{quick}

 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(AMathTheory↑2, {T,F}, relation/pred)}
 WORTH (.5, .5, .4, .5, .8, .3, .4, (formal: low, intu: variable), .5, (1.0 basis))
 INTEREST  (The two systems arose from different motivations, have different instances)


 DEFINITION   Only a fuzzy definition exists. See examples and intu parts for more info.
	Let M be a mathematical theory with basis B, axioms A, and let M' be a mathematical
	system with basis B' and axioms A'. We then say that M and M' are isomorphic
	if there exists a complete analogy R between B and B', in the sense that each
	structure S has a correspondent S', similarly each active, each distinguished
	element, each distinguished subset, and they all satisfy (f(x))' = f'(x').
	In addition, the analogy must be an operation which is as specific as possible
	while being complete: it should be single-valued, defined on all of B, the
	image of B should be all of B', distinguished elements should map into '-distinguished
	elements, etc.

	We use the sets of axioms, A and A', to help prove the needed facts about the
	equality between a certain f working on a certain S, and the f' operation at work
	on the S' structure. That is, we use the axioms to prove all the needed facts
	of the form (f(x))' = f'(x') which are demanded by the definition above.
 INTU  Resemblance, similarity, family traits.   Equivalence for all mathematical purposes.
 TIES    Up: Relation meta BEING, Relation.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}   see pages 225,226,228,229 of Kershner.
⊗2CATEGORICITY⊗*  Uniqueness of any set of axioms for a math theory with a given basis.

 IDEN {not}{quick}

 SPECIALIZATIONS   Uniqueness (if this exists in the system)
 DOMAIN/RANGE {not}   {(AAxiom-set↑2, {T,F}, relation/pred)}
 WORTH (.3, .4, .6, .4, .8, .2, .3, (formal: fuzzy, intu: variable), .3, (1.0 basis))
	This is often undesirable, since it means that there can't be more than one
	meaningfully different instance of any mathematical system with these axioms
	as the axioms of its foundation; this saves time from being wasted looking for more.
 INTEREST  (There are two different instances (with this set of axioms) that appear distinct)


 DEFINITION   Only a fuzzy definition exists. See examples and intu parts for more info.
	We say that a mathematical system is of type A iff its set of foundation axioms is A.
	We say that A is categorical iff any two mathematical theories of type A are
		necessarily isomorphic.
	The fuzziness arises from the dependence upon the fuzzy notion of isomorphism.
 INTU  Abstractly unique. The rules of the game are so constraining that there can be
	only one legal sequence of moves, only one playable game.
 TIES    Up: Relation meta BEING, Relation.
	Analogy:  categoricity is to consistency as uniqueness is to existence.
 EXAMPLES {not} {bdy}   it shouldn't actually be told these things: (+): Natural numbers
	(-): Groups
⊗3ENVIRONMENT⊗*   Model of system functions.

What the BEINGs must know about the env. should be made clear during the simulation.


⊗2INTERESTINGNESS⊗*  ⊗7Notice this differs from the archetypical part-name Interest.⊗*


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